"This is the first thing the princess wants to say." However, Mo Qingyan did not give Chu Rou an opportunity to explain, but continued to speak.

"The second thing is about the engagement between the princess and the ninth prince." Mo Qingyan slightly elongated his own ending, as if with strong disdain in the voice.

"Where do you come from? Do you think it is because of you that the princess broke the engagement with the ninth prince?" Mo Qingyan sarcastically hooked his lips, regardless of Chu Rou's paler face.

"By the way, it really has something to do with you."

"Even if you don't follow the rules of women, you seduce the ninth prince. Even if the identity of the ninth Prince is placed there, it is really disgusting. "

"Naturally, I don't like such people. Asking for the dissolution of the engagement is just to give the princess a free body. As a princess, I don't worry about getting married. "

"Why should I hang myself on the tree of the old house? I don't know what you think. Even if you are trying to pick up this big tree, you should not use this method. "

Mo Qingyan said, then can't help frowning, pursing lips sigh. It seemed as if she was feeling sorry for Chu Rou, and then she continued to say:

"what's more, your identity is different now. Master Huineng has already acknowledged your status as a "Phoenix girl". You are worthy of better

"But it's because you can't hold your breath, so it's doomed that you can only tightly hold the ninth prince. But have you ever thought that the ninth Prince is also a man. "

"It's a man who doesn't like three wives and four concubines. Before you get married, you'll fall in love with the ninth prince. How much can the ninth Prince attach importance to you? "

Every word of Mo Qingyan pokes at Chu Rou's heart. Chu Rou has not regretted it. Long Tianze's attitude towards her has long been aware of.

He regretted that he had given his body to long Tianze so early. But at that time, there was nothing to do, even if it was regret. Can only think of a way to long Tianze's eyes on their own body.

It's just that I know it's one thing. It's another thing that Mo Qingyan said in public. Chu Rou's face was flushed with red, not shy, but embarrassed.

But she thought for a long time, but she didn't know how to refute Mo Qingyan's words. Because, Mo Qingyan said every sentence in reason!

"In the name of true love, I want to embarrass the princess. Isn't that Chu Rou's own mind? But you don't want to think about it. Why should I be embarrassed? "

"The engagement between the princess and the ninth Prince has been broken, even if it is unknown to outsiders. Both the princess and the ninth Prince know it from the bottom of their hearts, so do you. "

"So, it's useless for you to show off in this princess! I'll tell you one more thing. "

"What's your plan to come here today? I'm very clear in my heart. But I didn't intend to expose you. I even gave you a chance. "

"But you don't realize at all that you've wasted the opportunity. It also makes the pain of this princess not reflected. If you come here today, if you just want to talk about these things with me, you don't need to! "

"I am not you. I can't do such a mean thing. Even more will not guard the ninth Prince such has no responsibility not to take on the man! You can rest assured. "

Mo Qingyan's words are so beautiful. However, they both said that they could not see the ninth prince. Every sentence was satirizing Chu Rou's poor vision. Chu Rou felt angry but could not speak.

After a long time of delay, Chu Roucai's face was extremely stiff, and he laughed: "the courtiers didn't show off. They just really thought that the princess was upset because of the minister's daughter, which made him anxious to explain."

"Well, you've seen it with your own eyes. There's nothing wrong with this princess. On the contrary, I want to thank you

"If it wasn't for knowing that you were pregnant, I'm afraid the princess would not be able to see through the true face of the ninth prince. I don't know how many concubines and concubines will be in charge of if I marry the ninth prince in the future

Mo Qingyan seems to have inadvertently mentioned such a sentence, but let Chu Rou just a little good turn of the face instantly become very ugly. How could she forget?

If the ninth prince can do things with himself, he is not a cat who can't steal. According to Mo Qingyan said, even if they really become nine imperial concubines then how?

At that time, we must deal with the romantic debts of the ninth prince. How much trouble do you have to deal with so many concubines and concubines? Do you care about your face outside?

"Well, now that you have achieved your purpose of coming here. Then there is no need to continue to stay in the shangshufu. If you are all right, go back and forth from where you are. "

Mo Qingyan stood up and turned to leave here. How could Chu Rou be reconciled? She came here today for Mo Qingyan.But who could have thought that those who wanted to be blocked were punished for half an hour? Chu Rou is naturally reluctant, her tone anxious to stop Mo Qingyan.

"Princess, this is not the only thing I want to say today." Chu Rou looked at Mo Qingyan anxiously for fear that she would leave directly.

However, Mo Qingyan did not do so, and she was not afraid of Chu rou. So she stopped without hesitation, turned around and faced Chu Rou impatiently:

"what else do you want to say? Say it all at once, I don't have the time to accompany you again and again Mo Qingyan's impatience makes Chu Rou's hatred more obvious.

But now she didn't dare to be angry. She had to speak with a smile: "princess, the nine Prince has agreed to all the conditions you discussed with him."

"In the days after that, the princess should not use these things to threaten the ninth Prince and his wife?" Chu Rou looked at Mo Qingyan carefully.

Mo Qingyan realized that Chu Rou was actually showing weakness in disguise. Some disdained to take a look at Chu rou. Mo Qingyan looked indifferent:

"don't worry, my princess has always said it. If the ninth prince can fulfill the first condition, the princess will naturally regard it as never happened. "

Chu Rou was a little relieved, but she thought of her pregnancy again. Then some hesitated to say: "that minister daughter is pregnant..."

"The princess is not interested in talking to others about this matter!" Mo Qingyan impatient interruption, did not hesitate to leave here.

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