"Lan Yi, what's going on with rose? Why have I never heard of rose getting married Although she had been shut up since she came back, she had no news to such an extent.

What's more, she sent a Nuo and a rou to inquire about the news of the capital every day. I've never heard of a literary family marrying a daughter!

Mo Qingyan asked about this matter, He Lan Yi's face was somewhat embarrassed. She didn't even know where to start and how to say it. Finally, he just sighed helplessly:

"this is a long story. It's not a good place to talk. When the party is over, I'll tell you the whole story. "

"All right." This seems to be the only way. Mo Qingyan did not know what Chu Rou had prepared, so she had to be careful.

"Here comes the ninth prince!" All of a sudden, there was a lot of people around. Mo Qingyan only heard such a sentence. Can't help but sneer two, look at the Dragon Tianze really can't wait.

"Princess, are you all right?" At first he LAN Yi didn't feel much, but after hearing Mo Qingyan's cold hum, he suddenly remembered that long Tianze and Mo Qingyan were still engaged.

So she frowned. She had a bad sense of longtianze. At present, the impression of him is directly to the bottom. She looked at Mo Qingyan carefully and asked.

Mo Qingyan shook her head: "what can I do? Sooner or later, this marriage will be dissolved. " It can be seen that Mo Qingyan really doesn't care about this matter. It's not pretending.

He Lan Yi felt relieved a lot, but he couldn't help feeling indignant: "this nine Prince is really too much! Obviously, I still have a engagement with you now, but I've got in touch with Chu rou. "

"Are we all blind? I can't see that his mind is in the Emperor... " Words have not yet, He Lan Yi's mouth is covered by Mo Qingyan.

Mo Qingyan looked at her severely: "Lan Yi! What's this place? How can you say such a thing? Have you forgotten the truth that walls have ears? "

Thanks to Mo Qingyan's quick eyes and quick hands, He Lan Yi did not let the rest of the words come out. He Lan Yi, who had some doubts, already understood it now.

Can't help but some of the scared patted his chest, pursed his lips, a look of guilty looking at Mo Qingyan: "I, I forgot!" He Lan Yi's annoyed look looks very lovely.

Mo Qingyan slightly shook his head, but also did not really angry with Helan Yi. Long Tianze is invited by Chu rou. In fact, Chu Rou is to use long Tianze to add obstruction to Mo Qingyan.

She met up and took long Tianze's arm. Smile YingYing and long Tianze talk, but eyes are always paying attention to Mo Qingyan here.

When Mo Qingyan doesn't care about fighting with Helan Yi, the smile on Chu Rou's face becomes a little reluctant. How to say that feeling?

It's like you get your favorite toy, and then show off to others in order to get the envy of others. But I didn't think that other people didn't like the toy at all, let alone put your beloved toy in the eye.

Chu Rou's face was a little ugly. Of course, long Tianze could see it. He also wanted to ask if Chu Rou was not feeling well, but he saw Mo Qingyan in Chu Rou's eyes.

The eye light stagnated for a few seconds. When she looked at Chu Rou again, her eyes were already stained with discontent. How could he not see through Chu Rou's mind?

However, he would not like to admit that Chu Rou used him as a tool to show off. Long Tianze was a little angry, but he didn't brush Chu Rou's face in public.

The maple Appreciation Banquet officially began, and everyone had their own seats in the order of their seats. Long Tianze sits in a high position. Mo Qingyan is not far away from long Tianze because of her identity.

As the host of this banquet, Chu Rou is not far away from longtianze. In this way, Chu Rou and Mo Qingyan, one on the left and one on the right, looked like his imperial concubine and his side imperial concubine.

Mo Qingyan hates this feeling very much. However, she didn't say anything. Chu Rou's eyes slightly took a sharp look at Mo Qingyan. The corner of his mouth caught a strange smile.

"Today I invite you to the banquet because I passed through the Maple Grove a few days ago and saw that the maple leaves on the tree are really beautiful. But in a few days, the maple leaves will fall naturally

"I just thought about it and felt very sad. I really can't bear to see the maple leaves fall on the ground and turn into dust, so I held such a unique Maple Appreciation Banquet

"Present everything you have prepared." Chu Rou first explained to everyone, then remembered his own voice and called to the door of the banquet hall.

Subsequently, the maids of the prime minister's mansion then dragged the tray one by one. Come to each lady's seat, put the shaped maple leaves on the tray on the lady's table.

Then he left in a very orderly way. Mo Qingyan looked down at dozens of maple leaves on the table, blinked his eyes and collected the light of disdain."This maple leaf was picked up one by one in the maple leaf forest by the servants of the prime minister's mansion. Although only a small part of it is picked up, it is enough to hold this Maple Appreciation Banquet! "

"It's just a pity that there is not enough room for the prime minister's residence to build a maple leaf forest. Please forgive me, ladies and gentlemen

These maple leaves are very exquisite, and deliberately put on the tray in a messy way. At first glance, there is a sense of messy beauty.

But in a careful look, you can feel the strong autumn. These ladies and ladies were originally elegant people, and naturally highly praised such things.

But Chu Rou picked this time and said Mo Qingyan's embarrassment to herself just before the banquet started. What a sinister intention!

Although most of these ladies and ladies did not see with their own eyes the incident that Mo Qingyan embarrassed Chu Rou, they were able to spread the story from ten to one hundred. It is said by all people that it is difficult to distinguish the truth from the false.

The bottom disorderly rises, Mo Qingyan sarcastically hooks the lip. Now, even if she could not hear, she could guess what the ladies would say.

She took a cold look at Chu Rou, who was proud of her mouth. She only felt that she was really naive and boring. She tried again and again to ruin her reputation, but never succeeded.

I don't know where she comes from. I always feel that I won't solve the dilemma she gives.

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