Mo Qingyan can't wait to return to his house, which will be sent from Anping County that letter took out. In order to avoid being found out, Mo Qingyan and Lin Zifeng have two exclusive contact information.

No one but the two of them knew the agreed secret language. Mo Qingyan thought of this matter, can not help but smile gently.

This thing makes Mo Qingyan feel that she is always a special one for linzifeng. Therefore, Mo Qingyan still feels very happy about this matter.

After reading all the contents of the letter, Mo Qingyan would have blushed. She and Lin Zifeng in the matter of feigning death before the determination of both sides of the mind, but because time is too late, so never love each other.

Even if it is this time linzifeng letter, Mo Qingyan also only thought that there was an eyebrow in the matter. But I didn't think that the whole article was full of love and missing of Lin Zifeng.

Mo Qingyan can't even suppress the radian of her mouth, the smile on her face looks incomparably bright. But she could not help but look at the letter again and again.

Finally, he carefully folded the paper and put it in the wooden box where he put precious jewelry. Finally, he fell asleep in bed with a sweet smile.

In Anping County Government Office, Song Qi stepped into the dungeon under the government office. The dungeons used to interrogate prisoners have changed a lot.

Now this is a secret base for Lin Zifeng and others. Of course, all this was done without the knowledge of the current county magistrate of Anping County. After all, they have not successfully rebelled against the county magistrate.

"Master, what the subordinates are looking for has already been revealed. However, the county magistrate is still tight lipped. My subordinates have observed him for a long time, and have not found anything wrong with him. "

Song Qi bowed his head respectfully and showed respect between his words. Since he decided to work hard for Lin Zifeng, he would devote himself to what he ordered.

"Is it? It seems that the people behind him are still very deep. I already know about this matter. You'd better tell me what you're looking for first. "

Lin Zifeng of course knows that the magistrate is not so easy to buy. How to say that he is also a new subject champion, naturally know how to climb up the truth of a master.

What's more, the people behind him sent him to Anping County as a county magistrate, but they just wanted to gild him with gold. As long as he does a good job, when he comes back to the capital, his glory and wealth will not come at once?

Of course, this county magistrate is not the kind of person who can't carry it clearly. But even so, in the face of Lin Zifeng, it is not very useful. After all, Lin Zifeng himself has some means to counter him.

"Master, the number of people in Anping County has been decreasing. My subordinates thought it was caused by natural disasters, and the people were ready to flee here. "

"But today, my subordinates overheard several officials talking, saying that they were all arrested by the county magistrate. And most of them are strong men, and my subordinates feel very strange. "

"I sent my own people to inquire about it and found that they were all taken to a mountain. It's just that the mountain is heavily guarded and the people around him can't enter, so they have to come back like this. "

"But I'm sure there must be something strange about that mountain. Maybe that's the secret behind Anping County that the master has been looking for. "

Song Qi was originally from Anping County, and most of the officials here were from Anping County itself. Therefore, in the whole government office, although Song Qi is only a teacher, he can also control certain real power.

"I see. I'll send someone down to find out what you said. You go back and keep your eyes on the magistrate. As long as you are a person, there will be weaknesses. You can't be surprised if you find his weakness! "

Lin Zifeng eyebrows light, can not see that with a bit of emotion. After hearing the speech, Song Qi saluted respectfully at first, and then retired from the dungeon.

"Master son, let my subordinates go to investigate this matter." There was a new silence in the room, and suddenly there was a wave in the air. In the end, he slowly gave a figure.

Lin Zifeng only nodded slightly when he heard such a request, but he also remembered to tell him: "since there is strict security, it is definitely not a county magistrate can arrange it."

"I'm sure the master behind it is from the capital. You take two dark guards to go together, remember not to take the initiative. The most important thing is to deliver the message back. "

"Master, don't worry. I understand!" As soon as the voice dropped, the figure suddenly disappeared. Lin Zifeng's eyes looked at the map spread out in his hands. When he saw a mountain not far from Anping County, his eyes flashed suddenly.

Anping County is far away from the capital city. The change here did not disturb anyone in Ducheng. Lin Zifeng did not deliberately say this matter, Mo Qingyan naturally did not know.

Chu Rou prepared his own 50000 taels of silver and handed it to long Tianze. She only wanted to solve the matter as soon as possible, but she didn't find the treacherous eyes of long Tianze.Just a daughter of a prime minister, she can still take out 50000 taels of silver so quickly after several times of losing money. This has to be surprising.

As a prince, long Tianze naturally has his own ideas on this matter. But now he still needs to use the prime minister's office and Chu Rou's place, naturally will not say anything about it.

Mo Qingyan has already talked with Helan Yi about the compensation that long Tianze discussed with himself. Therefore, as soon as he got the 100000 taels of silver, he immediately sent all his eyes to he Fu.

When sending long Tianze to leave, Mo Qingyan also deliberately mentioned her first condition: "Ninth prince, you have completed the second condition."

"But if you want me to completely stop investigating this matter, it's time for the first condition to be put on the agenda. I don't expect to go to the emperor to find the ninth prince to fulfill his promise! "

Mo Qingyan's threat is very strong. This makes long Tianze feel very angry in his heart. Does she really think she has to do it?

"Don't worry, my prince has been happy with others. Even if you want to continue this engagement, the prince will never agree to it! "

"It's very good. I just hope the ninth prince will not miss his words." Mo Qingyan picked her willow eyebrows with a light smile on her face. It seems that he doesn't care who longtianze is talking about.

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