"Royalty Gone Bad" - Yves Chanelle

Chapter 18:Saïda's Visit


Asahd's POV:

The next morning, very early as usual, I took the car this time and made my way safely and easily to my job site, with the help of the GPS on my phone. I got to work at 7:40AM. I was so happy to have made it early because unlike the previous week when I would get up at 5AM just to catch the bus and subway, I got up at 6AM that particular Monday. Yup, that car was ugly as ever but it was still worth it. It worked perfectly well.


I parked in the restaurant's parking and got out. I was in a good mood that morning because unlike the previous week, I'd had an extra hour of sleep.

I got into the restaurant and greeted the others before going to change. I was ready for a new week of work.


Work was just as stressful as any other day. Customers came and went nonstop.

At a point, while we attended to the customers, we were all called by the assistant manager for a special announcement.

"The boss and I spoke with each other after some of you complained about the working hours." he started, "We came to the conclusion that you were right, seeing that most of you live far and don't have enough time to rest after work because you're up early the next morning to come to here."

I was a little surprised at the announcement because I hadn't complained openly. But apparently the older employees had. The working hours were too much compared to our pay.

"And so we decided that, we maintain our opening hour at eight in the morning. But instead of closing at 10PM, we'll be closing at 8PM as from today."

"Thank you!" Derrick exclaimed happily and we laughed. We were all satisfied with what we were hearing.

"And, you will be provided with an hour's break everyday, from noon to 1PM during which we'll temporally close the restaurant's doors with a sign that tells customers that we'll be back at one. Then you'll have a second break from five to six PM. Is that okay?"

"It's perfect!"

"We're all fine by it. Right guys?" Stephan turned to the rest of us and we agreed.

'Finally! A break!'

"Alright then. Great. Back to work now."

We returned to our duties and I checked my time. It was eleven. In an hour, I would finally get to rest a little.


Finally, it was noon. Customers that came after 11:30 were asked to come back later or go to some other place. The ones that were in, finished on time and left.

Matt closed the door from inside and hung the sign that said we were on an hour's break.

"Finally." I rolled my eyes and removed the damned apron.

"I know right. I'm exhausted." Elsa said as she and the others got rid of their aprons too.

Some left the restaurant while most preferred to stay in and rest, including me.

I sat at one of the tables and lay on the couches. I wasn't hungry and so I decided to nap a little. But before I could, Allison joined me at the table, followed by Jenna and Brittany.

"Napping?" they mused.

"Was about to." I mumbled.

"You will. But for now, we want to know a little about our new colleague. It's been a week already and we still don't know stuff about you."

"That's cuz there's nothing to know." I replied casually. I would've preferred to brag about the Prince that I was, but who was I kidding? They would never believe me. Especially with the junk I was riding and my cracked phone.

"There must me something. Like, who do you live with? Do have brothers and sisters?" Jenna asked and I reluctantly sat up.

"Fine. I live with my father and younger sister." I mumbled.

"Oh, nice. And your mom?"

"I don't know."

"Oh, sorry."

I stared at them in confusion but then I realised that they probably thought I'd meant that my mother had left us or something of the sort. Amusing.

"It's fine." I said.

"How old are you?" Allison asked.

"Twenty two."

"Cool." they smiled at me.

"And you?"

"We're both twenty. Brittany is twenty one."

"Cool." I wanted to leave and find some place where I could doze off peacefully.

Ever since all these things had started happening to me, I'd not had time for girls. I didn't even think of flirting or getting down with whosoever, for the first time in my life! All I wanted was to get myself out of this horrible mess! And so, even when some girls flirted with me and made it evident that they were interested in me, I didn't care. For the first time ever, I didn't even think of seizing whatever opportunity I had with a girl.

"Okay we're gonna allow you to nap in peace. See you when you wake up." they mused and stood.

"Thanks, girls." I smiled lazily and when they were gone, I rolled my eyes and lay on the couch once again.


We were back to work at one. I felt better because I'd succeeded in sleeping a little. I worked for the hours left, nonstop, until the next break and until we finished work.

For the next three days, it was the same tiring routine. But it was way better with all our breaks. And as long as I was making some little money and good tips, I was okay.


That Friday, by four, I was taking orders at a table when one more customer walked in and I was very surprised to see Saïda. She spotted me immediately and waved, smiling. I was very surprised she'd found the place all by herself. I smiled back, and asked derrick to help me take over the table I was supposed to attend to. He agreed to help and so I went to her.

"You look great in an apron." she mused.

"What are you doing here? How did you get here all by yourself?" I asked with a surprised smile.

"Asahd, I'm a young adult. I'm gonna be twenty in some weeks and so, finding a place is not a difficult task." she laughed.

"Thing is, this city is way too big. And this place is far from the apartment. I'm surprised Djafar let you take a subway and bus, across the city, to come here."

"He doesn't know. I actually went to stroll and decided to come here. I had to see where you worked. Remember you'd given us the address once."

"True. Well now you've seen the place and how miserable I am, wearing this uniform and apron." I mumbled and she laughed.

"It's not that bad, Asahd. The place is actually chic. So is this city. I wish I could visit more places."

"This place scares the hell out of me. I can't wait to leave." I chuckled.

"Hahaha, I wonder why." she teased "Anyway, I should be going back before it gets dark. See you tonight."

"Alright. Later."


She left and I returned to my business.

"Who was that?" Stephan asked me.

"Oh. Um, my younger sister."

"She's cute." Derrick mused and we all returned to our work.


Finally, nighttime. We were so happy it was finally eight. The weekend had begun and I was so happy, knowing I would sleep throughout, nonstop! I needed rest.

As I packed my things to leave, the guys approached me.

"Hey bud." Alex started, "It's the weekend and we're organising a lil party at Matt's apartment tomorrow night. Wanna come? Everyone's invited and we really want you to come. You're one of us now and a friend."

It surprised me how welcoming these guys were. They were even more social than the girls, towards me.

"I'll think about it. I've been tired lately and I'm probably gonna sleep throughout the weekend. But if I change my mind, I'll let you know before tomorrow night, itself."

"Alright man. No worries. See ya."

They each told me goodbye and left. All I could think of at the moment, was drive myself back home and sleep like never before.

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