Those flowers have become dried flowers, just

She looked at one of the lilac flowers a little strange, she remembered before as if there was no flower of this color, to have a strange pale yellow.

But now the pale yellow one is gone, and it's much more lavender.

From the appearance, the purple flower seems to be the light yellow flower, but now it has changed color.

Angelica dahurica Ling picked up the flower and put it on the tip of her nose. A strange fragrance came from the tip of her nose, but it was very light.

In a short time, Angelica dahurica Ling let her tense nerves relax, there is a kind of unspeakable comfort.

This discovery let Angelica Ling Leng Leng, she really did not expect that this flower has such a powerful effect!

Want to leave the pace and turn back to go back, the hands of a flower.

She separated the diameter of the petals of the dried flower, ground them into powder, and then added some condensation to make the powder coagulate in it.

Take out a small purse from the body and put the condensed powder in.

After the imperial palace of Jingling was destroyed in the name of search by the guards, many people thought that bailiyao would do more. After all, bailiyao did too much this time. So many foreign envoys are still there!

Strangely enough, he didn't do anything, just like nothing happened.

Bailiyao asked people to spy on jingling palace to prevent bailiyao from doing anything.

For several days, there was no reliable news from the spies, which made Bai Liyao feel uneasy.

"What do you want to do?" It's abnormal for him to say nothing like that!

He is so upset and irritable that he can't sleep well these days.

"No, I can't wait any longer!" Hundred Li Mo Yi suddenly claps a table to sink a voice way.

Several of Bai Liyao's cronies came forward to inquire after Bai Liyao said so. "I don't know what the emperor's plan is."

Bai Liyao had a gloomy face. "If you want to be ready, I won't give him this chance! When I went to the embassy, I said, "I want to see Mo Linyuan."



No matter what happened outside, the days of Angelica dahurica Ling in the palace were not greatly affected.

Every day, in addition to studying the method of inducing ice cicada poison Gu, she also went to check the situation of the injured bodyguard, which greatly promoted her status in the hearts of the people in the palace.

These days, Baili Moyu goes out early and comes back late every day. Every day baizhiling goes to bed. He comes back. When he wakes up the next day, he leaves again.

That day, baizhiling came out of the room and went to the wounded to have a look before returning to the room for dinner.

"Princess, you've lost weight these days, but you need to eat more."

Angelica dahurica Ling looked at the steaming dishes on the table, just want to move chopsticks, a touch of slender side came in.

"Wang Ye..."

She was a little stunned, because these days the hundred Li Mo fan would come back only after she fell asleep. Usually, she could hardly see anyone, so her surprise was that he suddenly appeared at this moment.

Bai limo nodded.

Baizhiling took the full moon's handkerchief and wiped his face. When the back of her hand touched his cheek again, she found that it was cold and frightening.

"How can you..."

Barrymore took her soft hand and shook her head. "You all step back."

"Yes." The servant girls all backed out.

The worry in the eyes of Angelica dahurica is growing.

"Mr. Wang, what happened?"

Bai limo took her hand and sat down at the table. He picked up chopsticks and gave her a rib.

"Eat first. I haven't eaten all day today. I'm a little hungry."

Baizhiling's sharp eyes found that his fingers trembled slightly when he was holding chopsticks.

This is not normal!

"Lord, what's the matter?"

The hundred mile Moyu tries his best to suppress the abnormal movement in his body.

"No problem, eat."

Baizhiling can only endure the worry in her heart and eat this meal quickly.

When she put down her chopsticks, Bai limo only drank a few mouthfuls of soup.

The hundred mile Moyu is a little sad. "You are in a hurry and don't want me to have a good meal."

Bai Zhiling grabbed his hand and pulled him up from the chair to hold his pulse.

When the palm of his hand touched his wrist, he felt more and more cold.

A pulse, found that his pulse disorder, where he now looks like this calm appearance!

"When did it start?"

"This morning."

Angelica dahurica Ling was very angry. "Why don't you tell me!" Pulse disorder, this is no small matter! What's more, there are gold needles sealing acupoints in his body. What should I do if something happens!

Looking at her worried and angry little face, Bai Li Mo was laughing."There was something important to go out for at that time, and ling'er was worried about it."

"I know I'm worried about doing it again!"

Angelica dahurica takes a deep breath and presses down her emotions.

Normally speaking, after the golden needle seals his acupoints, there should be no abnormal situation in his body, but now his pulse condition has become disordered, which is not normal.

"Did the Lord use his power by force?"

Hundred Li Mo Xuan shook his head.

No forced exercise of merit

What's going on?

Bai Zhi Ling's vision swept around Bai Li Mo Yu's body, and her vision suddenly fell on his purse.

The purse was made by her. The workmanship was ordinary. It was a bit ugly, but that was not the point.

The most important thing is that the things in the purse are the pollen that she smelled a few days ago and felt could be concentrated and relaxed. The pollen condensation she put on the table for him last night, because she was afraid that he would fall asleep when he came back, so she put it on the table for him to take the next day.

Is It's about this?

So think, Angelica dahurica will reach out to take off the purse, put on the tip of the nose to smell.

What's strange is that the fragrance of flowers inside is getting stronger!

"Wang Ye Wen Wen."

She handed the purse to the tip of his nose.

After smelling it for a while, there was no unusual reaction at the beginning.

But after a while, his body suddenly trembled violently.

Angelica dahurica Ling a look, busy take away the purse.

As soon as the purse was taken away, the body of Bai Li Mo Yu gradually calmed down.


That's really the problem!

When baizhiling put her purse elsewhere and went to check the pulse condition of Baili Moyu, it was much smoother than before.

"What's the matter with your health?"

"It's much better now."

"Can that pollen make the cold poison in Wang Ye's body recur..."

"It's different from the feeling when the cold poison attacks." The hundred mile Mo Xun slowly way.

Angelica dahurica Ling a Leng. "What's the difference?"

Hundred Li Mo fan frowned, slowed for a while and then said, "it's like something is running in the body."

Angelica dahurica Ling a listen, stare round eyes, stand up. "Is that true?"

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