Royal Princess of Blood

Vol. 2 Chapter 18: Cooperation Realized (Part 1)

When my arm was a bit sore that time, right about nightfall the redness had mostly subsided, which was fortunate. I don’t have to worry about my family noticing what I just did, except if they use their keen eyes to watch me. Quite a weird thing that they would just closely look at my state all of a sudden, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they did. Then of course they would notice what’s wrong with their precious and cute daughter, that is me.

Honestly, I am a beautiful girl, I should go out there and show that. Show my superiority to the inferiors or something like that. And don’t even try to tell me something like me being raped — you think I’m that simple?! I’ll crush their balls to pieces and I swear men from a mile away will feel it.

That issue aside, I tried casting healing spells to my arm. As I have only recently read it, I couldn’t properly do it when I first tried it. Well, I think it took effect for a few seconds, but I think it barely helped on the whole scale of things. But good to know it worked even for just a little.

Spells were easier than physical enhancement. I don’t know why I suck at the latter. Maybe the volume of my mana does not fit much to my physical body. Mera on the other hand was handling it very well. Vernon even commended her — well I suck.

When it was dinner, it had become less noticeable. I was most wary of Father and Estevan since they should have good eyes as being knights and all. But there’s also Mother who would typically be worried about me, so she was one of I needed to be careful of. Then there’s Eleden who I shouldn’t underestimate his love for me.

Dammit! It’s basically all of them.

Good thing I survived that dinner. That said, Father was strange, again. What the hell is going on? He was staring at my eyes whenever he had a chance as though trying to look through me and figure out what’s behind my eyes. Vernon also didn’t tell me anything.

Well, as long as it doesn’t put my life at risk, it wouldn’t trouble me that much.

During the night in my room, I tried out using my magic spells. In particular the ice magic one, I tried shaping it into a dagger but that was it. Not only did it take a while to form — which I will need more practice on — it was also as fragile as a thin sheet of ice. It would seem I need to make some calibration on shaping the mana.

The interesting thing though, when the ice magic construct shatters, it doesn’t leave any type of liquid but only turns to mist. Intrigued, I also tried placing a piece of ice on top of a surface and severed my link of mana to it.

Gradually, mist formed going upward as every part of the shard disappeared as though vaporizing. There was no moisture whatsoever. Perhaps that was just how it was when ice was formed with magic.

But it’s one of the good sides though, I don’t have to be worried about getting wet. I don’t like water that much, it soaks everything and everywhere, also a mess to clean and get rid of. Ice constructs vanishing into smoke was much better than leaving water behind.

I went to sleep shortly after a little exercise.

Then came morning, the food was okay, as expected, not great either, quality was quite inconsistent. It was also mentioned that the library will be finishing its repair soon, so there may be a chance I get to come back there.

Important note, mother was frequently going to the library despite the repairs. I mean, with all the guards, she should be fine, but what was up with that? Hm, I am only growing more curious as time passed, especially with all of them lying to my face.

Maybe I’ll take a look when I come back there sometime.

There were plenty of books to read there also, so…

For that grimoire… I’ll ask Father.

Yeah yeah I know, I’m practicing a lot of things at once. But I’m fine. I’ll be getting quantity first before going quality. That’s what I’ll do in this situation where the situation is tight. I have to be versatile.

I’ll also be asking one of my family to sponsor my new dresses. Well, I'm definitely not going to approach Father, that's the last resort. What about Mother? Nah, she’ll be too into it, so no go, I don’t want her intervening much.

The options left were my sweet brothers. Hmm… someone that would sponsor without getting too much into my selections. I still have my gold coins from the last time I went out, there was a lot, but I don’t know if that will be enough for any high-class dresses.

Wow, I feel broke.

So which brothers… randomly?

Let’s roll the dice!

“My daughter.”

As I was about to mentally roll a dice — though how that was even possible, don’t question it. — my father called out to me.

“Yes, father?”

“I ask that you free your time this afternoon, I have something to discuss with you.”

Huh. You know, when one of my family wants to speak with me privately, it’s freak-out inducing — not that I would actually freak out… you get the idea. Something’s off.

Does this have to do with him acting weirdly around me? I have a feeling this won’t be pleasant for me. No, maybe this was good news.

“Right after lunch?”


Since it’s my academic lesson today, I’ll end class right before noon, so no overtime. But if it was music class though, expect some overtime since that would be more fun to do. Academics were important, but music was better, and I’m tired of pretending it’s not.

“Very well, father.”

As expected though, this attracted the curiosity of my other lovely family members, prompting them to inquire of what was up. But Father said it was just for the two of us.

I would have been excited if it was a special kind of gift, I would be jumping and giving “I love you” to him several times. It would make Estevan envious ‘cause he would never get to have that… However, adding up how he had been acting just gives the impression that I'm in a bad position somewhere… I can think of a few examples...

Well, as long as I’m not dying, that’s cool.

Breakfast ended and when I left the room, I gave Vernon a little glare, giving the impression I was displeased. He froze for a moment, baffled about what I did before uncomfortably asking me.

“Did I displease you, your highness?”

“Perhaps yes, perhaps not.”

“So… You are displeased?”

Judging by how he was speaking to me and his response, I can tell he was involved in something! Dammit, whatever. This happens when I’m only borrowing servants. In time I will need him completely on my side, his skills will be a great help. Besides, Father had plenty of strong ones with him already.

For now, I’ll let this slide and leave him alone.

“It’s up to you to figure out my feelings.”

“How harsh, your highness. If I am being honest, you are hard to read. So I would have preferred you not give me such a task.”

“Sometimes you need to figure things out by yourselves. Of course I believe I have no need to say that to you.”

He’s old and has a lot of experiences in life, so no need to give him any life lessons. I mean, what young person gives life lessons to the elderly? Stop it. Well, I’m not exactly the type to give respect to the elderly… so you don’t have to take it seriously coming from me. Listen to saints or whatever.

“I get the feeling that you truly are displeased with me. Did I do something?”

“I wonder, did you do something? Hm, I never saw you do something that would displease me, so none could tell what I could be displeased with you.”

With a pout, I walked away and began making my way to the lesson chamber. I heard Vernon sigh behind me. That’s right! Sigh in exasperation for your transgression. I ‘may’ don’t have any right to be sulky with him, but I’m still gonna.

“Sir Vernon, what did you do to make milady angry?”

“... I can’t say what exactly…”

Hey Vernon I heard that. Can’t say have two meanings, you don’t know, or you know but can’t tell anyone. And the way you act leans to the latter.

I arrived at the chamber and my commoner teacher was already there. Given how she was already here in the morning, she must have awoken quite early, earlier than me. Well, it wasn’t exactly wise to let a noble, or rather, a royal like me wait. That said, this woman was teaching plenty of nobles, so she should have a pretty high standing in society.

But I guess in the end a commoner was different from a noble. People seemed to stereotype that when it comes to monarchy, aristocrats were nasty people. Well, maybe it’s a bit true. But there were plenty of good ones, like my family. I mean, it’s not that different from democracy I guess, some are good, some are bad. Reminds me of the time I killed an entire government body… good times. Sure left the people in turmoil for a while. Was that turmoil for good reason or bad? That’s a secret.

After a short greeting, we proceeded to our lesson. As a good girl as I am, I listened closely to her and learned some things. Listen to your teachers, kids!

I have conquered math easily of course, as what happened last time. Their math here was basic, so no problem there. Some basic history of the kingdom, but this time, we got a bit deeper about the history of other nations. While we’re at it, we went into more detail about the geography of the continent.

Maps like these were impressive enough, though they lacked small details, the roads drawn were to be applauded. And damn this continent was plenty big. I was able to roughly familiarize the map now, I gave more effort now since I am feeling a bit serious now.

Taking the chance, I asked my teacher for us to go into our own kingdom. I want to learn more about the nobles in our homeland and their demesne. This could also be the chance to get into more detail about our geography.

I was a little curious about one thing, namely the forest in the northeast of the capital, Elgion Forest.  A vast expanse of forest where monsters linger that not even the current knights can wipe them all out as they did with other nearby forests.

Why did they even make a city close to that? I asked my teacher that question.

The forest was not as dangerous as it was when the kingdom was first established. Turns out, monsters just suddenly showed up a few centuries after the kingdom was founded. Historians could not even determine the reason for that, there was also no way for monsters to have migrated since the people would have known their movements.

So they just appeared in the middle of it? Were they perhaps just hiding all that time and showing themselves when humans started to disturb their ecosystem? I mean humans pretty much disturb everything so I can understand that, hehehe...

Seeing a monster would be pretty interesting... if it’s not threatening me.

I studied the map of our kingdom, memorizing the location of noble households. I even saw Mera’s household, talk about a remote place, and their territory was quite small compared to those nearby it. But theirs was by no means small, just small compared to areas handled by nobles around them.

By the capital, there lived nobles that didn’t have much land to govern since it was mostly under the crown. Most they could do was manage things up whenever the crown is focused elsewhere.

There was a household on my mother’s side there, a few from my cousins. Then there was also Eleanore’s, and then Lucious’s cousins I believe, he mentioned it a few times in the past, was it about his uncle or something? Eh, whatever.

These house locations will be important to be memorized, even the roads leading up to them or the landscape sketched on the map. Damn, these capital nobles must be rich! I mean, they’re pretty high ranking. But this homeland of mine was interesting, Marquis ranks do not govern any land here — well, those within the capital.

When they are promoted into a higher-ranking noble, they would be asked to move into the capital. Of course most would take it since it gives more privilege and offers plenty of merits, and the land they left behind will be managed temporarily by nearby households until governed by a newly appointed lord. That said, it was also fine to not transfer.

Basically, we those in the capital were the big leagues! Those beneath us shall lick our shoes and bow in our presence. When we lack chairs, they shall be our chairs! None could oppose us!

And I am way higher than them.

How bizarre if that would be the case. Yeah, that’s not the case at all. In this kingdom, even the nobles were… mostly kind… even if they feel otherwise inside, they need to act properly on the outside.

Being a tyrannical bitch wouldn’t look good in public. Sure arrogant nobles can feel displeased or repulsed at the mere presence of peasants, they were to still act benevolently in some way. If you’re too obnoxious, you’ll be frowned upon and the eyes of the crown will be watching you, and not in a good way.

Damn. Guess you gotta have a pretty tight grip on everyone, huh.

I wonder… How would my rule be if I were queen? Hmmm, yeah I can’t imagine much. Likely I’ll just do whatever I want… and maybe I would want my strings attached unto every noble’s throat, making sure they’re not working against my wishes. Absolute power shall be mine… Oh oh, that’s pretty much an authoritarian approach… What can I do about it? Sheeps need shepherds!

Well, what am I even thinking? I’m not gonna be a ruler anyway. Not my problem!

And after a little discussion and learning, my class ended. I waved my teacher goodbye, ain’t I a kind and sweet princess?

Then time for lunch. There wasn’t any tension whatsoever as it happened. So everything was pretty chill. Oh, I have made a decision on who I should ask for the new clothes. It would be big brother Eleden! Why? Well, Eldest Brothers tend to be the kindest and sweetest to the youngest sister, that’s why. That’s what I think anyway.

I’ll make a request when I’m done with the thing with Father. I wonder what it could be. Here’s hoping that this isn’t the peace before something spites me.

When we’re done, my Father spoke to me.

“Daughter, are you ready to go now?”


With a nod he stood up and had me follow him to his office, my two servants following me from behind. There wasn’t any tension again, actually Father looked pretty casual about it, which made me feel a bit ominous. But then again, I didn’t do anything too harmful for me.

Well, not too harmful, but still a bit problematic.

When we were about to arrive, there was someone standing right outside Father’s office. He was a man wearing a fancy knight’s armor who always had that snarky smile I was familiar with.

“Rogan, good you have arrived just in time.”

Yes, it was Rogan.

“I would not dare have you keep waiting, my liege.”

Father nodded his head.

“Then, let’s enter.”

Oooh, now I see.

So, Father, you have realized, huh...

Well shit… what’s he planning to do?

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