Royal Princess of Blood

Chapter 45: The Royal Library (Part 3)

I approached the book bound in chains. It had a grey with silvery colored hard cover, and was as thick as a big dictionary found in my old world. I knew of this special book from Estelia’s memories.

A very important book, the Royal Grimoire. A book only to be opened and read by royalty. And this book was displayed at the center of a hall flanked by other lavish books on pedestals. The others must be the most expensive and historical in the library.

However, the Royal Grimoire stands above all. The sole book bound in chains. From the memories, here lies the powers of former royalties. Not physical, but magical.

This was what I wanted to see.

If what my family said was true, then if I can have this, I might learn a thing or two. Give me power.

I wondered if the spell Air Step was in there.


I knitted my brows. This book was supposed to be old, almost as old as the kingdom. However, the passage of time didn’t show in its appearance. Strange. Don’t tell me this was magic again. That could be the only explanation.

I can’t pull it out since it was tightly tied by chains with a lock. I know how to pick locks mind you. However, that was modern times, this was a medieval lock. That said, they still work the same, I guess. In fact, I expect it would be easier to pick this compared to the modern ones. I hope I’m right.

I reached out and held the lock to take a closer look. I pulled it a little, only then that the entire lock and the chains glinted for a moment.

The fuck?!

I immediately let go of it. Nothing happened to me yet. That glint wasn’t because of light from somewhere, but it came from the metals itself. No, not exactly, it was just above the metals. Whatever it was, that glint felt like it was a warning.

It gave me the feeling that it was like one of those electric fences that… well, electrify you with a touch. However, this phenomena seemed to be caused by magic. And it would be dangerous to mess around with it when I know nothing.

Dammit, it feels like I just call anything unexplainable and implausible as magic.

I mean, what else could magic be? It defeats common sense. And it’s bullshit!

In any case, this was a bit frustrating. At this rate, I can’t pick the lock to steal it. I could really  try… but that would just be idiotic. No way this was a small deal. And no way they would just put a measly security measure.

I could die for all I know. Or worse, I would lose an arm. Yes, that’s worse than dying. I would rather not lose an arm or leg.

I guess I just have to find some other way. I can’t learn its contents anyway without familiarizing myself with magic.

But it’s good to learn that the grimoire had such security. In the past, Estelia never touched it, so I never knew it had something like this. Well, Estevan did warn her not to touch it so…

Whatever, I shall return. Bye-Bye Mister Safeguarded Book. I’ll open you up next time.

I left the Mister Book alone.

This place was a library, so I could certainly find information that I wanted. Information about the local area, the outskirts, further than Wisteria, and so on. However, I shall focus on the book that was given to me by Father.

No distractions.

Shortly, I arrived back at the lobby.

“How’s your short tour, your highness?” Vernon asked me out of the blue.

I smiled brightly as I spoke energetically.

“Oh I just read some books about Monarchs.”

His eyes went wide for a moment, as though surprised by my answer.

“... Monarchs?”

“Those books that looked like biographies. Although I just took a short peek, there is too much to read.”

“...I see. Well, I do hope you give your whole attention to the book about the basics of magic.”

I wanted to furrow my brows. He seemed to be implying something. He was like an instructor that only wants their students to focus on their subject and nothing else.

Of course my instructors weren’t so forgiving if you don’t pay attention. Again, they would smack you on the head hard.

In my early days, I actually experienced that. It was a bit vague since I was very young, but that was a very memorable moment. I think I cried. Uhuh, poor little me. What an abusive place, painful, I have only realized that later when I left the training facility. It was the only place I knew when I was a kid, therefore, I didn’t think it was a truly abusive place.

There was no hero that came to save us, the world was not as bright as stories children always hear their parents tell.

There were no heroes and absolute justice. The ones who claim to be heroes of justice are fools. If I actually saw someone who acts that way, I swear I might have a terrible time holding myself back from choking that person myself.

“O-Of course, Vernon. How could I not? But before that...”

I shifted my eyes towards Mera who was a bit behind Vernon. I had a concerned look on my face as I looked at her, prompting her to flinch in surprise and bafflement. Well, I was suddenly giving her a worried look.


I walked towards her as Vernon stood aside. I did have a glimpse of him narrowing his eyes as he glanced at Mera though.

“Are you alright, Mera?”

Mera seemed to grow a bit restless as both her hands tensed up as they held together.

“... Y-Yes, milady. What made you ask?”

“Well, you seemed… off. You’re acting strange.”

“S-Surely not, I am normal as always,” she said with a faint smile.

“Is something bothering you?”

“... No, milady. There is nothing.”

There was a bit of delay on her response. Something was indeed in her mind. She realized yesterday that the servants were being suspected of something. Perhaps…?

She was intending to have a low profile?


Let me try agitating her a bit. If I were her target, there must be something I can notice. If there was, if we say hate, that would be more noticeable.

I suddenly stepped forward and gently sandwiched her cheeks between my hands. Her eyes went wide by my sudden action and she turned stiff.

“Stop it with the long face. See? You look better this way.”

I squished her cheeks and pressed it a little.


I giggled. “You look adorable!”


“There there,” I let go. “Cheer up.”

I smiled as I looked at her eyes.

“...Yes, milady.”

What did I notice? There was no hatred. It was just a genuine surprise. Eyes wanted to scream and retreat. However, that didn’t mean no hatred means no threat. And eyes often means different things than what you initially assessed.

That said, playing with a possible enemy’s emotions was quite amusing and entertaining. Me deciding to agitate or fluster her might prove fruitful in the future, and give influences that would help her make a decision.

“That is good, Mera. I’ll be focusing on my studies for a while.”

I left her and sat down on the chair.

I took the book.

Right, time to study!


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