Royal Princess of Blood

Vol. 2 Chapter 21: Music’s Back

Good morning. What a good morning indeed. I had decent progress with my magic spells than with physical enhancement. Yesterday I tried doing the technique, but as expected I didn’t progress that much, I was like a baby making her first steps and falling off after just one. Needless to say it sored my arm.

Therefore, I decided to practice my magic spells. I focused more on healing spells since I wanted to use the spell to at least soothe my arm so I can perform more physical enhancement than before, and I can say the progress with it was decent for I have only started a couple of days ago.

I really am talented at this kind of stuff, but alas, I still need to learn physical enhancement or I’ll lose in physical combat for the most part of this world if I face someone way stronger in strength.

In any case, today was a day I was looking forward to. Namely, music class. Let’s goooo! Damn I can’t wait. This was the best, and I’m also looking forward to meeting Lanivia, she was the one teacher I can get along with the most. Madame Eleanore? Yeah no, no way. The commoner? That’s impossible, personally, or socially.

Mera woke me up by knocking loudly through the door. I would have preferred to sleep a little longer, but I have no other choice… Wait, aren’t I becoming too lax? Was this a good or a bad thing? I don’t know which one was the right answer. Nevertheless, this was not a matter of life or death, so it didn’t matter that much.

I let her inside and she fixed my bed, while I sat down on a chair chilling, it’s great to be rich.

When that was done, together we left the room. I first saw Vernon standing by the wall, then when I turned my head to the right, there was a knight standing straight. It was Rogan, wearing his usual armor, and a sword on his waist.

I didn’t see him earlier since he was there away from my sight, but what’s more interesting was that he was carrying a sword, and not his spear. If my memory was to be relied on, he uses a spear. Perhaps the spear was too troublesome to carry in the halls when on guard duty? If that is so, will that be alright? I mainly looked favorably upon him because he was an elite, and him losing the weapon he was used to would reduce his battle proficiency.

“Good morning to the both of you,” I said while looking at the two guys.

After they greeted me back, I turned to face Rogan with a smile.

“It’s great that you are here, I hope I won’t trouble you much.”

“Please, Princess, as your knight, I will share your troubles, and I shall support you whenever you need it.”

“Thank you.”

Wow, how sweet, I might accidentally fall — hahaha, just kidding. He was only a mere tool for me to use, he was nothing significant in my eyes. Rogan was only a knight that ought to fulfill his duties.

“By the way, I see that you are not using a spear?”

“Oh yes, spears are not exactly good weapons to use in tight spaces, especially with my style of combat with it. But,” he grinned. “No need to be anxious, princess. I am still elite level even with the sword.”

He sounded quite confident, well he looked pretty honest with himself, so his proclamation can be relied on.

“Alright, I will be relying on your protection, my knight.”

Now I have two fighters on my side, although the other one was not entirely mine yet, that was up for Father to decide. To be honest, there was not that a great logical reason not to give Vernon to me, he would be essential for my protection after all. True, he being lent to me with no definite time was also not an issue. But, judging from how things were going, it would be no different if he just gave him to me.

Ultimately, father had no need for him that much anyway. He had scribes and other servants to assist him, powerful knights to guard him, and he himself was powerful. I, her daughter, would need someone as talented as Vernon more than him.

What was obstructing him in giving Vernon to me was his emotions. Father was Vernon’s friend after all ever since he was young, it would be hard to let him go. Nevertheless, if he refused, then there is nothing I can do about it. What's important was that he wasn’t gonna betray me. I’m only bothered that he was also reporting to father, it’s like a subtle backstab you could say. I don’t like it when I’m not in control.

After that I went to take a bath, on the way inside though, Mera looked at Rogan weirdly, as if she would prefer him not to wait outside. Well, Rogan was a young man, although a little older than me by a few years, still young, and maybe me going into the bath and Rogan outside didn’t sit well with her.

Oh wait, could Mera be having some indecent thoughts about this? That’s adorable and hilarious.

Can’t blame them though, I am the embodiment of beauty and perfection. It would be a great transgression if someone unworthy sees me as not in my “proper” appearance. Well, no one but Mera can see me inside anyway so I see no problem with that.

After bathing, I went to have dinner with my family. Estevan particularly looked fidgety, looking at me then towards Rogan. He should have known about it by now, but I guess he was caught off guard about it all.

But Estevan didn’t complain whatsoever so he must have trust towards Rogan. That aside, Father has yet to talk to me about my request, he must not have yet made up his mind.

Mother was the same as always, come to think of it, it’s been a while since we hung out. It’s not like I want to be with her often… just sometimes…

Forget it.

I glanced at my eldest brother, thinking how I would go asking him about my request. Surely he had yet to learn that I’m grounded, good let’s keep it that way. I’ll do it by surprise, no way I’m letting anyone else in my family realize it, otherwise, they’ll tell him I’m grounded, and I wouldn’t be able to make a request anymore.

When lunch was done, I returned to my room to retrieve my precious instrument called the Liathre. Vernon was the one to carry the instrument placed within its wooden case. No need for Mera to carry it when there were boys around.

On the way to the learning room, I was already feeling a bit excited, it was a time of peace that I longed for. A moment rare in this current time.

“So it’s your music training I see, princess. I am excited to see how you perform.”

I wryly smiled at Rogan who said that to me.

“How embarrassing, I am not yet at the level to be called impressive. I’m afraid I might disappoint you.”

“Is that so? Well, I am not one to judge when one makes mistakes in these kinds of things.”

“How are you with the Liathre, Sir Rogan?”

He brought a hand under his chin as though measuring his own capabilities.

“I can confidently say that I’m decent. I never put much effort into learning about it because I have no interest in it. Holding a weapon is much to my preference.”

Geez, you knights are quite fierce aren’t you? Really, why do people like violence and weapons that much?~

It’s sarcasm, of course, I mean, look at me!

“Are you not fond of music? At all?”

Rogan shook his head.


“Nope. Like, it’s not for me, I don’t understand the great charm of it. Sure it’s great to hear good music, but I just couldn’t find the motivation to play one myself. It was just another skill a noble should learn.”

O lost sheep who does not understand the charm and wonders of music, let thy be smote by the universe for ignoring the significance of its language.

Ugh, so I couldn’t hang out much with anyone with great interest in music. Looks like it’s just me and Lanivia that could relate to each other. Hm, wait, what about Mera?

“Mera? What do you think about music and the instrument?”

Mera smiled, eyes glittering. I don’t know if she’s happy I asked about it, or she’s just happy I spoke with her here, at this moment, when my attention was on Rogan.

“Oh! I would pretty much play the instrument happily,” she clasped her hand excitedly.

Ooh Mera~!

Then she continued.

“But I can only play if I know how to. Practicing new melodies takes me a long time to master than others. And I couldn’t even know which chord to use just by ear. In spite of all that, I have not progressed that much.”

“Would you develop your skills?”

“... If I have to, yes.”

Have to, huh...

Haaaah, at least she had more enthusiasm in playing than Rogan. But she lacked motivation in progressing even further. That’s fine...

Not for long, we arrived at our destination. My knight opened the door for me and upon opening, there was no one there. Of course as expected, she’s yet to be here.

I sat down on the nearby chair as I waited for my teacher. She should be arriving at any minute. I am just a tad early so she had yet to arrive, nobles were pretty particular with schedules, so nobles usually never get late. They could be too early, or just in time, not late since that would be pretty unbecoming of a noble.

Then as expected, Lanivia shortly arrived with her attendant carrying her instrument.

I immediately stood up the moment I saw her, and she smiled in delight at me.

“It has been a while, your highness. May our hallowed lord and lady bless the moment of our delightful meeting.”

“I had been anticipating our meeting, madame,” I said with a sweet smile. “May we receive the resplendent blessing from our illustrious lord and lady.”

We greeted each other with the usual noble greetings.

Lanivia scanned with her eyes towards the other people in the room, then tilted her head a bit.

“My my, it has become a little more crowded than last time.”

Yeah, I too had realized, the number on my side had increased. But that was great.

Lanivia walked towards the table and had her attendant place the instrument onto it.

“So how were you, princess?”

“I have been doing well, madame. That being said, I have been longing for your lessons ever since.”

She chuckled.

“I am glad to hear you like my subject. I was intending to visit you this last few weeks, however I have been denied. The melody you performed last time we met has been in my mind, and I am deeply interested. Have you improved upon it?”

My muscle memories had returned for some reason, the same with dancing, so I should be more used to the chords now than before. Again, something I cannot explain why. Well, as long as it worked for my benefit.

“My apologies, but I have not. I would like to take this chance to focus on it today with your guidance.”

I just have to be honest here.

“Very well. Then, will you please play that song?”

My servants took out my stringed instrument while I sat down on the chair in front of Lanivia’s. I couldn’t help but feel the excitement through my fingers, how I longed to pluck strings once again. It sucks that I wasn’t able to do much of what I wanted to do, very stressful.

Vernon handed the instrument to me, the cool sensation of the wooden instrument traveled through the senses of my hands. After securing it to my lap, I stretched my fingers in preparation.

I glanced at everyone as I gradually gathered the courage to play after a while. Lanivia in particular was all smiles, her eyes glinted in anticipation making me wonder just how much she had been thinking about it. Well, can’t blame her, it’s Beethoven after all.

Vernon on the other hand looked pretty interested, while Mera looked at me with a wide smile, can’t certainly tell if she’s looking forward to my playing. The one who appeared to be a bit less interested was Rogan, like okay…

I touched the string after a deep breath, for some reason I felt a bit nervous. Ridiculous, me? Nervous? Why would I be for such a thing? Their gazes at me don’t mean anything significant.

Now then, if the memory was right, I should have no trouble carrying this out. I formed the first chord and plucked the first string. The feeling of the string, the vibration, and the sound it made endeared my ears greatly.

I plucked again and slowly continued on with the song, getting warmed up. My chest warmed up as the melody spread across the room, the tune going through my ear and nourishing my heart, a smile forming on my face, losing my attention to the surroundings.

As the song continued on, I was lost in the song, it was only me and this instrument and the sound traveling in the air. Gradually, the speed in my playing increased as though finally getting the hang of it.

Making use of the muscle memories and recalling the melody of the song, I played the masterpiece with all my heart, taking care not to make even the tiniest mistake. I don’t like mistakes when it comes to this, it ruins my immersion. Maybe I just wanted perfection even though it’s hard to obtain, but at least I could make it close to it.

That being said, this was just me playing the song Für Elise the simple way. I was still limited on what I could achieve. But this was fine for me for now.

Before I knew it I had plucked the last string of the song, and the world returned to my presence. I consciously took in a sharp breath, I think it went well. How convenient now that I know the chords, made things easier, and I couldn’t be happier.

I looked up to see the dumbfounded face of my instructor. She should have heard it already, so it made me wonder what incited this reaction from her. At that same moment, I heard loud clappings from the corner of a room.

Turning my head, I saw Rogan applauding towards me with a wide grin on his face. I immediately glanced at Vernon to see his shocked and amazed face, then there was Mera who looked flustered and followed clapping after Rogan, but only gently.

Adding all of their reactions together, I must have done a better job than last time. Although, my three servants never saw me perform this song before so this reaction was much to be expected. Therefore, my conclusion was mostly based on Lanivia’s reaction.

I felt relieved that it didn’t sound weird.

“Magnificent performance, your highness!” Rogan loudly said. “It didn't sound like a practice session at all. It’s as if you’re performing seriously on the front.”

Rogan was openly applauding and praising my performance, it would seem he had no intention of holding back his feelings.

“Yes, it truly was a shocking and beautiful song,” Vernon said with a few nods. “Through my years, I have never heard of it. It didn’t sound like what you sang in the past.”

You still remember that?

I acted embarrassed.

“I a-also think it was wonderful!” Mera tried to say.

“Madame…? What do you think?”

I asked my instructor.

“What I think you ask…? How should I even put it into words? All I can say is that it was so surprising and breathtaking.”

They truly think that? Huh… and it was a simple rendition, if I had a piano, it might have been more intense.

“T-Thank you.”

“I even began to wonder if I have any more to teach you.”

“Please, Madame! I still have a lot to learn, I have yet to know everything I should learn about playing this instrument. These were just the simpler and easier chords, yes? So there is still plenty I need to learn.”

Lanivia chuckled.

“Yes yes, that was just a casual remark of mine. I should say, that was a much better performance than before, maybe you did practice.”

“N-No… I was just caught up in the moment.”

“Is that so? Alright, then we’ll proceed to more difficult chords and techniques. Do you remember the melodies I had you listen to first in the past?”

“I think so.”

When Lanivia first came here to teach me, she had me listen to a couple of songs. Songs that were known by all nobles.

“You did play a song unbeknownst to us, but I hope you are able to play those I played to you.”

Now that’s an issue. I don’t remember much about those songs, just a bunch of bits that remain in my memory.

“Um… I might need a refresh.”

Lanivia giggled. “Very well.”

She then proceeded to play a single song that was the most famous among high society. After that, she taught me some other chords. I could have known what to use by ear, but that would leave me figuring out the form on my own when it came to chords used in the song I do not know. I only asked specific chords for Fur Elise after all, so there were a few chords unknown to me. That said, there were some familiarities with some I already know of so it didn’t take a lot of effort to do and remember.

Then the obnoxious barre chords — well they were only obnoxious at the beginning of learning that thing. Yeah, it was hard for a beginner, and it took me a while to get used to them, I had plenty of hand and finger strength at that time, so what took my time the most were the switching and forming them instantly — getting used to them.

So this time, I got used to the barre chords for this instrument pretty decently, which said to be needing a short while to get used to. My instructor let me practice those specially and she was amazed by the progress I was making.

“Incredible, you already don’t seem troubled by it. Normally others would take a couple of days to do a decent performance.”


Before I knew it, she had finished teaching me all of the chords I needed to learn. A bit fast? Well, she showed them each to me a couple or few times, and I can familiarize myself with them on my own. My fingers were just so awesome that they were able to shortly form up into those chords on the instrument.

“Yes, it’s as if you were already familiar with it…”

“Is that so…?”

“You must be incredibly talented in this, princess. I never would have expected, you weren’t like this the first moments I started teaching you.”

“... I just like you teaching me, Madame.”

Her eyes widened then a wide smile formed on her face.

“My my, you are quite a flatterer, your highness. I am honored by your words.”

“I was just being honest.”

After that short sweet exchange, I went on to practice the chords I would need to use for a specific song. It was a wonderful and beautiful tune, though it was sung in a local language, the melody itself can speak to everyone in the universe. I could have sung it in its original language, which was Japanese, but that wouldn’t work at all.

Let the notes sing.

I positioned my hand and fingers at the ready, after forming the first chord, I gently plucked the strings, the very first part of the song peacefully sounded. Then when came the lyrics where words were supposed to be spoken, I let the instrument sing, passing through the language barrier.

It was not that hard of a song to play in fingerstyle, so I was doing perfectly. As I listened to the tune I myself was playing, I felt a wave of nostalgia. No matter how unpleasant most parts of my former life were, there were bright and wonderful ones. Memorable moments and experiences, and my friends. That memory from my childhood.

The song I was playing is “Eine Kleine” by Kenshi Yonezu. One of my favorites.

Then with the last vibration of the last string, the song ended.

I smiled in satisfaction.

“P-Princess… what was that?”

My instructor looked at me with wide eyes. Everyone else looked pretty surprised upon hearing a song they never heard before. I have been surprising everyone, huh. Well, maybe I just want to show off a little — and I just miss this. It relieves me of stress and frees me from heavy thoughts, I couldn’t care less about what anyone thinks.

“Um, a song?”

“How are you able to play songs that I have never heard before?”

I looked at everyone.

Well, time to lie.

“I don’t know… I just hear them in my dream.”


“Amazing!” Rogan applauded loudly again. “I never would have imagined you would be skilled to this extent, princess.”

He truly looked impressed. Yeah I am an impressive one, give me my rightful praise. I am very good at fingerstyles, I am good with my fingers if you know what I mean.~

Right, I’ll stop with the dirty jokes.

With a grin, Rogan approached Mera, his eyes implied he had found prey to tease.

“The lady is amazing, right? Mera? The beautiful princess playing a beautiful melody really gives you an image that a goddess blessed us. Truly, this makes my heart race, and my chest warm, giving a special feeling.”

He leaned closer to her with a grin. With that, Mera furrowed her brows, glaring at Rogan then subtly pushed him away.

“Don’t get too close to me,” she said before moving a couple of steps away, while the glare remained.

Wow, she doesn’t like him at all. There could be plenty of reasons, one she’s just annoyed, the other she’s feeling bitter or jealous, then it could also be both.

With a chuckle, Rogan behaved but still wore an amused smile.

“Princess,” Lanivia called to me with bright eyes. “I am in awe of your talent. With this, you shouldn’t have to worry much about what you will perform in your debut.”

Yeah that.

“So I must perform?”

“Of course, you need to show how impressive you can be in front of the noble society. And as the royal princess, you must not be inferior to others beneath you. But I suppose we have nothing to worry about that part.”

I pondered on what I should be doing at that time.

“Do I need to verbally sing?”

I just needed to make sure if I needed to personally sing.

“Not necessarily, as long as you play splendidly with the instrument, you should be fine.”

Well, I can be splendid in the instrument, but in dancing, yeah I need practice — don’t want to look like an idiot. A long damn time of practicing. Dammit!

“I see.”

“But if you are to sing, you have plenty of songs to choose from.”

Yeah, there were plenty.

“Now that you appear to be doing amazingly with the Liathre, we can shift our focus on working out your singing voice.”

I do have a good voice, but there were limitations I need to breakthrough.

I nodded my head.

My instructor then proceeded to train my voice by having me humm and other vocal exercises. There were tiny difficulties but I was doing fine. I don’t really like doing very high notes, I don’t get the appeal of it. I like the smooth and soft singing, I think they are more peaceful. There were songs that hit the high notes that were good, but I just like the gentle ones more.

Then eventually our class ended, a shame she couldn’t stay any longer. Reason was that, in her words, “I have little left to teach you, so I believe it is alright to end our class for today.” Then I will be seeing her next time, she also added that I should think of what song I should play in my debut, and in our next meeting, she asked me to teach her the first song I played which was Fur Elise since we expect plenty of time to use next time.

It almost feels like we were friends or something and doing casual stuff in the classroom. Oh well, I look forward to her return.

For the time being, I need to change my focus on magic and physical enhancement. I’ll also be asking Eleden for the thing soon. The new dresses.

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