
Writer's POV:

Asahd sat on a table in the library, watching Saida walk up and down, nervous and anxious too. He was rather calm. He had complete trust in his mother's power to convince. And plus, his father had approved it over the phone. Even if the nobles refused, his father would soon arrive and speak to them again. If they still refused, Asahd would still marry Saïda, no matter what. He'd already made his mind up and he wasn't bothered at all.

When Saïda passed in front of him, he grabbed her hand immediately.

"Come..." he pulled her close till she stood in between his legs. He caressed her face. "Don't worry, dear. Try to calm down."

Saïda nodded and he pulled her closer till her head touched his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight. She felt so good and warm in his arms. She hugged him back, inhaling his sweet smell.

Saïda's POV:

I pressed my face against his white shirt, inhaling his perfume and actually hearing his heartbeat. I was so nervous. I was impatient to know the nobles decision.

'Please let them allow us to be with each other. I can't live without him now. It's too late for me to back out. My feelings are way too strong.'

"What's taking them so long, Asahd?" I muttered, my chest hurting.

"I don't know." he replied gently, kissing my head.

"What if they don't want us together?."

"I'll still marry you. Simple. I'll not let some dumbass rules chose whom I'm supposed to fall in love with and marry." he stated firmly, raising my chin and making me look at him. "I'll marry you no matter what."

It was a fact. If the nobles refused something, the royals could still insist and do whatever they wanted. Asahd sure was going to do that.

"I'm the only man you'll be marrying." he muttered, his gaze dropping to my lips. "I'm the only man you'll be calling your husband. I'll be the only man to father your children, Saïda. Never doubt that, Okay?"

"Okay." I replied lowly, goosebumps covering my skin in that same sweet way.

"We'll be a family. You'll carry my name. Whether approved by the nobles or not."

'Saïda Usaïd. I love the sound the sound of that.'

He slowly brought his lips down on mine and kissed me deep. I melted in his arms. I could not live without him. I was literally obsessed with him now. Asahd had awakened something I never knew existed, in me. My whole being was now submissive to him. I didn't know I could completely be head over heels for a man. I never knew I could be this desperate to be with a man I wasn't supposed to be with in the first place. Asahd had proven that the 'hard to believe', the 'impossible/forbidden', was very possible and could be very sweet.


He kissed me in the most loving manner. And then we parted reluctantly, keeping our forehead's joined.

"What have you done to me, Asahd?" I muttered, smiling a little and feeling better after his kiss.

"I could ask you the same question." he smirked, "There was a time when love and marriage weren't even on my mind. And that time was a few months back, only. Here I am..." he smiled and caressed my cheek, I leaned into his touch.

"I'm crazy in love and I want to marry you as fast as possible so I don't have to worry about you being taken away from me..."

"That's exactly what I think, concerning you." I smiled and hugged him tight. "In just a few month, it feels like you're running through my veins." 

I looked him in the eyes and he smiled mischievously, making me laugh and redden.

"It's true. You're like poison." I muttered, biting my lip. "Spreading so fast and killing me slowly."

"Then it's perfect." he whispered and lowered his head. He pecked my lips softly. In no time, my worries were gone and I had even forgotten about the nobles meeting. I cared less, rather.

He pecked me a few times and then he took my lower lip into his warm mouth, suckling gently on it.

'There is no way I'm letting him go! I don't even care about the nobles decision anymore. I love this man and I must be with him.

Asahd, you make me insane. How is it even possible to love so much that it hurts.'

Asahd's POV:

I pulled on her sensitive and kiss-swollen lip, till I let go. My heart threatened to burst out of my chest, every single time I was with Saïda. I was crazy over her.

Everything about her drove me wild. I was able to crawl and beg for a simple kiss from hers. I didn't care. She was the woman I wanted to sleep with every night and the only woman I wanted to wake up to, every morning.

I held her close to me, my arms around her waist and hers around my neck. Our foreheads and noses, touched. We stared into each other's eyes. Then she lowered her head and buried her face in my neck, hugging me tight. I hugged her back, feeling her beating heart against my chest and mine against hers.

It was so surprising to realise that this was the same girl that used to insult me, dislike me, annoy me. The same woman I couldn't stay in the same room with, for five minutes, without arguing with her.

It was surprising to realise that it was the same girl I would insult, disrespect, threaten, run after to pull on her hair to hurt her, and I would even throw things at.

The thoughts amused me and I smiled. I used to chase Saïda through the palace like some bully would. I caught her every single time because she was never fast enough. Most of the time I left her with watery eyes after I'd hurt her. But she wouldn't say anything. Not because she didn't want to, but because she couldn't, due to the fact that I was the Prince. She used to be so provocative and I didn't spare her most of the time. We used to be cat and dog. Saïda used to act all innocent and harmless when we were surrounded by elders or other people. But when I was alone with her, in the library for example to treat some business that concerned me; in the next five minutes, she would provoke me in one way or the other by making sarcastic comments or indirectly insulting me. I would either throw something at her or aim for her hair. There were a few times when I'd actually really hurt her by doing so and her eyes would water. I'd immediately leave her alone. Though I would not apologise, I didn't like seeing her tears. Yes, even back then, I hated seeing her cry but refused to admit it to myself.

But now everything was completely different. Now I could literally worship her. All I wanted was to protect her and make her smile and laugh, only.

"I'm sorry for the way I used to treat you." I stated and she raised her head.


"The times I actually made you shed tears when we had fights." I said.

She smiled a little.

"I kinda deserved it." she mused and I chuckled a little. "It never really bothered me. I mean, I never took it to heart. If I had, I would have hated your guts. Plus, you only behaved like that when I provoked you. And I always did that." she giggled.

"You're so stubborn. You knew perfectly well that I would launch at you right after, but you never stopped provoking me." I mused and she laughed again.

"I don't really know why I did that. Some part of me wanted to prove that I wasn't afraid of you, another wanted to intentionally spoil your day and ruin your mood. And strangely," she laughed a little, "...another part of me actually wanted you to run after me. It was all funny for me to get you all pissed and irritated. It was almost some game I enjoyed. But I always regretted it when you caught me. Asahd, you would pull on my hair mercilessly." she laughed and I joined her.

"You're terrible. There were some days when I would be happy, and then you would show up and ruin everything. Sometimes I would stare at you and think of kicking your ass out of the palace." I mused and she laughed even more.

"I know right. I just disliked you so much. I honestly couldn't stand your pride, ego and spoilt nature."

"True that I used to give everyone a hard time. I really feel ridiculous when I think of it." I shook my head and she giggled.

"You're a better person now."

"Most especially thanks to you."

She smiled and hugged me.

"Now I have no reason to provoke you. I'm way too in love." she mused and I kissed her head.

We cuddled for another while until we heard voices approach. We parted and adjusted.

A few seconds later, Djafar and my mother appeared. I stood immediately. Saïda looked at me, clearly anticipating what they were going to say. I held her hand and faced them again.

"What did they say?" I asked, swallowing a little.

Djafar stepped forward.

"What would you do, if I tell you that they've refused you getting married." he said lowly and my heart sank a little. I felt Saïda's grip on my hand, tighten.

"I will still marry your daughter, Djafar." I said, swallowing. "I really care about you, but I've made up my mind. With or without your permission, I'll marry Saïda."

Writer's POV:

The Queen smiled a little after her son's reply.

'It's almost unbelievable, how in love my Asahd is. And with Saïda. She's perfect to me. I've always loved her.'

Djafar stared at Asahd who stared back, courageously and meaning every single word he'd just said. It amused and surprised Djafar.

He looked at the Queen who chuckled a little.

"It's shocking." he told her and she laughed. "It's so shocking. But in a good way."

Djafar faced the lovers again.

"I'm really trying to understand how it came about." he stared from one to the other "See how they're holding hands." he smiled.

It was clear that Djafar found it so hard to realise.

"Their love is so evident." the Queen said, stepping closer.

"Indeed." Djafar smiled. He turned to Asahd. "Son, you'll have to explain how it suddenly happened."

"Okay." Asahd mused a little, "D– Did the nobles accept?" he stammered, he and Saïda awaiting the answer.

"Well," Djafar started, "...there was a vote because the nobles seemed to disagree amongst themselves on what to decide."

Saïda held her breath and so did Asahd, his little smile fading.

Djafar took a deep breath and looked at the Queen, then back at the lovers.

"We summoned the ten chief nobles. There was a vote and, it was a draw. Five were okay with you getting married. Five were against."

Their hearts dropped.

"What does this mean?" Saïda muttered.

"My dear, when there is a draw, the decision is canceled. Meaning, we don't carry out what we came to take permission for."

"What??" Asahd frowned, "We can't get married?"

"Yes." Djafar sighed.

"Fuck them." Asahd stated casually. "I don't give a damn."

"Language dear." the Queen mused.

"You didn't let me finish." Djafar added and Asahd stared at him.

"What's there to add? Just know that whatever you're gonna tell me won't stop me from marrying Saïda, with all due respect, Djafar."

Djafar raised an amused brow, surprising Asahd.

"It's that serious, hunh?" the man mused, confusing the already irritated lovers. He went on.

"It was a draw. Only problem is, as Royal adviser, I'm a chief noble myself. And the Queen is the supreme authority after the sultan. Meaning, we both had the right to add our votes."

(Lemme explain something. Djafar and Saïda are nobles. Most might be wondering why Saïda can't get married to the Prince if she's also a Noble's daughter. Well, she can't because she works directly under the Prince, giving her a status of employee.)

Asahd's and Saïda's faces immediately brightened.

"I definitely voted for." Djafar smiled "And so did the Queen."

"Plus," the Queen added, "Your father's vote was considered as he asked me to place a vote in his name. Eight votes in favor and five against. Your marriage is approved."

"YES!" both shouted happily and Saïda jumped into Asahd's arms without thinking. He carried her and they hugged tight, laughing happily and completely forgetting they weren't alone.

Djafar put a hand on his cheek and watched them in amusement. The Queen laughed happily.

"No thank you over here?" Djafar mused.

Asahd let go Saïda and he immediately went to the man and touch his feet as sign of respect. Usually, Djafar would stop him from doing so.

"You have no right to stop me now that you're my future father in-law." Asahd mused and stood, hugging the man tight.

"Thank you! Thank you so much, Djafar! Your blessings won't go in vain. I won't disappoint you or your daughter."

"I know." Djafar laughed happily and hugged him back. "I am so, so happy."

Saïda on her side happily went to the Queen and touched her feet too. The Queen immediately hugged her, happily.

"Thank you so much." Saïda said happily, hugging her back and her eyes watering.

"Thank you too, my darling. Just like your father, you've done so much for my son." the Queen held her pretty face "I watched you grow alongside with him. I know you like I gave birth to you, darling. You're perfect for him. You're the perfect person to take over from my duties. I trust you for that."

"Thank you so much." Saïda sobbed happily, hugging the woman again. Then she went and hugged her father while Asahd hugged his mother, thanking them again.

"When do you want to marry, Saïda?" the Queen asked her son.

"As soon as possible." Asahd replied.

"Okay. In two weeks time is the soonest we could do. A Royal wedding is quite long and complicated to organise."

"No problem. As long as it will hold." he laughed.

"Okay. And for your engagement. We can do that in a week."

"Why not on my birthday?" Asahd proposed, "It's in a week."

"True!" the Queen realised.

"That's not a bad idea." Djafar agreed happily.

"We'll do it on your birthday then."


"When your father returns tonight, we'll talk about it and then announce it to the servants, palace guards, other royal employees and nobles."

"Okay, mother."

Asahd turned and went to Saïda. They hugged tight again, laughing happily.

"Hope you two haven't kissed yet." Djafar raised a playful brow.

"Of course not. Who do you take me for?" Asahd said in most sarcastic manner ever and his mother laughed while Djafar squinted his eyes, almost closing them.

"Hmmmmm, Asahd." he said and they laughed, Saïda reddening and covering her mouth shyly. "I'm just going to assume that wasn't the most sarcastic sentence ever and that you actually meant it."

"If it makes you feel better, dear father in-law." Asahd shrugged and Djafar shook his head in amusement, causing Asahd to laugh and then hug his future wife.

"It's funny how there's a thin line between hatred and love. Though you didn't actually hate each other." the Queen said.

"It still shocks me." Djafar laughed and turned to leave. "Let's allow them to celebrate the good news, your Majesty."

"Right. See you two after." she blew them kisses and excused herself. She and Djafar then left the lovers to themselves.

"Finally!" Saïda squealed and jumped on Asahd who carried her immediately. They kissed, happily.

"Finally, my love. We're going to get married." he said with a bright smile.

"Yes." she kissed him, "I'm even more impatient for us to make love tonight now that I'm sure to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I'm impatient myself."

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