"Princess, miss he!" Mo Qingyan's voice has just dropped, a team of bodyguards will appear in front of two people again. And Mo Qingyan's dark guard has long been hidden in the dark.

"You see, I didn't lie to you, did I?" Mo Qingyan looks at He Lan Yi to smile, she is really and Wen family's person has discussed well. He Lan Yi looked at the emergence of this team of bodyguards very respectful, also at ease.

"Yan'er, you are really! I'm worried for nothing. " He Lan Yi can't help but turn a white eye son, the tone took on the vitality.

"Well, let's have a look at the roses." Mo Qingyan smile, turned to look at the bodyguard leader: "with this princess and miss he, but you miss the yard inside."

"Yes These guards were ordered by Lord Wen, and naturally they were obedient to the two men. Wenfu was not very big, so they got there quickly.

"Princess, Miss He, this is my lady's yard." The guard bowed his head and opened his mouth respectfully.

"I see, there's no business for you. You go down first. " Mo Qingyan nodded slightly and took Helan clothes to go inside.

Wenqiang's yard is quiet, and there are not even a few maids on the road. Mo Qingyan and He Lan Yi can't help frowning.

After another look at each other, they felt that the noise in the yard was really wrong. What the hell is going on here? Mo Qingyan felt a little bad in her heart.

So pull Helan clothes quickly pushed open the door, first saw the stool on the ground, up to see the hanging suicide of Wenqiang.

"Ah! Rose He Lan Yi could not help but scream. Mo Qingyan is quick will own dark Wei called out, let him will Wenqiang save down.

The scream inside the yard also let the guards and maids outside the yard rush in. When they see the white silk hanging on the beam, they can't help but be shocked.

"What are you doing? Go to the doctor soon Mo Qingyan some displeasure looks at again the servant girl of sluggish looking at the door again, eyeground a dark awn flash.

"Yes, yes, yes, I will go now!" Mo Qingyan did not miss her eyes that dark awn and fear, the bottom of my heart has some care.

After the servant girl left, Mo Qingyan looked at the guard and said, "you send two people, one follows the servant girl to see where she is going, the other to ask for a doctor, and another to call for master Wen and Mrs. Wen."

The bodyguard heard Mo Qingyan's orders, some unbelievable looked up at Mo Qingyan. Did the princess mean that the maid just betrayed her own young lady?

"Do you hear me? Not yet Mo Qingyan is not happy. How can one or two of the servants and bodyguards of the literary family be of no help?

Yan don't go out according to the orders of the guards.

When Mo Qingyan orders these things, the dark Wei has already saved Wenqiang. Looking at her open eyes, Mo Qingyan is relieved at last.

"Rose, why are you suffering?" Mo Qingyan's mouth with a little bitter, He Lan Yi also feel that the nose sour fierce.

Wenqiang lies on the bed sluggishly. At the beginning, she doubts whether she has arrived at hell. But the hot pain of the neck and the two faces of Mo Qingyan and He Lan Yi remind her that she was saved.

"Why, why, why save me?" The throat is hot, and the voice of speaking is even a little rough. Wenqiang's eyes were full of despair.

Mo Qingyan can see that Wenqiang really wants to die! Mo Qingyan looked cold, and told his own dark guard: "you go outside to guard, Wen and his husband and wife come, do not let them in first."

The dark guard took the life and retreated out, just as the man and his wife, who were in a hurry, stopped outside the house.

"Pa" a sound, Wen adult husband and wife two shocked one eye, immediately became more anxious. It's just that they can't break in.

"Wenqiang, are you awake?" Mo Qingyan's cold and harsh voice came out of the room, and the husband and wife felt a pain. That's my daughter. I haven't beaten her since childhood.

But they also know that Mo Qingyan is good for Wenqiang. So even though I can't bear it, I can only bear it. After all, when Mo Qingyan passed on her message, she said that she could not rule out such a situation.

Wenqiang's face was hit askew in one side, her look finally had a little change, but the above is all self mockery.

"Princess, what qualification do you have to ask me? Do I need to wake up for the rest of my life? " Wenqiang looks at Mo Qingyan with resentment and resentment.

"What happened to your next life? Wenqiang, nothing happened to you and him Mo Qingyan knows why Wenqiang becomes like this, but she doesn't think it has anything.

What's more, today she came with her biggest secret.

Wenqiang, however, seemed to be stimulated by this sentence. She roared loudly: "what's not? I'm ruined, my reputation ruined! What else can I go but marry that beast? Say itWen rose roared these words, has been depressed in the heart of the mood seems to be happy a lot. Mo Qingyan is pursed lip, beckoning He Lan Yi to sit down together.

"Have you finished venting?" Looking at me, Mo Qing Wen said, "I want to continue to purr my lips."

Wenqiang and Helan clothes some Leng God, it seems that Mo Qingyan came to say his secret. Mo Qingyan looked at two people with a little bitter smile on his face.

The next time, she told them all about her life before and after her rebirth. Then he solemnly said:

"in your opinion, am I not clean? But my body of this life is clear and innocent. What's the difference between you and me? "

"You are clean as well, but your reputation is ruined. Rose, I have thought of a way out for you. It's just that I can't tell you yet. "

"As for the beast, I have sent for him to be castrated. Don't worry, I won't let anyone who bullies you. Including Chu Rou

Mo Qingyan looks incomparably firm looking at Wen Qiang, Wen Qiang and He Lan Yi still have some reaction not come over. What Mo Qingyan said was really unexpected.

"I have a chance to do it again in my life, so you can too. Believe me, I'll make you all OK. "

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