And he father and his mother, who had been waiting outside the door, breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the heartrending cry of He Lan Yi.

Although they also love their daughter, but now such a situation, crying out is really vent out. Sure enough, Mo Qingyan has a great influence on Helan Yi.

"Lao he, all these years. We both have only one daughter. You are a little more strict with her at home, but I wish I could hold her in my hand

"She's been spoiled and brought up since childhood, and she has never been wronged like this. Now I've been calculated to such an extent that I'm really unwilling to do so! "

He's mother wiped her tears and watched him complain. She has always been gentle, virtuous and dignified, but now she clearly told him that he was angry.

"I see what you mean! LAN Yi is also my only daughter. Naturally, I won't let her be bullied like this He Fu's eyes are also full of hate.

In the imperial court, he Fu's official position was not big. Therefore, there is no right to speak on many issues, which is why he Fu has been able to maintain a neutral position until now.

But how could he not think of it, even if he did not take the initiative to provoke others. However, there are still people who take the initiative to add to their own unhappiness, moved their own but nothing, but moved their own daughter.

Since someone has the intention to make himself unhappy, he does not have to be so careful and painstaking to live. Thinking of his conversation with Mo Qingyan some time ago, he Fu couldn't help but sneer.

I'm afraid that after a period of time, these people who still have spare power to calculate their own family will not be able to spare time. It was time for him and his family to find another way out.

"Well, isn't it all right?" Inside the room, Mo Qingyan waited until the person in her arms was no longer crying in despair, and turned to low breath, then she patted her back gently.

He Lan Yi sobbed and nodded his head gently. And Mo Qingyan is always gently patting her back: "you don't worry, bully you, I will certainly not let him go."

"I've already sent all the people who appeared in the back garden of the prime minister's mansion. You can do whatever you want to do with them, but don't get angry with them. "

"That's not a valuable business. It's not a very valuable business." Mo Qingyan gentle voice of persuasion, Helan Yi is finally to stop their emotions.

Just when she raised her head that moment, Mo Qingyan looked at the hatred of her eyes were surprised. She has always been lively and outgoing, and has never had a grudge against others.

Now it seems that these things are completely touching the bottom line of Helan clothes. Mo Qingyan is not worried about those damned people. She just hopes he LAN Yi will not lose herself for hatred.

"Who do you want to bully me in the back room?" The indifference on Helan Yi's face hurt Mo Qingyan's heart.

But her words also let Mo Qingyan's heart sink for a while, Mo Qingyan looked at her and asked slowly: "who is it?"

"It's the husband rose wants to marry!" He Lan Yi's face is full of hate like human flesh. And Mo Qingyan's anger at the bottom of her heart also reached the peak at this moment.

Chu Rou is a good schemer! She's calculating. They don't think it's enough. She wants to disgust them to death!

It's disgusting for a literary lady to marry such a miserable person. Chu Rou, on the other hand, has to plan to let him continue to have relations with his daughter.

If this thing is done, will not the daughters of the two officials serve those who work like that together? Mo Qingyan has already inquired about this person's identity.

Naturally we know that he has no official rank, and even he is just a villain in. Such a person, however, wanted to have a relationship with two official ladies, and let them serve him together.

Isn't Chu Rou a person who wants to disgust the two great sons of Wen family and he family? If the people in Chengzhong know, which one won't come to see the jokes of the two families?

"Lan Yi, don't worry! Since I have come back, I will definitely not let Chu Rou's calculations succeed. I'll get your grievances back sooner or later. Along with the rose

Mo Qingyan's eyes flash. She wasn't talking big. At the moment, though it had been spread all over the place, it was not hopeless.

She was born again, so of course she would not be baffled by these little things. Wenqiang's reputation is completely ruined, but what's the difficulty?

When she and Lin Zifeng successfully made that big thing, find a chance to let Wenqiang feign death, change the identity that no one knows is not an easy thing?

At that time, even if Wenqiang wants to stay in the capital, Mo Qingyan has a way. As for Helan Yi, it's simpler. People outside didn't know about it.

Chu Rou was afraid that the "adulterer" she had designed before had disappeared, and she was afraid that she would not be able to create any kind of fatal rumors.This matter Mo Qingyan can easily press down. Even if Chu Rou's mind is more vicious? In the end, she couldn't succeed.

But Mo Qingyan is from He Lan Yi's mouth to hear out, she and Wenqiang two people are not really bullied by that beast.

Wenqiang that matter said or one of ten thousand fluke. At that time, although the animal got Chu Rou's silver, he did not dare to mess with an official woman.

Therefore, although the two people's coats were stripped off, there was no substantial relationship. But in the end, it still succeeded in ruining Wenqiang's reputation.

The man of the literary family had to marry his daughter to the beast. As for Helan Yi here, that animal really had a bad idea that day.

I feel that these two officials are going to be wives for themselves in the future. What can you be afraid of? What's more, the young lady who was looking for life and death was not going to marry herself now?

In this way, the man felt that he was only exercising his husband's rights in advance. However, He Lan Yi resisted fiercely, he was forced to have no patience.

So he began to fight Helan clothes. At last, when they were found, they didn't take advantage of Helan clothes. Therefore, both of them were still innocent.

After hearing such news, Mo Qingyan was relieved for her two friends. No matter what the reputation is, the body is still innocent!

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