"Yan'er, this matter is really miss Chu's negligence. Will let Miss He encounter such a thing at the party, but you don't want to let this matter spread out to Yan'er? "

"As you said, miss he is still innocent. But no matter what, if this matter is said, Miss He, as a woman, will always suffer from the loss. "

"Yan'er should not not understand this truth?" Long Tianze sat quietly for a while before he regained his thoughts. But Mo Qingyan is facial expression to become more ugly.

She has always known long Tianze's character, but did not expect that he could threaten himself with the reputation of Helan clothes.

"is it hard to negotiate with her? The ninth Prince is sincere to miss Chu, but I'm also curious. Who's the baby in Miss Chu's stomach

Mo Qingyan knew that Chu Rou might be pregnant. After all, it was the same in her last life. At the moment, she didn't just say it out of her mouth, but wanted to let long Tianze taste the threatened taste.

"The ninth prince, I'm afraid that the one in the palace doesn't know that you and miss Chu have been hiding behind the scenes for a long time? The common people like to be lively. How can this matter be so popular in LAN Yi? "

"If you let me hear the rumors about LAN Yi outside, I can't be sure that one day I'm really in a bad mood, and I'll talk about it in a gibberish way, don't you think?"

Mo Qingyan knows that long Tianze doesn't dare to be hard with himself, but she just smiles. Long Tianze's heart is really oppressed, this matter he and Chu Rou hide very hidden, but how can Mo Qingyan know?

"Mo Qingyan, I have to remind you that some words can't be said casually. It will lead to death! " Long Tianze's tone is full of threats.

Mo Qingyan but not a smile: "indeed, some words can not be taken back. The ninth prince can rest assured that the princess knows this truth no matter how bad she is. "

Mo Qingyan sat on the chair calmly, while long Tianze was gloomy. Now he can see that Mo Qingyan is holding her own handle. It seems that she will not give up easily.

"Mo Qingyan, you'd better tell me your conditions. How about a good chat between us? " Long Tianze in the end is no confidence, after all, Mo Qingyan said right.

Even if he LAN Yi's affair is really blown out, Chu Rou's pregnancy will make people forget it completely. At that time, only he and Chu Rou would suffer.

"The ninth Prince is really joking. Today, the ninth Prince ran to Shangshu mansion to threaten the princess. How can I ask the princess to say the conditions now? "

"It's better for the ninth prince to say his important things first. Otherwise, this princess also does not have so much patience to play riddles with the ninth prince. "

Long Tianze really can't stand Mo Qingyan's appearance, but he can't get angry. He can only speak in a good voice, and his anger is suppressed between his words:

"this matter is also entrusted by the prince. Miss Chu asked the prince to come and ask the princess for love. In the end, it happened in the prime minister's house. "

"The reason is because of the banquet held by Miss Chu. Even if it was calculated by others, the prime minister's office could only eat the secret loss."

"Miss Chu did not mean to shirk her responsibility. When the prince came over, Miss Chu had already sent someone to tell him. This matter will never spread from the prime minister's office. "

"In addition, except for the slight damage to her reputation, miss he is innocent and has no loss. I came here to ask for love for the prime minister's house. "

"Princess, you and miss he have always been good friends. Miss Chu is also reasonable to worry that the princess will attack the prime minister's house. That's why I asked the prince to be the mediator. I don't know what the princess thinks? "

Mo Qingyan is not willing to deal with himself, and long Tianze is not willing to continue to deal with Mo Qingyan. So he said his intention at one breath.

"Ah, the prime minister's house is clean and tidy." Mo Qingyan after listening to long Tianze's words, her eyes are suffused with cold light.

"The ninth prince, it happened in the prime minister's house. The prime minister's office is duty bound, and miss Chu is the host of the banquet and, of course, the person responsible. "

"If Miss Chu's calculation is not involved in this matter, do you believe it yourself? Even the ninth Prince believes that this princess is not a pig without brains. "

"Since the ninth Prince is entrusted to mediate, he has also mentioned this matter and Guan LAN Yi's reputation. This princess is not unable to step back. "

"But I can't let LAN Yi suffer such a great injustice without any reason. Even if other people don't know, the Kehe family will also feel uncomfortable, right? "

Long Tianze frowned and looked at Mo Qingyan with witty words. Naturally, she could hear her words. She was just trying to make the prime minister's house bleed.

"Princess, this...""Wait a minute, Ninth prince. I haven't finished my words yet. Now that you and miss Chu have been secretly involved in the affair, my princess has absolutely no reason to continue the engagement with you. "

"We did have an agreement before that the princess will let you sit on the throne of Prince within a year. The engagement between us was broken, but now the princess is not willing to continue like this. "

"It's the crown prince. The rest depends on the efforts of the ninth prince himself. Of course, Miss Chu's identity is also the help of the ninth prince. "

"Therefore, the engagement between the ninth Prince and this princess should be cancelled by the ninth prince himself."

"As for the he family and LAN Yi, it's better for the ninth prince to let Miss Chu personally come to the door to apologize. By the way, LAN Yi was frightened and beaten. All the herbs used in this soup must be the best. "

"Plus medical expenses and medical expenses, how can you get 100000 taels of silver, jiuhuangzi, do you think?"

Mo Qingyan is not polite to the lion big mouth, first is ready to release their engagement. Then he planned to blackmail such a large sum of silver for the he family.

Long Tianze's face suddenly became very ugly. He came here to calm things down. Naturally, he knew what price he had to pay.

But he never thought that Mo Qingyan should be so greedy! After all, Chu Rou's status is enough to compare with Mo Qingyan.

But this one hundred thousand taels of silver Long Tianze looks at Mo Qingyan and bites his teeth fiercely:

"OK! I have promised you

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