Having just experienced death, for Pietro, he has been able to face everything calmly.

There is a sense of out of bounds.

Cowan could understand that Pietro took him for air.

But understanding is understanding, we can't let Pietro continue to perform soap operas, right?

So Kewen took the initiative to make a voice, attracting Pietro's attention.

"You are……"

Pietro was a little surprised: "That Doctor Quinn? Are you dead too? Why are you here?"


Wanda wiped away the tears with the back of her hands, and she said excitedly, "Dr. Quinn saved you! He cured you!"

"Save me?!" Pietro lowered his head again and groped.

Kewen rolled his eyes speechlessly.

If you want to explain, I am afraid it will take a lot of words.

So he suddenly flicked his finger at Pietro.

As a speeder, Pietro's sense of crisis is too low.

It was not until Cowen cut a small wind blade into his arm that Pietro suddenly reacted and avoided his arm conditioned reflexively.

A not deep wound appeared, and blood flowed from the wound.

"What are you doing?" Pietro didn't know if he should get angry.

Kewen did not explain, he continued to swing his finger, causing a holy light to suddenly fall on Pietro's wound.

Pietro tried to dodge again, but after seeing the sight of the wound healing, he stopped moving in surprise, letting the holy light cover his wound.

Soon, the wound was completely healed under the treatment of Holy Light.

Pietro opened his arms in amazement and kept checking, and then he took a look at the other bullet holes in his clothes.

Now, he finally guessed something.

"That's right."

Cowen saw through Pietro's thoughts, he nodded and said, "The other wounds on your body were healed like this."

Raising his hand and pointing at a few bullets on the grass, Kewen reminded: "The bullets are there, you can take them away for a souvenir or something."

Pietro subconsciously picked up a bullet.

He glanced at the deformed warhead and threw it away as quickly as possible.

Shaking his head, Pietro said taboo: "What do I want this thing to do, that... Doctor Quinn, thank you for saving me!"

"Yeah." Kewen nodded indifferently: "I received your thanks, and at the same time, thank you for saving Clint, we are even."

Pietro shrugged indifferently and made a move to get up.

Wanda immediately helped.

Pietro got up and looked around at the surroundings, and then asked Cowen and Wanda: "So where is this? There is no such scenery near Sokovia, has it been a long time since the battle?"

"No, it just ended."

Wanda's face was full of lost and found happiness. She smiled softly and said, "It should be about half an hour since I lost your voice."

"It's like a dream."

Pietro sighed deeply, his eyes dazed.

"Okay, it's time to go out."

Cowen interrupted Pietro's emotion and stretched out his hands: "You catch me."

Wanda did so immediately,

Pietro stretched out his hand when he saw this.

Between thoughts, Kewen took the twins back to the hospital.

He pointed to the outside of the study: "Go and choose your own guest rooms. Before the Avengers come back, stay with me, and..."

As soon as Kewen raised his hand, he cast a magical glow on the twins.

Turning back time, the clothes on the twins were quickly restored to perfection and neatness.

The twins were amazed by the effects of the magic, and they kept looking at themselves.

"younger sister."

Pietro smiled at Wanda: "I originally thought that your ability was magic, but now, looking at it, the gap is huge."

"You're still in the mood to joke!"

The mood is almost calm, and Wanda is naturally ready to start preaching.

However, Kewen was still present, which made her embarrassed to say more.

So Wanda solemnly thanked Cowen again, and then dragged Pietro out of the study to find the guest bedroom.

Kewen went downstairs and showed his face in the lobby on the first floor, so that the monitors could see how he easily crossed the continents of Europe and America.

It's a little show of strength.



In the days that followed, the world was very unstable.

What happened in Sokovia was too serious to be covered up.

Half of the city was lifted into the air, the battle between the Avengers and Ultron, and even the city was blown up, and it was restored to perfection under the huge magic circle.

Many images were filmed and uploaded to the Internet.

Now, the world knows what happened to Sokovia.

Tony Stark also said that he would come to Cowen to celebrate, and it took a week for the Avengers to get rid of the accountability and investigation of the United Nations.

After that, the Avengers were summoned by the White House, Congress, and the military after returning home.

It took nearly three days to deal with all the trivial matters.

Therefore, on the tenth day after the end of the Sokovia War, the Avengers gathered in Cowen's hospital.

But everyone lost interest in celebrating the victory.

First, the investigation these days made them too mentally exhausted, and secondly, the Hulk's "lost" also made everyone feel very bad.

After enjoying a feast made by Nakiri Erina symbolically, it was regarded as the end of the celebration.

After the meal, everyone took their seats in the living room.

Tony Stark took out the terminal from his pocket, looked at it, and sighed in disappointment.

"No result?"

Steve sat upright and asked, "Ten days have passed. Dr. Banner should have gotten rid of the Hulk form. Has he still not sent a call?"


Tony Stark habitually broke his mouth: "Maybe he fell into the sea and is trying to swim to the shore."

Steve didn't care about Tony Stark's words, he reminded: "Maybe you can check the webmail? Maybe Dr. Banner's location doesn't have a phone or something."

Tony Stark rolled his eyes, too lazy to explain anything to the old steve.

He simply stood up and said to Kewen: "Kewen, help me arrange a massage treatment, I desperately need to relax now."

"Green Arrow?"

Tony Stark greeted Clint, who was sitting with Pietro in a whisper: "Would you like to bring your baby 'Barry Allen' with you?"

Clint glanced at Tony Stark.

He did not refuse, and invited Pietro, who was beside him, to popularize some of the benefits of massage.

Although Pietro has not forgiven Tony Stark, his relationship with Clint is exceptionally good, so he gladly accepts Clint's invitation.

"Saul?" Tony Stark continued to invite the next one.

"I'm gone."

Sol raised his head and drank the beer in the glass for digestion.

He put down the glass and got up and said, "Jane is more worried about me, so I need to find her."

Tony Stark didn't insist any longer.

He looked at Vision and Steve again, but didn't bother to send out useless invitations, and waved his hands directly to signal the two of them.

At this time, Kewen also finished informing the dolls, and he said to Tony Stark: "You can go directly to the treatment room on the first floor, it has been arranged."

"Thanks Cowen." Tony Stark waved to Clint and walked out the door.

Others stayed in the parlour to continue the conversation.


At the same time, on the aircraft carrier with the stealth device turned on.

Nick Fury stood in front of the observation window with his hands on his back.

He stared deep and distant at the clouds outside, wondering what he was thinking.

A footstep approached.

Nick Fury came back to his senses.

He saw the person coming through the reflection of the glass, and whispered, "They all went to Cowen Quinn?"

Maria Hill nodded and replied with a cold face: "Yes, they all say that Cowen Quinn has the most delicious food in the world."

"Food...Cowen Quinn..."

Nick Fury pondered, and said again after a moment: "Have you seen what happened the other day?"

"What do you mean?" Maria Hill hesitated.

"You know what I mean."

Nick Fury tilted his head and glanced at Maria Hill, then looked out the window again and said, "What do you think."

"I think..." Maria Hill looked at Nick Fury's profile: "My opinion doesn't matter, you've already made a plan, haven't you?"

Nick Fury didn't respond.

After a while, he spoke again: "Devil, hell, god, mage..."

With a slight sigh, Nick Fury sighed with emotion: "During this time, chaos is everywhere. The world is in chaos because of the Sokovia war, but the major forces are in chaos because of Cowen Quinn!"

"We don't exist anymore." Maria Hill reminded in a low voice: "To put it mildly, we are now a private organization, and to put it badly, we are now an illegal organization."

"But someone has to do it, doesn't it?"

Nick Fury had an air of heavy responsibility, and he said solemnly, "We all made an oath when we joined the company, we will protect the world!"

"What are you going to do?"

Maria Hill asked, "Invite him to join the Avengers? Or..."

"If there was that idea, he would have joined it long ago."

Nick Fury shook his head, and after a moment of silence, he lowered his voice even more and said, "Humans need God, but the world doesn't!"

Maria Hill narrowed her eyes slightly.

She reminded in a serious whisper: "Then you need to be prepared to break with the Avengers, and they are more intimate than between us."

Nick Fury fell silent again.

He stared at the clouds outside the window in a daze, and nearly a minute later, he suddenly turned around.

As he walked towards the door of the command hall, Nick Fury raised his voice to show his determination: "Hill, do me a favor, and tell what he did, and the chaos and killing among the various forces, Summarize it into a report and send it to them!"


Maria Hill immediately understood Nick Fury's plan...

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