"Royalty Gone Bad" - Yves Chanelle

Chapter 34:Sweet Smells & Scents

Asahd's POV:

The night ended perfectly and we all retired to our rooms. I was glad to have made Saïda happy. Honestly, I just couldn't stay like that without getting her something. I needed to and had succeeded. That cake had indeed cost me a lot of my saved money, but I had no regrets. I would work as much as possible to replace what I'd used to buy her that birthday cake. It hadn't been easy to buy it and sneak it into the house, but I'd succeeded.

I'd bought it in the afternoon when Saïda had been busy chatting with Noure on phone in her room and Djafar had gone out to withdraw some money.

I'd then hidden it in my room till evening.

While Saïda had been dressing up that night and Djafar was showering, I got it out and put it in the fridge, hoping none of them would go get something from the fridge before we left. And it worked. Right after I'd put it in the fridge, I returned to my room to finish dressing up. Then I stepped out and waited for some minutes until when Saïda finally stepped out, all dressed up. It'd been perfect.

I thought of the smile she had on throughout the rest of the night, after I'd given her her cake. It made me happy. Saïda was surprisingly, becoming really important to me. And we seemed to be getting closer and even better friends than we could've ever imagined. It was perfectly fine by me. I truly cherished her now.

Saïda's POV:

"He bought you a cake? That is so surprising and nice of him." Noure said while we chatted later that night. It was past midnight and my special day was finally over, yet, I still felt so special. It was a birthday I wasn't ready to forget.

"I know right. He's such a darling, Noure. I swear."

"Now I actually believe you when you say he's changing. The Asahd we had here was nothing compared to the one you're telling me about. Though you say there are still somethings he has to get rid of, he's already taken a great step."

"Yes, he has."

"I wish I could be there for your birthday, sweetheart. But I'll make it up to you once you return. I promise."

I smiled to myself, my cheeks burning.

"Okay, darling. I miss you."

"I miss you even more. Have a good night, sweetheart."

"Same to you."

We hung up and I lay, staring at the ceiling. I was still so happy and I couldn't find sleep at all.

Asahd's POV:

I wore a pair of sweats and a T-shirt before climbing into bed. I wasn't feeling sleepy and so I started to manipulate my phone. Just then, the was a low knock at my door, almost unheard. I thought it was my mind playing tricks but then I heard another.

Wondering, I got up and went to open the door. I was surprised to see Saïda on the other side in a T-shirt and pink sleeping trousers. She smiled and I smiled back.

"What's up?" I asked, surprised.

"Can I some in? I can't sleep." she mused.

"Me neither." I chuckled a little and let her in, closing the door right after.

I watched her crawl onto the bed and sit, waiting for me to join her. Which I did. We sat real close with legs crossed on the bed and us facing each other.

"So, let's find something real interesting to talk about." she giggled lowly, grabbing my hands in hers. She seemed so lively and still very happy.

"You look so happy. It's funny and cute at the same time." I mused and she giggled again.

"I am. My father, your parents and you, made my birthday amazing. As well as Noure, my brother and friends who called me today. Of course I am happy. And the cherry on top," she held each side of my face in her little hands, "...was your gift. I didn't expect it at all and it pleased me so much, coming from you. You're a darling, too."

She leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"You're gonna make me redden or something." I mused and we laughed lowly. "You deserved it." I held her hands in mine once again.

"I also want to apologise for the mean things I said to you in a recent past. I know I called you names and said a lot of things that I've forgotten about but that hurt you. I'm sorry. You're a great person and I honestly want us to stay this good with each other. It's definitely better this way."

"I'm sorry for the same thing, Asahd. We're both good."

"Yes, we are."

Who would've thought.

"Love you, dear." I admitted sincerely and she smiled.

"Love you too, Asahd."

We leaned in and hugged each other.

"If we keep up this way, you might end up being my best friend." she giggled and I chuckled.

"True, true."


We then discussed about everything and anything else interesting. We got comfortable and lay down.

I was speaking to her when I realised she was so silent and so I turned. It amused me to find her lying on her side and fast asleep. I didn't even notice when she'd closed her eyes.

"Well, sleep tight." I mused and covered her up. It wasn't right, according to our tradition, to sleep in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex that wasn't your spouse or sibling. Tsk! Not like I respected that particular rule or whatsoever, but Saïda did. And so, because I'd learned to respect her, I had to respect her ethics.

I slowly got out of my bed and went to the door, I put off the lights and stepped out. I ended up going to her own room.

I climbed on her bed and got comfortable, covering myself with her sheets. Her bed was way softer and more comfortable than mine. And it had her sweet perfume and smell all over.

Feeling sleepy and without much thinking, I grabbed one of her pillows and inhaled deeply. The smell of that perfume of hers was getting to me. I started to love its scent as crazy.

"It smells so good." I muttered sleepily, and half conscious of the funny words leaving my mouth.

Funny thing was, she'd always used that perfume. Since Zagreh. It'd become her personalised scent, yet, it was only very recently that I'd started to appreciate it very much. It had a soft, rosy scent about it that reminded me of her no matter. If I ever met someone else who wore the same perfume, I would find it very odd.

I finally put off the lights and slept off.


Writer's POV:

The next morning at 8, everyone was still asleep. Something very unusual for Djafar and his daughter who were up at 6 and 7, most of the time. They were all still tired from the past day's activities.

However, at 8:30, Saïda stirred in Asahd's bed. She stretched sleepily and slowly opened eyes. It took her a while to realise she was in Asahd's room.

'I slept off here...'

She stretched an arm out and sleepily touched the empty area close to her where she'd kind of expected Asahd to be. He wasn't there.

"Probably in the living room..."

she thought, amused that he'd had to leave his room because she'd fallen asleep in his bed. She knew that he usually didn't respect that particular aspect of tradition, but he'd actually respected it this time because she did.

Still feeling very tired, she snuggled under the sheets again and slept for twenty more minutes.


Saïda's POV:

I opened my eyes twenty minutes later, feeling less tired. I yawned and stretched, lazy to get out of bed. I buried my face in the pillow, waiting to finally take the decision to get up.

It smelled like Asahd. His shampoo, perfume... Both normally smelled great and a combination was even better. I found myself deeply inhaling the scent.

"It smells so good." I mumbled against the pillow, my words muffled, "He smells good."

'What the hell??'  my thoughts snapped me out of it and I sat up immediately, chuckling in amusement.

"What was that about?" I mused and slowly got off the bed. I fixed it and left his room.

I crossed the living room and Asahd wasn't there. I went to my door and when I opened and stepped in, there he was. He looked so cute and comfortable in his sleep. Not wanting to wake him up, I grabbed my toothbrush and went to the bathroom.

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