"Miss Mu, I'll go to the market first."

This was the omnipotent guardian that Chu Qi invited, but he just left and his sister-in-law came over. Mother Zhou was truly omnipotent. Mu Jue's daily life, food, drinks, and so on, they were all taken care of by her. Especially because of Mother Zhou's culinary skills, it made Mu Jue exclaim in admiration.

It was time for lunch.

"Alright, please slow down."

"Alright." After saying that, Mother Zhou closed the door and left the room.

Mu Jue looked around in boredom, thinking about what she should do to pass the time. Right at this moment, a loud knock sounded on the door.

Did Mother Zhou forget to bring the key?

"Mother Zhou, you …"

Mu Jue turned her wheelchair and walked to the entrance. Just as she opened the door, the smile on his face froze. She stared blankly for a moment, and by the time she wanted to close the door, it was already too late.

"I heard you came back from the hospital, so I came to see you. Is that nice?"

Mu Jue's face was cold as she glared at Chu Sixuan, who had walked in without even greeting him. Anger welled up within him for no apparent reason. That was because she realized more and more how ignorant and blind she was before. How could she not understand a scumbag of a man like him who had been staring at her for four years?!

However, she turned back around in an instant. If she hadn't met such a despicable man, how could she have picked up that peerless Chu Qi? She couldn't not cherish blessings. Let the scumbag leave me alone, don't let the scumbag affect my mood.

After persuading him so much, Mu Jue's mood instantly became a lot better.

"If you have something to say, just call Qi, I can't move right now, I can't greet you."

Xuan leaned against the sofa and looked at Mu Jue in his wheelchair. He was smiling without a trace of concern. He was gloating on the outside.

"Aiyaya, why did you accidentally throw your own lackey away? You aren't disabled, right? Ouch! I understand. It can't be that you don't want to help me plan my wedding and see me get married, but the bride isn't you. I feel bad, so you found an excuse to escape, right? "

"Chu Sixuan, how come you still have the same stink as ever?"

Mu Jue closed the door and turned the wheelchair around to stop in front of him as she seriously asked. Xuan jumped to his feet. The smile on his face changed to a ferocious one.

"Stubborn fool!" Let's see how long you can last! Your mother must not be very happy about you stealing from her family, right? "

When he mentioned this matter, Mu Jue immediately reacted. It seemed that this disgraceful matter was a letter he had sent to her mother.

"I've seen scum before, but I've never seen someone as scummy as you!" You're so completely trashy, you've really refreshed my view of the world, you've completely overturned my understanding of the scumbags of the world! You look like a normal man, but you're actually a fake man! Look at what you're doing. A man can't do it. I guess you must have been a pig in your previous life. You said you were a pig and insulted a pig! Your mother gave birth to you but threw you into a sewer, and then raised your placenta, right? That's why you don't even have a brain when you go out! "

In terms of verbal skills, Mu Jue was truly one of a kind. She had long since trained in scolding people without swearing at them. With just a few words, he had made Chu Sixuan explode. The setbacks she had faced made him feel frustrated.

"Mu Jue, shut up!" That I'm not a man, right? Today, I will show you my man's prowess! "

As he spoke, Chu Sixuan walked up to Mu Jue and roughly pulled her to throw her onto the sofa. He then threw himself onto the sofa and pressed down on her, instantly putting on the scene of a man spitting blood.

"Bastard, get the hell away from me!"

Mu Jue was completely flustered as she struggled to curse Ji Lin's hometown. Seeing her flustered and struggling, she smiled.

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