Not far away from them, an angered man was screaming at one of the workers inside the shop,

Man:" What do you mean that is not for sale? Do you know who I am? Do you know what my background is?"

Hearing that, Ling Jie was a bit angered, because this guy was making him look bad in front of his boss, and his Patriarch.

He was curious to see who was causing troubles in his place and for what, so looking with a sorry look he said,

Ling Jie:" Sorry for the disturbance Young Master, let me have a look at what is causing this."

Tianlong Yun didn't seem to mind much, his words, as he said,

Tianlong Yun:" Sure go ahead, we will be behind you!"

His meaning was clear, he could go and deal with that, no matter what happened the Shadow Clan wasn't afraid of anyone's background.

Understanding Tianlong Yun's words, Ling Jie went ahead, to take a look at the situation. A handsome looking guy in his mid-twenties was loudly talking to one of the sales girls.

There weren't many cases of this happening in this place, because they had already set an example, that they weren't afraid of a person's background.

But this guy seemed to think of himself as someone special, and didn't seem to care about it, and was causing a ruckus.

Arriving at the scene, Ling Jie immediately got in front of the salesgirl, and said with neither humble nor arrogant voice,

Ling Jie:" May I know what's the problem, Sir?"

Seeing Ling Jie come in front of him with the uniform of a manager, the Young Master looked complacent as he said,

Young Master:" Hello… Li…Ling Ji…Jie right? I am Yao Chen, Yao Wu's son. I think you know who my father is right?

Well anyway, I was ready to take this suit and buy it, but this girl seems to have not liked a joke of mine, and is trying to damage the boutique's prestige, by saying it's not for sale!"

The crowd seemed to have an understanding of what was going on, after all, they had already heard Young Master Yao Chen's name so many times and knew about his reputation.

He was the son of the head of the Yao family's Shanghai branch, and one of the typical silk pants idiots that would lust after any beautiful girl or woman he came across.

A little bit more than 4 years ago his father had sent him to America so he could escape detention for raping a young girl and had come back only recently.

Most probably that young girl had turned into his target, and this was just a way to show his background and make her submit to him.

Too bad, that he didn't know the rules in this boutique. Ling Jie wasn't a person who would be subservient to someone just because of their background and was a really fair and just person.

Hearing Young Master Yao Chen's version he turned towards the sales girl and said,

Ling Jie:" Now you tell me what happened, don't be afraid just tell me the truth!"

Yao Chen's face went dark and gloomy, because just a small manager was not giving him any face, and was asking the girl right in front of him and the crowd.

If it was a normal sales girl, probably she would have been a bit intimidated by this situation, but most of the people working for Tianlong Fashion, and Tianlong Group of companies, were disciples of the Clan.

While she was just an outer disciple at the moment, she was still a disciple nonetheless, and she knew that the Shadow Clan had her back, as she said with a calm face,

Girl:" Manager Ling Jie, Young Master Yao Chen tried to make advancements with me, but I turned him down.

Obviously angered by my refusal he started making a scene and flexing his background so that I succumb in fear of his background.

As for the matter of the suit, he is raising such a ruckus for, it's one of the suits that you told us to set aside for Young Master."

Yao Chen's face was getting darker and darker with each passing moment, and each word he heard since it was the first time something like this happened.

He was completely being humiliated right now, and he was swearing inside that when this girl entered his hands, then he would surely make her pay for all of this.

The girl on the other hand didn't seem to care about the menacing looks of Young Master Yao Chen's, as her eyes sparkled when she saw a face in the crowd.

From the moment that she had been taken from the streets as an orphan and brought to the Clan, her eyes had always been on one single person, Tianlong Yun.

It wasn't only simple infatuation, but it was more determination, and strong will so that one day she could stand by his side, and look at the world from the top.

This was the first time she had been so close to him and had such an opportunity, but she could recognize him even in a 1000 people crowd.

She had seen his face so many times in her dreams, and also at the big posters inside her room. While she was a bit excited, she managed to keep her calm.

Tianlong Yun could clearly notice this, which sparked his interest in this girl. She didn't seem to be more than 19 years old, and was truly a beauty, with a great body.

It wasn't strange that Young Master Yao Chen was infatuated with the girl, but he was just an idiot if he thought he could flex his background on his place.

Not to mention, that this guy was one of the Young Masters of the Yao family, which he had never liked. Even though their blood flowed in his veins, he had a repulsive feeling towards them.

And even more now that he had taken a liking to this girl that was staying calm and carefree like she didn't even care about Yao Chen's presence and kept looking at him.

Ling Jie didn't need to think much to take a decision, as he said with a calm voice,

Ling Jie:" Young Master Yao Chen may I ask you to leave this place, and never return again if you have such purposes!?"

His words were clear, he didn't give a damn about his background, and he was technically banning him from entering this boutique ever again.

Young Master Yao Chen who even though had a dark and gloomy face thought that no matter what the manager would still keep his side, he had never thought of this possibility.

It was precise because of this reason that he was completely dumbfounded for a moment and didn't know how to react.

He wasn't the only one though, a lot of people inside the boutique were in the same position. It wasn't that they hadn't heard about the rules of this place, it was just that it was unexpected.

It had happened before but the people who had been driven away from this place didn't have a really deep and powerful background.

But this Young Master Yao Chen was the son of the Yao family head, in this branch of the family here in Shanghai. He was a direct descendant of the Yao bloodline.

And yet the manager had banned him for life in a polite way. Yao Chen needed a few moments to finally recompose himself from his stun, as he said in a weird and confused voice,

Yao Chen:" You said what? Do you know who my father is? Are you really intending to offend the Yao family?"

Looking towards him as if he had just heard a joke, Ling Jie was able to control himself from laughing and said in the same calm voice,

Ling Jie:" Let's leave that aside for the moment, and go ask your father, or even the Yao family, if they dare to offend my Young Master!

His name is Tianlong Yun, Head of the Tianlong family! After receiving his answer come again and ask the same question!"

Yao Chen's face got even uglier from what he heard, he had heard about Tianlong Yun. Or to be more precise he had heard rumors and whispers about him.

He was Yao's family illegitimate descendant, if he was part of the family, it was clear that his position would be much higher than his.

But besides that, what more did he have? He wasn't recognized by the family yet, so he was inexistent, as for the power of the Tianlong family, could it compare to his Yao branch family?

Not to mention that it had been a while that he noticed the sales girl look at someone else in the crowd with sparkling eyes, he was furious.

With these thoughts in mind, he started laughing out loud from anger, as he said with arrogance,

Yao Chen:" Hahah… A piece of trash, a scum of a little family like the Tianlong's dares to say such words! Are you guys retarded or something?

Call your Young Master here in front of me, to kneel, slap himself and apologize to me while I enjoy all his women, and workers, and maybe, maybe I will forgive him for this crap!"

Hearing those words it was Ling Jie's and Tianlong Yun's turn to get dark and gloomy faces, as they looked at Young Master Yao Chen and his guards, and followers.

This guy had good protection, two of the guards seemed to be martial arts Grandmasters, while the other two were Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators of 6th level.

While this was something powerful to normal people, or weak gangs, to this place they were like little kids that had yet to learn to walk.

Even now though Tianlong Yun didn't say anything and let it on Ling Jie's hands how to solve this situation. A worm-like existence as Yao Chen didn't deserve his attention.

Seeing that Tianlong Yun didn't have any intention to meddle in this, Ling Jie just snapped his fingers, and said with a calm voice,

Ling Jie:" Break his teeth, his right hand, and his manhood, then send him to his father. Tell him that he should educate his son better if he doesn't want to have his blood extinguished.

If he is not convinced, tell him Young Master's name, and that he can find him at the party tonight…


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