The ceiling was illuminated magnificently by a massive diamond chandelier. The silver pillars were defined as works of art by the intricate carvings and embossed ornaments that encircled them on all sides.

The distinctively silky velvet fabric waved as the bottom of the blue drapes moved. A large eagle that looks down onto the main hall is painted in intricate detail and appears to be breathing along the stairs leading to the second floor, which are ornamented with a blue insignia.

It served as the emblem for the Atlas duchy, which bragged of possessing the biggest power in the Freya Empire.

The entire Duke’s residence was surrounded by the grandeur and majesty befitting for the family’s reputation.

Exotic fruits and desserts were spread out on each golden table. Along with drinking glass which was floating in a lake with a fountain in the middle, It was literally showing the power of money could have.

“Oh my god, it seems the rumors were true! Do you really think the Duke is going to propose today?”

“I think so. I hope it is.”

The two madams, who were constantly looking around, pulled out a red glass from the edge of the lake. There was a real distraction that would enhance the flavor of alcohol, regardless of how many exotic foods were present.

“I think the negotiations between the Empress and Viscountess Cartien have finally come to an end. I thought they would give up in this season, but when I saw that a feast was organized at the Duke’s residence just in time for the young lady’s 21st birthday.”

“You know that neither of them is the kind of person who would step down.”

“It should be discussed immediately. How many works has the Viscountess put into the Imperial Palace or the Duke’s family so far? How was it possible for her to leave empty-handed? She hasn’t just done it once or twice, but five times.”

One of the madams, who was holding a glass of alcohol, made a deep whispering gesture and then laughed out loud.

They would have been careful if the situation was as usual, as they were ranting over the real power in society, but when the greatest party of the season and alcohol were added,  the excitement was out of control.

Once they locked eyes with someone seated on the middle sofa, they quickly covered their mouths.


“N, no way……She didn’t hear that, right?”

“There’s no way. How much does she hear it? And if she had heard it, why would she have stayed still? It’s not anyone else……It’s that person.”

The two madams, who were hesitating for a moment about what to call a lady, who was sitting slightly leaning on the velvet sofa, swallowed their dry saliva.

Phew, that’s a relief.

Although it appears that she hasn’t heard their story from the way she still treats them with an elegant smile, they are unable to go back in peace.

Tatiana Lauren de Cartien.

Not only will “that person” be the potential hostess of the Duke’s family, but the high-ranking nobility also pay close attention to her because she is the daughter of a lowly Viscount.

Once you make eye contact with someone, whether they are a man or a woman, old or young, you can’t look away from her.

This one thing was certain, regardless of how much money and time the Duke Atlas invested in her birthday celebration.

There could never compare to Young Lady Tatiana no matter how many exquisite jewels were amassed and created in the world.

“Tiara. Even if it’s just a little, moisten your throat.”

Annesia stroked Tatiana’s hair as she sat on the purple velvet sofa. The dazzling platinum blonde is a symbol for the five sisters of Viscount Cartien.

Tatiana, the youngest, has dazzling bright hair that even her sisters who have the same color hair are drawn to touch it.

“What’s wrong? Is there anything interesting?”

“……No. I’m a little naive.”

Do you really think I don’t hear it?

When Tatiana eventually opened her lips, she had seated like a painting and was staring at the madams stabbing back at her.

Her complexion was as radiant as her hair, and her purple eyes had a softer sheen than a velvet sofa.

Her long eyelashes, sharp eyes, and harmonious combination of delicate features will invariably arouse admiration in those who watch her dancing.

Moreover with the diamond tiara on the top of her platinum blonde that she put on solely for her birthday, there is no more suitable nickname than a living doll.

If the Duke of Atlas had reached his financial top, she was at her most beautiful. 

Tatiana raised her glass unintentionally as she stared into the Madams’ eyes, who were already flushing from her tiny smile.

“You won’t know it if you’re a young lady who’s just started out in the social world, but it’s entertaining to see people who are old enough to behave like that.”

“Geez, you. This is not the first time this has happened.”

Annesia smirked as she continued to play with her younger sister’s hair. Her calm attitude suggests that she must have also paid attention to them. No, perhaps Annesia, Viscount Cartien’s eldest daughter, was the one of the five sisters who heard such rumors the most.

“After today, those words will become memories.”

“Big sister.”

“Let me see your face, Duchess.”

Tatiana felt Annesia’s thumb caress her cheek.

Tatiana received more love and attention from Annesia because she was the youngest when she was 16 years old than she did from her other younger siblings.

This cute little sister. Maybe because she is beautiful too. All of her four younger sisters are equally beautiful, but Tatiana, the youngest, stands out enough to make the other comparisons superfluous.

Since Tatiana was three or four years old, when she posed for a statue of a baby angel that decorated the entrance of a Great Hall, until now, when she was seated on the throne of high society, simply looking at her made Annesia feel so happy and proud.

“How happy would our late father be if he saw you?”


“This is not the time for this. A Marc Sapphire was provided by my brother-in-law as a gift for you.”

Annesia, thinking of their father who died without seeing the birth of his youngest siblings, hurriedly started looking for a husband, Count Auberdeen.

Her dark blue eyes busily wandered through the banquet hall to find out her missing family, where everyone was going on this important day?

“Viviana and Katarina said they would be arriving soon with brother-in-laws. Well, for Regina……”

“Why are you talking about that child who won’t even come?”



Viscountess Cartien approached and folded her fan as Annesia lowered her head in her direction.

Her brilliant platinum blonde hair and purple eyes are just like Tatiana’s.

At first glance, no, even if you narrow your eyes and examine her closely, you can’t even begin to guess that the woman with the flawless white skin and wrinkle-free beauty is the mother of the five sisters.

It was feasible for someone who was unaware of her presence in Freya’s society to mistake her for one of their sisters if they just happened to see her.

Larissa Lauren de Cartien.

A woman who was born the daughter of a baron joined the Viscount family with her beauty. She was a businesswoman who organized a remarkable wedding who sold all her daughters at the highest price in history.

She continues to be the perfect choice to arouse the desire of dualistic socialites, who are notorious for repeatedly devouring each other, as well as the envy of parents of daughters.

“Did you check all the presents that arrived from the Imperial Palace? By the way, where is he? I didn’t even see the Duke.”

“It’s obvious. When men have free time, they are constantly looking for opportunities in business, politics, and smoking.”

Just let him be.

Viscountess Cartien grabbed Annesia’s arm and smiled, saying, ‘Isn’t it obvious?’.

The Duke of Atlas’s banquet today, which will be held without a hostess due to the death of the previous duchess, was essentially prepared from beginning to end by his future mother-in-law.

She must have checked everything, including the food, alcohol, and gifts from the imperial palace. The second daughter, Regina, is the one thing bothering their hearts in the midst of everything seeming great.

“He doesn’t know what kind of day it is today, I guess he still has more places to go after she wander around that much?”


“You should never be like your second sister. Do you understand?”

My last hope and the greatest jewel of my life.

As if she had generally agreed at some point, the Viscountess touched Tatiana’s hand, who was sitting like a doll, with a satisfied smile

It was natural for the youngest daughter, who was born wealthy, to be affectionate, but Tatiana meant more to her.

Viscountess Cartien, who kept her youngest daughter’s gaze fixed on her, did not allow even a fleeting glance away from her.

“Those are Countess Conrad and Countess Milias. What’s wrong with them? Don’t tell me, they said something to you?”

“……No way.


Tatiana, who was clearly staring at them, raised an eyebrow and said, “It’s nothing.”

Tatiana’s lips formed a lovely curve, and their hands on their chests were clearly comforted.

“It’s just a bit of fun.”

“It’s bland. The real fun is about to begin.”

Viscountess Cartien smirked and spread the fan, her eyes lighting up.

Her masterwork, the position she holds today, took roughly 20 years to achieve. It’s time to enjoy it even more now that you’ve put in the effort.

“Your engagement ring was created by the Empress and was sent to you. It compares to a diamond with a carat weight of over 100.”

“Did she send it?”

“The Empress is looking after him as if he were a part of her own family as a result of the loss of the last duchess. Tatiana, you as well.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll do my best to be stunning.”

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