Royal Princess of Blood

Chapter 84: Will You Save Me?

The strawman was burned asunder after my fire spell hit it, sending small gusts of wind upon impact sending dusts in the air. This spell can blast off a normal human being a few meters away as they burn.

This was all I could manage, any more and I would begin to feel uncomfortable. No matter, I will have Vernon by my side when it comes, he will be my guard. Just like what happened with Mera. If Mera had tried to kill me in the bathroom, I would instantly call upon Vernon and let him handle it.

Truth be told, when it happened, I was surprised by how quick he acted. I imagine because of his physical enhancements, his legs performed way beyond human limits.

As I watched the strawman turn to ash, there was clapping sounding beside me.

“Amazing, milady.”

I turned to face Mera who was clapping in praise of my efforts.

“Thank you, Mera.”

I decided to rest a little and headed towards the shade of a tree. I’m starting to hate the sun now… I’m joking.

“I think I have reached a satisfying line for this spell.”

“Should we move on to another spell then?” Vernon asked.

I shook my head.

“No, not yet. I have other things to do.”

I innocently lowered my head.

“Milady, may I ask what that would be?”

I rubbed my hands together as I appeared to be anxious about something.

“An infiltrator that threatens me has yet to be found…”

“Milady, is the infiltrator really targeting you?”

“Yes… Or perhaps the royal family also.”

I was the only one warned, but it was never certain that my family would be safe. Better safe than sorry. I don’t want all of the family to die and leave me the burden of being a Queen — if I alone survive. I mean, I didn’t get to do much yet, so it would suck that I would be crowned as Queen all of a sudden.

“But, is that information true I wonder?” Vernon asked.

I sighed.

“Vernon, has Father told you how we received that information?”


“And I’m sure you know the lengths Father took, I heard he even had the church involved.”

“I am informed that yes, frequent reports are also delivered directly to his majesty, and are only for his eyes.”

“Then, it is apparent that they take this seriously…” I paused as I hesitated. “I… I was directly warned by someone… and the way he was, he couldn’t be taken lightly.”

Only then did I think of something.

Maybe Vernon had an idea?

Vernon was an adventurer, and he had travelled far and wide all over the content. Maybe, just maybe he had heard of it.

“Vernon, do you know of the term Princess of Blood?”

I looked at his eyes only to realize that he didn’t know as his eyes hinted at cluelessness.

“... What an interesting term… But I have never heard of it.”

“Even a former adventurer such as yourself doesn't know… What about you Mera?”

Mera shook her head.

“No, I’m afraid I have not heard of it.”

“I see…” I paused as though disappointed. “If you two ever learn something that has to do with that term, please tell me.”

They both agreed.

“Now then, let us rest for a moment.”

I kneeled down on the grass, a cool sensation touched my senses, so comfortable. A pleased smile formed on my lips as I noticed Mera and Vernon were still standing.

“What are you both waiting for?”

I patted on the ground on both my side, beckoning them to sit down beside me. Mera was the first to act, although appearing hesitant while doing so.

Vernon watched Mera follow my command, then sat down on the other side of me with a sigh.

“This is unnecessary.”

He said that. Well, it must be weird casually sitting down with a couple of young girls as though they were on a picnic. People might mistake us for being his granddaughters, which was quite hilarious when you think about it.

“I will be relying on your strength once again, Vernon, when the time comes.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“I’ll tell you soon. I still need to talk with my brother.”

“Your brother…? Princess, don’t tell me your —”


I gazed up at the sky with a solemn look.

“You know, this… is tiring.”

Indeed, having to worry about such things was tiring. I have already had a tense life in the former life, I just want to be carefree in this life. But these problems denied me of that.

“Once this is over, I will go beyond the walls and see the world.”

I am curious. I want to walk around, discover, there are a lot of things to see in this brand new world, it would be a waste not to do anything.

“If that is the case, your highness, then I suggest you hurry.”

I turned to look at Vernon.


“You are a princess… royalty doesn’t really have the luxury to do anything as they become older, and much more a woman. You will need to find a man to marry.”

I frowned. That made sense, every aristocrat needed to have a partner. If one never finds a partner, then good luck with your social life. Perhaps for males, it wouldn’t be much of a problem, but for women, finding a partner is essential, age after all deteriorates our beauty, and an heir is necessary. Though I doubt my beauty would die out that easily.

Guess I’m running away for a while?

I should take that into consideration.

The kingdom would surely go into an uproar, but I don’t care. I will be free as a bird.

“Then, we’ll cross that bridge when it comes to it.”

“But it will be hard to find someone worthy of milady,” Mera said out of the blue.

Mera really holds me in high regard. And why did she have a subtle displeased expression I just saw?

“It is not about being worthy, it is about what is necessary. But, if the kingdom’s relationship with the Myra Kingdom in the northeast turns for the better, then I imagine you can find an ideal partner there.”

The kingdom of chivalry, huh. Going to other countries was on the bucket list. But I’m more interested in the Valaies holy kingdom though. Religious countries might be more peaceful compared to a country of fighters.

As for the Tornridge Empire, yeah fuck that. Too risky for a princess like me.

“The princes there I heard are quite exceptional,” Vernon added.

“Hm… Even so, I will not be queen anyways. So no rush is needed in finding a partner.”

“Your highness, why don’t you become queen?”

“Do you even need to ask, Vernon? My brothers are worthier of the throne than I.”

“But, what if you are given the chance?”

No way, being queen is such a pain in the ass.

“I am not skillful enough to handle the work the throne gives. The kingdom needs someone better than me.”

Vernon stared at me intently for a moment.

“If you say so...”

“Those aside, the infiltrators will need to be taken care of so I can sleep peacefully at night.”

Plus, I think I can have at least 10 years without worrying about marriage. So perhaps, I might even decide not to run away.

But if I do, where am I even going to run? I don’t know shit about this world, so better familiarize myself with it before doing something so daring.


The porcelain plate clang as I gently sliced a piece of meat on my meal. The juice deliciously came out while a sweet fragrance came to my nose. I chewed the food and a pleased smile formed on my lips, how wonderful. Sometimes I’m just impressed by how people present the dishes.

Maybe I am underestimating this world’s culinary arts.

Well, I don’t particularly have any good impression towards the medieval era back in my old world and I brought that impression here. Can’t blame me when I’m used to modern stuff.

That said, the food in this world needs some more work, no one can beat the fine stuff from Earth, but this world is almost there. Maybe five steps away.

As for technology, it would have been nice to have guns, but I can't really cry about it when you have fucking magic! Woah wait, can magic replicate a nuke? Not the radiation side of it, that’s fucking nasty. I mean, you know how fucked up you can get once you get exposed to radiation, right? That shit sends shivers down my spine.

What I meant was replicating the power of a nuke. Now that would be nice, but I suppose it will need a vast amount of mana to achieve the level of the first ever nuke.

Can I do it?

Yeaaaah, I have no idea. Nuke is powered by science, and might become simpler once people can understand how it works. But for magic, replicating the power of a nuke? Eh, who knows, but there’s a chance.

But nuke like things are nasty. With magic, killing might become more beautiful than how nukes do it. Nukes are tasteless.

Oh wow, look at my opinion.

Back to the topic of food. With how good Allie was, I’m sure she’ll get to improve the food in this kingdom even more.

How talented my subordinates are.

“Father, has Rogan confessed to you yet?”

As I was enjoying my food and wallowing myself in my thoughts, Estevan suddenly asked that.

My father chuckled.

“Hahaha, that one’s tough, I tell you that, he wouldn’t even tell me.”

Holy shit! F-Father interrogated Rogan?! Vernon, why didn’t you tell me?!

That was dangerous.

If I’m exposed, will I get punished? Uwah, don’t want that.

“Rogan that rascal… even after all interrogation of his higher ups, then by the king… I can’t believe he still wouldn’t talk,” Estevan said.

“Well, he said he will not say anything for the sake of the person. Who that person is, I don’t know.”

Aaaw, how sweet of Rogan.

You have my adoration!

But I should say, Rogan is one tough nut to crack.

“Still, as rumors had already begun circulating, what he did was not that great of a problem. No need to force him.”

But Father, you could have forced him if you want to. Father’s kind, but I didn’t think he would be this kind.

“If you say so…”

Damn, I really need to act quickly.

“Ah, this reminds me, I’ll be leaving tomorrow for the Church.”

“Any great news?”

“Just something I need to address personally.”

What? Tomorrow? Shit, and I’m planning to start moving tomorrow. It will be risky to delay any further.

I don’t want to be exposed just yet that I shared the information. Anyone could kidnap Rogan and squeeze the answer out of him. No matter how tough he was, everyone cracks. That being said, Rogan’s strong and can defend himself sooo....

But I suppose we have other knights to make up for Father’s absence, just in case. And Estevan should be almost of Father’s strength, while I also have Vernon, so I should be safe, and not to mention the knights were here too.

Plus, that guy seemed to be starting to act impatient, sauntering around the palace, that’s suspicious as fuck. I wouldn’t be satisfied till I’m sure that guy’s clear.

“Very well, Father. Please tell me the news once you arrive,” Estevan said.

The church, huh.

I should check out the church some time.

Then our dinner was finished. My family left one by one after some goodnights.

I got out first and regrouped with Vernon and Mera and waited for someone to come out.

When Estevan came out, I rushed to his side and reached for his hand.

“Woah, sister.”

He looked at me with surprise, however I failed to not notice the pleased smile on his face.

“B-Brother,” I said meekly as I lowered my head to avoid his gaze. “Please escort me to my room.”

“Now this is sudden, but sure. You miss me or something?”

He patted my head gently as I nodded my head.

“You have been too busy, and I have my magic training, we didn’t have much time to speak.”

“Really now? Alright, I’ll grant the wish of my beloved sister.”

My expression brightened as I looked at my brother with gratefulness.

“Yehey! Oh,” I moved closer to his ear and whispered after ensuring that there were no other harmful elements around. “I have important things to talk to you about.”

“Is that so… then I’ll listen…” he quietly said to me. “But why are we whispering?”

“Because it’s a secret,” I giggled adorably as I gently pulled him.

As we walked together, Mera and Vernon followed behind us.


I hummed joyfully as I took a hold of my lovely brother’s arm. He seemed amused by my actions judging from his wide grin.

I too enjoyed this moment, hard to explain, but… I feel a slight warmth in my chest. Because of this realization, my superficial humming lessened in volume and slightly wavered, however, I forced myself to go on.

Then a moment later, we arrived at my room. I opened the door for him and invited him inside, like a woman inviting a man to her be— okay fuck, I’m kidding… don’t get your heads turning now.

“Come inside, brother.”

I said with a relaxed smile and watched him enter casually. I’m surprised he didn’t act all shy entering a lady’s room, no less his cute sister.

When my brother entered, I gave orders to my servants.

“Stand watch.”

After they acknowledged, I closed and locked the door.

“Please sit, big brother.”

I indicated the spot where I always have my tea or desserts. As Estevan sat down with nonchalance, he asked me.

“So, what is this about? Quite secretive.”

“Something important,” I said as I sat down opposite him with a faint smile. “About my situation.”

His right eyebrow rose up.

“Your situation?”

“.... Brother, I am the target of our unknown enemies, yes?”

“... Y-Yeah.”

His voice stuttered as he realized the serious topic. I looked down timidly.

“I believe it is certain, yes? After all, the Princess of Blood… thing…”

“...... Yes, we also take it as certain.”

“There are surely betrayer among our ranks. And, I have cleared my two personal servants, Mera and Vernon, of any suspicions, so you have no need to suspect them.”

Estevan furrowed his brows in disbelief.

“You concluded that…?”

“Yes, and you can trust me on that.”

He might still be wondering how I reached that conclusion.

“Alright… I’ll trust you on that.”

He said with certainty. I already expected he would easily believe me, as he would easily believe those that were close to him.

“But, what about you, dear brother?”

“What about me?”

“Are you still certain of those servants close to you, specifically Oryn.”

“I have already answered you that, I don’t believe he is a betrayer.”

Not a betrayer, huh. You know, I’ve been thinking, I often refer to the opposition as betrayer, and often an infiltrator. It was a bit difficult to choose the correct term to use. What makes someone a betrayer or an infiltrator is a matter of perspective.

In our eyes for instance, we can see them as betrayers, or traitors. But for the enemies, they were never on your side to begin with, so the word traitor is less fitting, and the word infiltrator was more proper.

If an ally suddenly changed sides, then he can be called a traitor. But if our enemy was an enemy in the first place, then he can be called an infiltrator. In a subjective thought, maybe both traitor and infiltrator can be used.

In the end though, they are enemies to be exterminated.

“Is that so…? Have you noticed anything weird or strange about him lately?”

He thought.

“No, there was nothing strange.”

“I see… But he has been going around the palace lately, and I mean like patrolling around the palace.”

I have often seen glimpses of him walking around. And the moment I truly encountered him was when I was going back to my room. The impression he gave to me was that he was snooping around.

“Has he mentioned that to you?”

“... No, no he has not.”

My brother was getting uneasy.

“Surely this is nothing to worry about dear sister.”

“Hm… He did say he was figuring out how to enhance our security.”

My brother chuckled.

“See? Nothing to worry about.”

“You look like you only learned of this now.”

“... Yeah, I only learned of this now…”

“Now that is strange, it has been a few days since I spoke to him.”

“Perhaps he has yet to suggest anything?”

Well, Oryn did somewhat mention he would only tell the prince when there was something to be improved upon.

Even so…

“Perhaps. But not even mentioning it to you ever, is quite a failure on his part. However, let’s see it from another perspective, dear brother. See it with the eyes of the opposition.”

He pondered as he lowered his eyes.

“To know the holes of our security and prepare for it?” he said.


“But this is ridiculous, Estel.”

Oh, he used my name?

He never used my name in this meeting until now. He must be getting restless and agitated.

“He has been working for the crown, for me, for several years now.”

“Was that a few years after my birth?”

“Yes, and that’s a long time ago. He has been devoted ever since. Suspecting him is just…”

“I understand you, dear brother… So, I have a suggestion. If he is indeed not an infiltrator then you have nothing to worry about.”


“Brother, I will need your cooperation in this.”

He looked away with a clenched fist.

“Dear brother, will you help me?”

“....... Of course…” After a moment of delay, he finally responded.

“Thank you… But I have a question before anything else.”

I paused as he returned to look me in the eyes. With a tender gaze, I asked him in a low voice.

“Even if your dearest friend is the enemy, will you save me? Will you not hesitate to rid me of those who threaten me? No matter who they are?”

He pursed his lips as though he was hurt that he was being asked such an obvious question.

“Of course I would. I’ll save you from anyone, and I won’t hesitate.”

He said that, however, I couldn’t put a lot of trust in those words.

People, after all, tend to do otherwise of what they say.

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