Royal Princess of Blood

Chapter 40: I will be the Judge

Around noon, I left my brother on his own to eat lunch. He decided to eat later to finish a part of his work, so I went ahead. Oddly though, I was the only one who ate today during lunch. I was alone on the table.

Both my parents were nowhere to be found. It seems all my family members were busy. I must have looked miserable as I ate with my lonesome on the table, I could tell from the sad looks from some servants along with the weird stares the other few servants were giving me. Furthermore, Mera also appeared to be saddened, as for Vernon though, he looked neutral.

I’m not that miserable.

Although, why does the food feel empty? It felt like… something was missing.

I shook such thoughts off my head. Such irrelevant feelings, I have no time nor the luxury to bask in such absurd emotions.

Still, haven’t they even thought that I’d be eating all alone without them...?

Whatever… such thoughts were unfitting of me.

After that, I went to have a little snooping around, then later returned to my room.

Finding infiltrators or betrayers amongst the staff would be difficult unless I interact with them personally. Or, they would act strangely, or some actions that would give them away. However, there were too many and others even looked too insignificant to be noticed, it was difficult. But, this was still the start though, no rush. Besides, I already have a few written on my mental list.

There was one that was close to someone with power. One close to the target. And another plain one but had a dangerous station.

First, Mera Sylvares. Her position would be the most ideal if I were the target, and if she hasn’t eliminated me yet, perhaps they had other things in mind. Also, the way she quickly accepted my request of her being my personal maid had begun to bother me.

Second, Allie Jelimis. The way she acted when I arrived at the kitchen and ate with them, was a bit weird. In contrast, about the other two cooks, they didn’t bother me that much. The boy was just a boy. And the head chef, I found nothing suspicious yet. More observation is required.

Thirdly, Oryn Iruhen. He was close to my brother. And his actions earlier with me made me suspicious of him, and also some of his reaction. Then his ears. I still need to learn more about him.

However, all in all, this was all still my observations. That still leads to nothing much when determining which one was the traitor. Plus, there was a chance that they were all not the targets I was looking for.

However, those observations of mine will be my stepping stones.

As for the man who my father assigned. I didn’t think much of him. He had been serving the king way before my brothers were even born. Thus, he wasn’t very suspicious. But more observation is required.

It seems that was all I gathered today.


It was finally dinner. I headed to the dining room earlier than usual. The reason was because I needed to have a short talk with my brother. Just as planned, I found him heading to dinner.


Estevan turned around to me with a smile, though I see some exhaustion evident in his eyes. Hang in there my beloved brother.

I walked towards him.

“You look awful, dear brother.”

I said to him with a concerned look.

“I’m fine, fine.”

“... If you say so... Let’s go together?” I asked softly with a faint smile.

He agreed and we walked side by side. Though I made my steps slower than normal. Thankfully he followed my speed like a true gentleman.

“I have something to ask,” I quietly said.

It was just the two of us except for the two servants far behind. It didn’t matter much if they were here or not, I was just going to ask a question about someone. Fortunately, that guy in question wasn’t here.

“What is it?”

“... About Oryn.”

My brother raised his eyebrow inquisitively, unexpecting the subject of the question.

“Hm? What about him?”

I twiddled around with my thumb.

“Um, actually, earlier, I saw his ear…”


It seems he knew what I was talking about.

“I didn’t mean to see it. But, it made me curious. What happened to him?”

He seemed to hesitate after hearing my question. What could be the reason that my dear brother was reluctant to share the story with me?

“I don’t know if you would be fine to hear about it.”

“I want to know.”

He pondered for a while before sighing.

“....... Alright.”

I first stopped in my tracks, I don’t want to enter the dining room yet. Good thing my brother followed suit.

“.... Well, in the past, he shared the story of his torture.”


“He was travelling around to find a good job since he was from a poor and small village. However, on his way to Serene, he was captured by a group of bandits. They robbed him of his possessions, and they made him heartlessly suffer.”

“How… cruel…”

“... They tortured him... then they eventually sliced off parts of his ears. And the bandits seemed to enjoy his cries and despair since they took him in for a fairly long time.”


Shock and fear was evident on my face as I listened. This was quite a gory story for a soft lady like me. Ah, how cruel. I couldn’t even begin to imagine how things went.

“Then he was saved by a group of adventurers, tended to his wounds, then brought him here to the capital.”

“... What a horrible story. He must have experienced great pain.”

“I imagine so.”

“How saddening… So magic couldn’t heal them then...”

“It appears so, they cut quite a significant part of his ears. Healing spells can’t regenerate a part that is cut off.”

What was the science behind healing spells? No, science is wrong. What is the rule, that should be the question.

I wanted to ask my brother, but this was not a place for lectures. I’ll learn about its rules tomorrow. But, shouldn’t magic be considered science in this world? Whatever, no wasting time pondering such things.

“I see. But I have to ask my dear brother. Do you fully trust Oryn Iruhen? The one you have known for years, the person who helped you in stressing works, the one who told stories of his suffering? Can you give the guarantee that he is trustworthy and loyal? Not to the crown, but personally.”

My brother blinked his eyes in confusion to my long questions. He must not have expected such words to come out of my mouth.

In addition, I was looking at him with my pure eyes as I usually do. I am still in character, but it seems who I truly was was leaking out.

Perhaps the reason for this was because my survival and peace was at stake. I am slowly crossing the boundary that I shouldn’t tread too lightly. However, this must be done. Besides, this was not a gravely action. I could just give the reason that I was just utterly concerned.

I looked at the reluctant eyes of my brother.

Let me understand what kind of person you are, Estevan.

Estelia’s memories were not enough.

I will be the judge.

Are you a fool, Estevan? Or not?

“T-That’s a weird question, Estel.”

He wryly smiled.

“Really? But even so brother, please answer. I am very concerned. Please be honest.”

He was faced with my utterly worried expression. As if I was searching for relief from his words.

“...I… I think he can be trusted. He has worked for me, and for the crown for more than a decade already. He is definitely loyal.”

I wanted to frown. I was disappointed. I expected more from him. So that was why earlier he looked at me when Oryn asked a crucial question, the point where he would tell Oryn what really was going on or not. I wonder if I didn’t shake my head and he told him what happened, or if I didn’t come at all, what would happen?

In any case, I have judged him.

You are a fool then, Estevan

“I see. Then, I will hold you unto your words, dear brother.”

With a nod and smile, I went on ahead, leaving Estevan behind me.

I was truly disappointed.

That said, even fools can be put into shape.


Oryn's story is revealed. However, whether it is true or not remains in question.

And, damn, Estelia was a bit cold towards her beloved brother(lol). Does this mean she still personally doesn't care about him? Or, her feelings are starting to change. I'll let you guys be the judges (a reference to the chapter title?? hehe)

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