At the east gate of the palace, a pair of women are confronting countless bodyguards holding swords. A group of bodyguards surrounded the two people, and the cold sword was on their necks.

The two women are beautiful and beautiful, at the moment they are under the oppression of is particularly delicate and pitiful. But the bodyguard will not forget his duty because of his beauty:

"who are you two? You know this is a palace! Why do you want to break into the palace in your capacity? Say, what is your purpose

The bodyguard's eyebrows were cold and erect to the two people. In the winter, some shivering, he hid behind the summer. Looking at the guard with timid eyes, he was obviously frightened.

In the summer, there was also fear in his eyes, but he forced himself to calm down and reply: "our family has been greatly wronged. Today, I want to see the emperor and ask him to help us clean up our grievances. "

"Even if you are wronged, you should go to the Ministry of criminal justice. Why did you break into the palace? What's more, it's impossible for you two to enter the palace. It's better not to be wishful thinking again

Perhaps knowing that the two men had no bad purpose, the guard's tone softened a lot. But the look is still full of indifference.

"Brother bodyguard, I know that our sisters are embarrassed to do so. But only the emperor can clean up the grievances of our sisters and sisters. "

"Please, let us two sisters go into the palace to see the emperor! Please, please do me a favor

Summer eye socket all red a circle son, while low spirited pleading, kowtow to this bodyguard at the same time. Summer is under the cruel, kowtow sound is not small.

Not a few, the forehead quickly swelling a bag. The bodyguard looked at them and felt a little unbearable, but his duty was to guard the palace.

"You'd better think of something else! Is the emperor what you want to see and see? " The bodyguard was moved with compassion, but still refused to let go.

Summer seems to know that he can't see the Emperor today, and there is a flash of despair in his look. All of a sudden, she looked firmly at the guard:

"if we sisters can't clean up the injustice for our family. What's the point of living in this world? Since we can't see the emperor, no one can make decisions for us. "

"In that case, I'll be dead on the wall today. Otherwise, one day to the hell, also have no face to face my parents

Summer said, and looked at the guard with a sad look: "my sister and I are not going to embarrass you in Japan. I know it's your duty, but my sister has always been timid. "

"I'm gone and no one will take care of her. Brother bodyguard, I beg you to take good care of my sister after I leave! If you can't, find a better family and sell it to be a servant girl. "

"As long as I can feed and clothe my sister, I will be satisfied." Summer side said, the corner of the eye shed a few crystal clear tears. The bodyguard felt something was wrong.

But before he opened his mouth to say anything, summer suddenly broke free from the shackles of the public, and ran into the palace wall not far away.

Originally everyone was shocked by the summer's words, and now such a situation has no time to intercept. Just when everyone thought the poor woman would splash blood on the spot, long Tianze appeared.

He appeared by the time. As soon as he came out, he saw that zhixia broke away from his shackles. Long Tianze, who had already understood what he was going to do, immediately began to use his lightness skills.

Successfully intercepted her before hitting the palace wall in the summer. He let go of the woman in his arms and frowned: "what consequence are you looking for death in the palace?"

"Of course I know! But dozens of my family have been framed and killed by villains. If I can't clean up the injustice for my family, what's the significance of living on? "

Summer's face is very pale, it seems that he did not think of his heart to die, but was saved. She didn't know the people in front of her, but the guards did.

"The ninth prince!" Watching a large area of people Hula kneeling down, the summer can not believe that the eyes of their own. Then he hurriedly walked to Zhidong and knelt down with her:

"the ninth prince, please take charge of the people's daughter's family! Please take the nine princes into the palace

Long Tianze didn't quite understand the situation. The bodyguard explained to him in a low voice. When he got to know the situation here, long Tianze frowned:

"ordinary cases can be tried by the criminal department. But the woman was forced to bump into the palace wall. I'm afraid there is a lot of involvement behind this. "

"I value being a prince and son, so I should share my worries for my father and Emperor. It's something that my father should know. " Long Tianze was worried about the country and the people and cheated many people present.

Many people think that long Tianze's approach is very right. I don't know what dirty things are hiding behind this! What's more, long Tianze is the emperor's son. Now he wants to make decisions for the people, so he has been praised."But you two need to think about it. Naturally, I can take you into the palace to see my father. But if what you say is not true, I'm afraid you will be guilty of cheating on the emperor

Long Tianze looked at the two women kneeling on the ground and said the situation indifferently. Xia zhixia nodded his head firmly and looked at long Tianze gratefully:

"thank you very much for your decision! Today, the women of the people must see the emperor. Only the emperor can administer justice for the people's daughter family! "

The words have already said on such a part, had long Tianze to guide the way for these two women, that bodyguard no matter how can not continue to block.

In the summer and the winter, two people successfully entered the palace. Maybe they were born with a kind of fear of the aristocrats. They were all cowardly walking behind long Tianze.

Long Tianze's eyes were dim and he glanced back at two people. He couldn't tell what he felt in his heart. If he had not known the truth of the matter in advance, he would have been blinded.

After all, the two women acted really well.

Long Tianze's summer and winter are not without feeling. It's just that when they are so excited, they don't have much mind to care about the eyes of others.

All they want now is revenge! After so many years, they would often dream of such a miserable scene. Every time I think about my parents and relatives, I cry a lot.

Now, the opportunity for revenge has finally come!

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