Helan clothes was urgently carried back to he's home, Madame he and his adults almost did not faint after seeing it. And Mo Qingyan also first came to the congratulatory mansion.

When I came in, I saw his face heavy. Mo Qingyan couldn't help but feel very guilty to he's family. She stepped forward and whispered, "Lord he!"

"Princess Wenzhao!" He turned around and saw Mo Qingyan with a bitter smile. Of course, Mo Qingyan knows why she is.

"Lord he, don't worry! I've sent for a doctor. I will certainly get justice for LAN Yi

"Fair? Princess, do you know why LAN Yi became like this, don't you? " Adult he suddenly became very excited. If it wasn't for his identity, he would like to jump on it and shake Mo Qingyan's shoulder.

"Congratulations! Madame he is still inside. Let's go to the study and talk about it. " Mo Qingyan frowned and quickly motioned to the people around him to help him.

"Good, good! I want to see if it's the beast who dares to treat my daughter like this. " Mr. He doesn't even know how to express his anger at the moment.

In his whole life, he had such a daughter with his wife. At the beginning, when the master of sending children to the capital, Mo Qingyan did not let him give them diagnosis and treatment.

However, the two of them even felt that it was difficult to cure their illness. Therefore, although they took the medicine prescribed by the holy hand of Songzi, they did not have much hope.

Now even his only daughter was so badly hurt that he was so angry. Mo Qingyan and he all the way to the study, looking at his appearance, but from the bottom of my heart to feel gratified.

"Mr. He, this was done by Chu rou. But I was also a little puzzled. How could Chu Rou find someone to make the blue clothes look like this? There must be something we don't know about. "

"Please don't worry, Mr. He. I've already put the animal in Dalan into private prison. I don't know what Lord he wants to do with that beast? "

Since this matter concerns Helan Yi, the he family is entitled to speak on how to deal with the murderer. Therefore, although Mo Qingyan knew that he was extremely angry and irrational, she still asked him for his opinion.

"Princess, the old minister also asked the princess to help the old minister's family to interrogate the animal. The old minister's daughter has become like this. Naturally, he has no mind to interrogate him. "

"Don't worry, Lord he, even if you don't explain it. The princess will never let that man go! But now that it is known that Chu Rou ordered it, can you tell me what happened in the capital recently? "

Mo Qingyan really can't think of it. Chu Rou has always been aimed at herself, and she broke the plot of Helan Yi early in the morning. Isn't the Zheng family enough to be the chicken that makes an example?

But how could Chu Rou choose to fight the people around her again? Mo Qingyan's intuition tells her, absolutely not only because this period of time oneself did not have in the capital city.

When he heard these words, he couldn't help sitting on the chair. He looked at Mo Qingyan for a while and then told her what happened in the capital city during this period.

Half an hour later, along with the voice of adult he, the study suddenly fell silent. Mo Qingyan's face is also very ugly, she never thought that there should be Longsheng's handwriting.

It's impossible! Logically speaking, Long Sheng is still confused by the peach princess. How could he do such a thing? It's really unreasonable for her.

Is it hard for her to go into the palace to see the peach princess in person? Thinking that she hasn't entered the palace since she came back, Mo Qingyan has really raised a few points of guilt to the peach princess.

"Mr. He, can you be sure that there is something about him in this matter?" Mo Qingyan out of prudence or asked, he adults but extremely bitter nod.

"The emperor's side has always been a team of dark guards. We ministers all know that, but we never thought that we would be the target of attack one day

Looking at the bitterness in his eyes, Mo Qingyan doesn't even know how to comfort him. But suddenly she thought of Chu Rou, and she probably understood.

I'm afraid that Chu Rou and Long Sheng are also involved together, so long Sheng will make such a decision! But now that she was back, they were making trouble.

"Don't worry, Lord he! I'll go to the palace Mo Qingyan leaves the study of he's family in a hurry. The adult he also leaves here anxiously and walks to the room of He Lan Yi.

"Princess Wenzhao, please see you!" Taoguifei was originally making Rouge gouache. She suddenly heard Mo Qingyan asking for a meeting, and she couldn't help but pick her eyebrows.

"Let her in!" The action on the hand did not stop, peach Princess just told the maid to open the Palace door for Mo Qingyan. Mo Qingyan rushed into the room in a hurry. She couldn't help the black line when she saw her face leisurely.

Her allies are almost destroyed by the men she controls. She still has the heart to make these Rouge gouache? Although Mo Qingyan felt a little angry, it was not unreasonable.Naturally, they will not vent their anger at will on the peach princess. "Do you know to come to see me? You have never come to see me since you returned to the capital. "

Looking at the people at the bottom, peach Princess couldn't help but hook her lips and smile. Mo Qingyan looks at her appearance to know that she does not know what happened now.

Face color suddenly sink down, Mo Qingyan know. There must be something wrong with the peach princess!

"Peach princess, do you know something happened to Helan Yi?" This event has already been spread all over the capital city, but Princess Tao looks at Mo Qingyan in amazement:

"what happened? What's the matter? "

Mo Qingyan looked at the daze in her eyes, instantly determined that someone had changed the people around her. Her face was not good-looking, and she seemed to understand what had happened.

When Wenqiang had an accident, she did not get the news. When Miyagi got to her, she only said that she didn't know about her.

But now, He Lan Yi's story has spread all over the capital. But no one to tell themselves, peach princess is not silly, Mo Qingyan can think of things, she can naturally want to understand.

"Good! How dare you put someone in my side Peach princess is angry, she directly overturned the table in front of her. Mo Qingyan looked at her helplessly:

"what do you do with your ange

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