
Asahd's POV:

"I have to start buying baby clothes." my mother said happily, walking about her chamber and looking for her phone.

"You have nine months for that." I mused, laughing a little.

"Eight." she corrected and raised a brow at me. I laughed, knowing perfectly well that the issue of Saïda and I was going to be brought up again,

"When exactly did you lure that child."

I laughed and clapped.

"Child? Mom, she's twenty." I mused.

"Whatever, she's as precious as a child. And you lured her into doing something she otherwise wouldn't have done." she shook her head in disbelief and amusement.

"Lured her? That word makes me feel like a predator or something," I laughed, "You and father, always blame me first."

"When it comes to issues with women, yes. I still find it hard to believe that Saïda gave in. She's so straightforward. How did you convince her?"

"I didn't. Well–" I laughed a little.

"Guilty. Shut up." she scoffed and I laughed again.

"I didn't convince her, literally... I think. I was very patient with Saïda. More than with anyone else. I was never going to force her, and I never will, when she doesn't want it."

"So you mean she came to you and asked you to make love to her? Pff! Nonsense. You can't fool me." she rolled her eyes and my mouth dropped wide open in amusement.

'She did! Yes, it was my fault, but she still did!'

"So I'm automatically the bad guy?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Yes. You seduced her. Admit it. You seduced her until she grew out of love for Noure. She used to really love him."

"I did. And I don't think I'll ever be sorry. Destiny decided otherwise for her future."

My mother laughed out.

"No, you did, Asahd!" she laughed, "I'm tired of you, Asahd. You are so stubborn. But I'm happy you're serious for once. Happily settled, in love and a future parent. I honestly thought you would end up being forced to marry some noble's daughter because of the customs."

"I know right."

I watched her continue to look for her phone. Suddenly, she turned to me.

"Let me guess," she started.  


"The day you admitted loving Saïda, to me, you had already slept with her."

I chuckled.

"What makes you think so?"

"You looked particularly happy that morning. It was the night before, wasn't it? That particular stormy night, when all noises were covered by the heavy rain." she folded her arms and smiled knowingly.

My mouth dropped again and I laughed, clapping.


"Don't even try to lie. I'm convinced of my own opinion which I know is true." she said proudly.

"How do you do that?" I laughed, "Is it written all over my face? It's scary that I really cannot lie or hide anything from you. You know me way to well."

She laughed.

"I gave birth to you. I made you and raised you. Of course I know you like my fingertips." she chuckled and finally found her phone, "Here you are."

"It's funny how father doesn't decrypt me as good as you do."

"I'm unbeatable." she joked and I laughed.

She came to me and held my face. I smiled at her.

"I'm very happy for you, my dear. And happy that you are finally a man."

"I wasn't a man before?" I joked with a laugh.

My mouth twisted in amusement.

"You sure I've changed?" I laughed.

"Well, a little." she laughed out, "The fact that you abandoned the nastiest habits you used to have like being disrespectful, rude, egocentric and many more, now make you a man. The fact that you love unconditionally and is happily settled and responsible, makes you a man. And I'm happy."

I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I love you, mother."

"I love you too, my dear. God bless you."



Writer's POV:

And so the news spread like wildfire. The princess was already pregnant. The palace received a lot of calls and as from the next day, a lot of people came visiting with gifts for the future mother and even for the unborn child. Everyone congratulated the royal couple. Not only were they newly wedded, they were already future parents. Double blessings indeed

Everyone was happy, the royal family most especially.


Time flew by and the princess was left with one more month.


Saïda's POV:

I smiled at my reflection. I was in our dressing room and admiring my round tummy in the glass.

Just then, Asahd who'd just left the shower, joined me.

"One more month." he said with a smile, coming to kiss me.

"I know right. I'm all excited, yet a little nervous about giving birth."

"Don't be." he smiled and bent over to kiss my baby bum, "I'll be with you, all the way."

I smiled and he stood straight, pecking me.

"I love you, Asahd."

"I love you too. And our little baby." he put a hand on my tummy.

Asahd and I had refused to go to the hospital and discover the baby's gender. We wanted it to be a surprise. We'd already chosen names just in case, both for either a boy or girl.

"I can't wait." I finally said, hugging him.


Asahd's POV:

Saïda and I were in our room one afternoon. She lay on the bed and I sat at the end, massaging her feet. The poor darling's feet were swollen. Her tummy was even more big now and her mood swings were still on the loose.

"The month's ending," I started, massaging her feet, "We'll be welcoming our little Usaïd anytime from now."

"I'm very happy about it." she replied and smiled. She was so pretty and my heart skipped a beat.

"Pregnancy sure agrees with you." I smiled at her.

"I know right. I was afraid that with time I was going to look like bees had stung my face or so." she joked and we laughed.

"The only person that would've been bothered about that, would've been you. It would've never bothered me."

She blushed and smiled at me, I smiled back. I continued to massage her feet, when,

"Oh!" she gasped, holding her tummy.

"What? Contractions?" I asked, worried.

"AH!" she screamed and frowned, starting to breathe hard, "Asahd! I think–"

She gasped and open her eyes wide.

"Right now??" I stood immediately.

"Yes! Yalah!" she cried and gasped.

"Guards! Guards!" I called and the two rushed in, "Get my mother! Tell her to call the midwives. Now!"

They rushed out and I turned to my wife, sitting close to her and holding her hand. She was crying now and clearly in pain.

"Breathe, darling. Breathe."

She held my hand tight and I made her rest her head on my shoulder. She'd had a few contraction attacks before but this one seemed to be even more severe.

My heart was racy and for the first time since she'd gotten pregnant, I was very nervous.

"Ow! Yalah Asahd, don't leave me!" she cried, her grip on my hand tightening.

"I won't, sweetheart." I held her close, "Breathe. The midwives are coming. I'm here for you."

"AH!!" she groaned in pain and cried.

"GUARDS!!" I called impatiently, "Guards!"

"Asahd!" she gasped, breathing hard, "Aaahhh!!"

Just then, my mother stormed in, followed by the midwives, my father and Djafar.

"Don't worry my darling." my mother rushed to us, "She's about to give birth."

She made Djafar and my father to leave the room while the midwives poured some hot water into a basin and grabbed towels. I watched them set everything up.

"Breathe, my princess." one of the women said while she helped Saïda bend her knees.

"D– don't go..." she sobbed to me, holding my hand firmly.

"Never. I'm not leaving you, my dear." I reassured her.

"Open your mouth and breathe hard, my darling." my mother said as she assisted the midwives. She too had a medical training as midwife and knew exactly what to do.

I remained seated at the top and close to Saïda, so she could hold my hand and rest her head on my shoulder. My heartbeat was even more racy and I was anxious now, praying silently for everything to go perfectly well.

"You'll be fine, my love." I kissed her temple as she sobbed. She nodded weakly, "I'm here for you, Saïda."

"This is it." my mother began, "Push my dear!"

I held her hand firmly as she did so.

"Aaahhhh!!" she groaned out in pain, her forehead already sweaty.


She pushed again, crying out in pain and holding on to me.

"Breathe, my dear, breathe! Now push!"

I didn't let go off her hand, not even once. I held on to her, encouraging her as well.

"Push, Saïda!!"



It wasn't easy for Saïda and for me to see her in such a state. She was already very exhausted and weak, causing my mother and the midwives to be a little preoccupied. It'd been more than fifteen minutes already.

"Can you push again, my dear? You have to." my mother said.

"Y– yes." Saïda replied weakly, raising her head a little, "I – I can do this..."

"Yes, my dear. You can."

"I'm going to –" she struggled to breathe, her face sweaty and red, "– give birth to this child..."

"Yes! Let's do this again. PUSH!"

I held her tight and she pushed one more time, with the tiny bit of strength she had left.


"Yes, yes, yes! I see your child. Again! Push!"

She pushed again.

"Don't stop! Push! Don't stop!"

Breathing hard, she held me even tighter.

"RAAAAAGHH!" she groaned in pain and pushed with all might.

"YES!" my mother screamed and Saïda fell back against me, weak and half conscious.

Suddenly, I heard cries. We heard cries. I immediately raised my head and so did Saïda whom I thought had passed out.

"Alhamdoulilah!" my mother exclaimed with a happy laugh. We froze.

She slowly stood and we saw her carrying the child, wrapped in a white towel.

"Oh my God..." I muttered, my eyes watering automatically.

"Yalah!" Saïda gasped weakly, struggling to sit. She was still very weak and so I helped her sit up a little.

"My grandchild!" my mother smiled, tears rolling down her cheeks while she approached us.

She bended over and handed the child over to Saïda and I. We finally saw its a face.

The tears rolled down my cheeks uncontrollably the moment I held my child with Saïda.

"Oh my God, thank you!" she gasped in tears.

"It's–" I swallowed, a lump growing in my throat and my emotions taking over.

"A boy..." Saïda laughed through her sobs.

"A boy." I repeated, the tears even more. My heart was swelling with love and I smiled down at my little sweetheart. "I can't believe how beautiful he is..."

I laughed through my tears and everyone smiled.

'I'm a father. I have a little boy! Pinch me!'

"My son." I sobbed happily and looked at Saïda, "Our son."

"Yes, Asahd." she said happily, wiping the tears that continuously rolled down her cheeks.

"He is beautiful indeed." my mother smiled through tears, "Let me let your fathers in."

she rushed to the door.

"Congratulations." the midwives said happily.

"Thank you." they replied and followed my mother.

Saïda and I couldn't take our eyes off him. He was a miracle.

"We already love you to death." I chuckled, kissing his forehead. I then turned and smiled at Saïda,

"Thank you for this wonderful gift, Saïda."

"Thank you too, Asahd." she kissed our little boy, "He's our gift. Our blessing."

Just then, our fathers came rushing in.

"Where is he??" my father asked with watery eyes.

We laughed and showed them the child.

"Yalah!" Djafar exclaimed with watery eyes, immediately carrying the child.

"Look at him. He is so handsome."

"Alhamdoulilah." Djafar laughed happily, "A grandson!"

"Let me carry him," my father said happily and Djafar carefully gave him the boy. "My precious sweetheart."

"God is great. A wonderful gift."

"I agree."

My mother reappeared.

"Have you finally chosen his name?" she asked, reaching out to carry the baby.

Saïda and I smiled at each other.

"Yes." we replied in a chorus.

"What is it?"

I smiled at her again and motioned for her to tell them.

"His name is Zahir." she said happily, "Zahir Asahd Usaïd."

"Zahir! Welcome, our precious little Zahir!"

I found it so hard to realise. It was the most beautiful thing that had ever happened to me. Zahir was the most beautiful thing ever.

I hugged Saïda and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you so much. I love you."

"I love you, too."

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