Royal Princess of Blood

Vol. 2 Chapter 16: Foreteller (Part 2)

There a person was lying sideways on the bed facing towards the window. A girl that appeared to be in her mid-teens, a beautiful girl with a fairly short height. She had long silky orange hair and fair skin.

On top of her head were orange furry ears of an animal, as well as a pair of long furry and fluffy orange tails behind her waist, both reminiscent of a fox.

She was the person referred to as the Foreteller, a beastman and a fox type — an incredibly rare type of fox beastman who possessed more than one tail. Normally fox type beastmen only had one tail, and having more than one was considered special.

In fact, only two fox-type beastmen that had more than one tail were known. The Foreteller, bearing the personal name of Lecia, was one of them. Young she may appear, she was actually older than she looked.

She grew slower compared to other beastmen, almost comparable to elves. Nevertheless, she was still a young woman in the mystic race overall, as well as her mind. They work differently from humans by how they grow.

Even though Lieren had entered, Lecia didn’t turn to face her but rather blankly stared outside. Lieren closed the door and slowly walked towards her.

“Hello, Lecia, it’s been a while.”


Lieren didn’t expect an answer right away and she didn’t think much of it, sitting down on the bed behind her. She understood Lecia’s troubles, who wouldn’t be burdened by a vision about their people’s demise? Lecia you see, cannot control her own visions, they would just suddenly flash before her eyes, or in her dreams all of a sudden.

Although she could see a significant future when she wished for it, it wouldn’t work all of the time, and also, she couldn’t stop visions whenever they came for her.  Due to the visions, it made her feel distraught, and then she eventually fell into depression, just the same images of her people dying before her eyes.


“Something changed…”

Lieren jerked her head to the side and looked at Lecia with wide eyes. What could have changed?

“What changed?”

Could it be something good, or were they essentially the same?

“It… has gotten worse… for me.”

“What… what do you mean?”

She wasn’t speaking about the people, but for herself?

“Lieren, help me… help me… help me.”

Lecia whimpered repeatedly as she gripped the edge of her bed while curling as though wanting to shell herself, tears welling up her eyes.

“I can’t take it anymore! They wouldn’t stop! It’s always the same burning cities, countless bloodsheds, war… death, ruin. She’s there! But it changed! Everything has gotten worse!”

Lecia was convulsing as though recalling something intensely traumatic. Lieren frantically climbed up the bed and held her on both shoulders. She saw the terrified eyes of Lecia as she was brimming with tears, her lips trembling.

“Lecia, calm down! I’m here, don’t worry. It’s going to be alright.”

Lieren wrapped her arms around her and tightly embraced her. But Lecia squirmed within her arms.

“No! No no no… she…” she frantically shook her head. “I saw... In my vision, she was there, right before my eyes, then… nothing…...that could only mean... she killed me….”


Lieren didn’t know what to say. Last time, she never mentioned something like this. There was no need to ask who this “she” she was referring to, for Lieren already knew the only one she could be talking about. The one fated to come and bring ruin to the golden era of the race of mystic.

“She… she was also different from before… Now she seemed colder and crueler… I was right before her when I saw her eyes… they were emotionless… as if she didn’t think my life was worth anything special… I was no different from any of those lives she had taken…... I don’t understand…”

Lieren rubbed her back trying to calm her down.

“When will this end…?”

“I will put a stop to this. I will break this absolution of the future.”

How events unfold may have changed and is ever-changing, but all will end how the prophecies foretold. And that end was what Lieren and the others were trying to change, an end where their people will survive and preserve this golden era of peace and unity.

“For now, rest… What about we talk about something else?”

Lecia was silent for a moment before she managed to let out a word silently.


Lieren helped Lecia lie down back on the bed.

“What about we talk about the island on the far south where leaves of trees and petals of flowers glow along with minerals on the mountain slopes, glittering like jewels during the night? There are also adorable creatures only found there, small and fluffy almost like rabbits, no, almost like sheeps.”

Lecia stared up at her, tears still at the corner of her eyes.

“I’m… curious.”

“I will take you there then, soon. But if that’s the case, should I tell you about it? Or not just to keep the surprise?”

“No, tell me.”

“Alright then—”

She was about to tell her about the island but the door suddenly loudly opened. The two instantly turned to look at the door and there they saw an incredibly beautiful adult woman who appeared to be in her early thirties.

She wore a majestic and magnificent kimono in the color of red and white with floral embroidery. She had a very fair skin color, her eyes had mesmerizing golden irises almost comparable to gemstones. Her long golden hair went past her waist, and above her head were fox ears also in the color of gold. Then behind her waist were beautiful and fluffy foxtails, unlike Lecia that only had two tails, the new arrival sported four.

“I heard you have arrived, Lieren~.”

She spoke in an endearing voice that could tickle one’s ears.


She was the other special fox-type beastman and held the position of Shrine Priestess in her tribe. Lieren was truly surprised to see her here, the governor failed to even mention her presence. Besides that, she just suddenly barged in, talking about rude.

Zennia smiled with delight as she watched the two.

“She looked better already~. She wouldn’t even speak to me~.”

“You tried talking to her?”

Zennia walked further inside, her heels clacking.

“I was curious and worried you see~. Specially worried about the future~.”

“I see. But you don’t have to barge in like that.”

“Kuku, then pardon my intrusion. I’ve been here for two days now, I hope you understand, O great elf ambassador.”

“Whatever. If you want to know, the end is still the same.”

“Oh my, so she is still coming here?~”


Both of them were silent for a while as though trying to process the situation. Then Zennia broke the silence.

“.... Lieren, have you, and the others, never thought that perhaps it is best to leave her alone?”

“What are you trying to say?”

“With you interfering with her life, it causes the end of our people.”

Zennia, despite her words, smiled sweetly.

“Sometimes, it’s just best not to do anything~.”

With curled fingers gripping tightly, Lieren pursed her lips at the absurdity of Zennia’s suggestion.

“How many times have we done nothing because we thought it was the best decision? But in the end, the prophecies given by the gods still happened. Do I have to single out a few of them? The rampage of the great white beasts in the northeast, wise beasts they were, and yet we did nothing to them whatsoever. Even so, they trampled an entire city, people lost their lives and their homes.

“The great volcanic disaster, even though it was natural, we still strived to prevent its eruption. We released more heat emission, created holes, making some parts of it cold, and even lastly casting freezing spells into its crater. It quieted down. But a few days later, it suddenly erupted, destroying an entire region which caused catastrophic damage to the land and people’s homes. A number of common civilians even lost their lives.

“Then the ascension of the nagas from the depths of the seas, fated to take over the costs to the west. Upon realizing that, we made contact with them and made an amiable and amicable relationship so that no violence could happen between us. It was peaceful, but in the end, they still overtook the shores, slaying hundreds of people. The prophecy still happened even when we did nothing to invite their hostility.

“The large tribe of Orcs living with satisfaction with their lives and we actually had good relationships with. They never cared about the world outside their villages, and only we knew that the prophecy foretold their aggression, and Lecia’s glimpses of vision of them only served to further solidify that future. And so, as we had a peaceful relationship with them, we decided to not do anything to them, we even forbade interacting with them — all because we thought that sometimes doing nothing would be best and dealing with them early on would only cause that undesirable future. And how did that end up? They raided towns and cities and took over a number of territories.

“So, with those events, Zennia, do you think it would be best to do nothing? Even knowing that our entire race is in danger, completely unlike those that came before?”

“...” Zennia was speechless for a moment. “Is that why you chose to directly end them before it could happen?”

“Yes, even if the prophecies were absolute, we will break through it and change fate.”

“Is it not foolish?”

“No. We cannot stand idly by.”

“And that’s why it is best to act early as possible?”


“So this must also be the reason why you burned the village of the Whisperers?”


“I see… Then what of the mission regarding “her”? You seemed agitated. Something must have happened.”

Lieren furrowed her brows then looked down.

“We… We lost contact with Oryn, and it is suspected that he may already be dead or captured… But, the most crucial part, the princess still lives.”

“How distressing… it’s harder than expected, huh.”

“Even though the prophecy told of her death, she still lived... But we have been thinking hard about the prophecy. Her death must have meant that she would die once, and return again to life.”

Zennia’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“Is that even possible?”

“I don’t know. Perhaps even other gods might have interfered personally with this.”

“Then, what will you do?”

Lieren lowered her head.

“We are shifting focus for a while, for the time being, we’ll focus on the royal family and the entire kingdom. We’ll be using a human nation to handle that, I have already given the order to one of us that has infiltrated their palace.”

“So you are planning to destroy their kingdom…” Zennia nodded her head once. “I will pray for our success.”

Zennia approached Lecia and stroked her head gently.

“Everything will be well, little one,” she said, her voice and smile filled with profound care.

“.... Yes, priestess.”

“Take care, okay? Eat plenty of food, it’s not good to eat less.”

“... Yes…”

Zennia smiled with satisfaction and stepped back.

“Well then, I’ll be leaving you for a while.”

The shrine priestess turned around and began walking towards the door, however promptly stopped and turned back again.

“Lecia, an important question, for me.”

With a curious look, Lecia lifted her head to face Zennia.


“Did you see me in your vision?”

Lecia seemed to recall her vision then shook her head.

“N-No. Strange, I never saw you, even in the latest one.”

“That’s frightening, maybe I died in some way? Oh well, let’s leave it at that. See you later~.”


A beautiful tall woman wearing a fancy and elegant kimono walked with her wooden sandal amidst the grassy floor while being surrounded by a tree-filled forest. Her four majestic tails waved hypnotizingly at her every stride, the tiny animals around watched her curiously and cautiously.

A smile played on her lips as she headed to her destination in the night with only the gentle moonlight to light her path. She was completely alone, neither did her “colleagues” know where she was. Not like it was their responsibility to know, she had the freedom to do anything she wanted even when she had the position of Shrine Priestess.

The position of Shrine Priestess was the highest position a woman could have in a beastman tribe. This woman, Zennia, was the Shrine Priestess of the White Flower tribe and their sole leader.

That being said, there were also other beastman tribes led by other Shrine Priestesses, and some of those Priestesses were under a male leader called an Alpha. For the White Flower tribe though, there was no one like that, but Zennia alone was the leader as the founder.

There may be different tribes with different heads, all tribes were united and had no strife with each other whatsoever. Then the head of the union of tribes would be someone called an “Ambassador”, the ambassador of the Beastmen.

To be truthful, Zennia was qualified to become an ambassador. However, she thought it would be too much for her and it was not honestly to her liking. Furthermore, there wasn’t really any great reason why she should get the position.

Even now that a prophecy appeared in favor of her, she still did not regret refusing that position. That position cannot support the goal she now had in mind after knowing the prophecy. It was hard to change the views and sides of other tribes after all.

Thus, she would have to focus on the tribe that was loyal to her and then grow that tribe to a great degree.

She stopped as a question came to mind while contemplating, recalling what she had heard earlier today.

… Strange, I wasn’t in her vision. Did she miss me in some way?

The subject of her thoughts was the Foreteller and her vision of the future. Zennia was just puzzled that she was not in her vision. Surely she didn’t die.

Why did she think that? Because she was stronger than even any strong beastman. More than that, she wouldn’t be on the side of the Mystic Race.

She was sure of it.

Everything had changed now that the prophecy had foretold the coming of the Lord and Lady’s first daughter. There was no chance that she would side with the mystic race, despite being the same species as the beastmen. She couldn’t care less about anyone else aside from her own tribe, nor did she care about any other species now that the daughter was coming, and not for any good or noble purpose.

Well, there could be other reasons why I wasn’t there.

Firstly, likely that the Foreteller had died before Zennia could reveal herself to the public. That was a plausible possibility, so she made a decision.

I shall always remember not to reveal myself to the public as an enemy, not until Lecia is dead.

She closed her eyes shut as she made that commitment. Sometimes, you do not need to do anything drastic to make the future, there are times little things like this would work.

Not that she was afraid to die, it was just that she preferred to live. She had to give value to the life which the Lord and Lady, more on the Lady, took care of, her life.

I should be safe for now.

The most important fact was that she was yet deemed as an enemy.

She continued onward while wondering when the reborn daughter would come here. The prophecy never mentions any specific time after all, neither did the Foreteller.

Speaking of the foreteller.

Should I kill her?

She was debating it. There were plenty of advantages when you have someone that could see the future — they could prepare and often predict.

Killing her would be the best so at least one of the mystic race’s eyes would be blinded. That being said, there was really no point in killing her, the prophecy after all was absolute.

But still…

She was having doubts about the prophecy.

Why the Lord and Lady’s daughter? Very strange, it had to be her. The gods hate them, so why would they make a prophecy that involves the Ruling Deity of Blood and Ruling Deity of Beasts?

It was odd. Not to mention the scale of it.

Then that inconsistency… Maybe the first daughter, now princess, has to die once and return to life again… But, is that truly possible?

Death cannot be reversed. It was the rule of this world. Could the gods return someone to life? If that was the case, why did the first daughter die as a baby? True that she was reborn later in time, but it was not exactly resurrection.

Zennia was confused.

Something must be going on...

Whatever that may be, she would never arrive at an answer, so she shelved it aside for now.

I’ll let Lecia live for a while.

Even though Lecia was a special type of beastman, she would be easy to kill. That was why Zennia was so complacent about killing her now or not.

Hm, wait. If I have a thought of killing her, then there’s a chance I might appear in her next vision. Ah, not good.

She made a commitment again that Lecia would not die by her hand.

Then she arrived at her destination. There was a small pond at the clearing amidst the dense forest. The bluish light of the moon glistened on the surface of the water. A smile formed on Zennia’s lips, a nostalgic one.

“This place never fails to make me feel elated.”

As she spread out her arms while reminiscing, taking in a deep breath, she had the urge to stretch out her other tails, the hidden five tails. The Fox Priestess truthfully has a total of nine tails. When she arrived in this land, she decided to hide the rest to conceal her total number of tails, to be spared from too much attention.

The originally nine-tailed fox priestess took a deep breath again with closed eyes.

This was one of the places where she hung out with the Lady a long long time ago, a few millennia ago. She still remembered very well the moment she had with the Lady.

“Hmmm~ Hmmm~ Hmmmm~...”

Zennia hummed the humming the Lady would sing to her as she went to sleep. She could still remember the feeling as the smooth and soft pale hand of the white-haired and red-eyed goddess stroked her head when she was still a small and young fox. A lone nine-tailed fox she was until the Lady took her in.

That was why she was indebted to her, and also to her husband who treated her well.

If only that time in the past could happen again.

But it wouldn’t…

She lowered her head as sadness filled her heart once again.

Young goddess, daughter of the Lord and Lady… I shall await your descent into this world. I will be fighting by your side, I will support you as had your mother and father supported me.

She will be waiting. There was no need to worry about the young goddess dying before coming here, for the outcome was already determined and fate was in motion, no matter what little changes it may have — the outcome will all be the same no matter what one does. That was what she believed.

The young goddess will come and bring ruin.


Next chapter will be a Short Side Story "The Sealed Thunderwrath".

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