Rule system

Chapter 179 - Chemistry or Biology?

One of the feedback from the Monitor's Law is a direct error, which is illogical and not self-evident.

The other three are just hints that there is a problem, it may be like Riemann's conjecture, 'there is a possibility of correction, simplification', or there is also a mistake, but the result of long research is to help the bad guys correct it, which is tantamount to wasting effort.

Zhao Yi is not interested in spending time to help the bad guys to correct the proof process, he is still interested in 'finding errors', 'finding errors' is also the easiest, even without having to understand the proof process.

This is important.

It is not easy to understand the entire proof process, and some mathematicians have commented that it would take years of intensive study to understand the process.

We are talking about people who have studied mathematics.

The average person with less talent would probably never have enough knowledge to figure out what Bads wrote.

This is not to say that Badgers was very good at math, but he used a new mathematical method that made the proof process extremely complicated.

Some parts of the process are omitted or simply not thought through.

Badels' proof has been controversial.

When he gave his first presentation at the Newton Institute, several problems were immediately pointed out, and he slowly made corrections to fill in the gaps, but even after completing his paper, several problems were still pointed out.

There were other mathematicians who did research and slowly corrected and refined several problems, and some of them were not refined or corrected, and some of them were still debated.

"Probably the 'problematic' feedback is where the debate is, right?"

Yi Zhao is not sure.

The only thing he is sure of is that Bad Boys' thesis is very complicated, so complicated that no one in the world, other than Bad Boys, has ever appeared to state that they can completely understand the entire process.

Zhao Yi doesn't need to understand all of them, he just needs to know the general process, and then to research for the 'wrong' places.

Of course, it's complicated.

This is also very complicated.

First of all, understanding the "wrong" places involves several unexplored mathematics subjects, methods, he still decided to target to learn, slowly study.

Anyway, there was no hurry.

It would be a decade or so in the future before the Badgers' paper would be identified as having logical errors in his memory.

Now it was just a matter of reading the relevant mathematical subjects and methods as an extracurricular book, and slowly strengthening the basics to understand as much as he could.

When you have all the basic knowledge, then you can use the Monitoring Law to provide 'clear' results.

It is not necessary to do serious research, it is enough to have the basic knowledge and perfect the conditions.


In the following time, Zhao Yi still went to school normally and enjoyed the last high school life time.

Before the college entrance exam.

Many people began to discuss 'what to do after the college entrance exam', 'what university to apply for', and even looked forward to the relaxed life of the university.

Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin were discussing constantly, and Sun Liang, who was learning basic C on his own, came over to Zhao Yi to ask code questions and soon joined in.

"I've decided to apply for the computer science major." Sun Liang said with some anticipation, "Zhao Yi but said that if I sign up for the computer science major, he will send me a super well-configured computer!"

"And Chao, Chao said he'd take me on a project and make money by going to school!"

Zhao Yi gave Sun Liang an encouraging thumbs up.

Lin Xiaoqing pointed out the core problem in one sentence, "Don't you just want to play computer? Talk about professionalism!"

"Yes, definitely."

Zhao Linlin followed with a nod of approval.

Sun Liangton was reluctant, he thought he just liked computers, not to play any games, "I but want to use the computer to make money, Chao also said, let me help make the website, can get paid, paid!"

He said, "You women don't know what I'm talking about, we men are just stressed out, we want to make money in school, right? Yi Zhao?"

"Yes, yes."

Zhao Yi vaguely expressed his support.

Lin Xiaoqing gave a light 'humph' and asked to Zhao Linlin, "Are you going to study medicine?"

"Look at the score."

Zhao Linlin was a little depressed, "I can't compare to you guys. I've made up my mind that if I do worse, I'll listen to my family, which is what my parents said on the phone, and go to a teacher's college."

"If I do better, I'll go to medical school. By the way, Zhao Yi, do you know of any medical school in the capital that I can get into?"

"The capital, huh?"

Zhao Yi thought about it carefully and said hesitantly, "I knew that Capital Medical University and Shui Mu University also had medical schools ......".

Zhao Linlin pursed her lips in dissatisfaction, "You can just say no, can't you?"

Zhao Yi laughed, "I really haven't noticed, do you go to the capital too?"

"You all went to the capital." Zhao Linlin said matter of factly, "So did Xiaoqing, she decided to apply to the University of Political Science and Law."

Lin Xiaoqing blinked her eyes and didn't say anything, expressing her agreement with silence.

Several people looked at Zhao Yi at the same time.

Sun Liang asked with interest, "Zhao Yi, have you thought about what major you want to apply for? Wouldn't also be a computer ......"


He suddenly shouted in surprise, "You go to study computer science, who dares to be your teacher, I heard Chao say that you are qualified to be employed as a professor of computer science."

"I'm applying for science!" Zhao Yi said with certainty.

"Science? Math?" Sun Liang continued to exclaim, "If you study math, no one will dare to teach you! You've cracked the math conjecture ......"

Zhao Yi glared at Sun Liang.

Low profile!

How can you tell such a big truth when you are in a school, surrounded by your classmates who took the entrance exam together?

In the end, Yi Zhao still didn't say what he wanted to major in.

He didn't think about it either.

The first thing he thought of was to major in mathematics, but after completing the proof of the Kakutani Conjecture, and the study of the extended Riemann function, he found that the benefits of majoring in mathematics seemed to outweigh the risks.

For one thing, he could study on his own.

If he only knew mathematics at the undergraduate level, he would be able to learn it by himself, and the subjects would not be difficult for him.

Secondly, he is not interested in mathematics, and he only does research because it is 'productive', which is incidental.

Of course.

Mathematics is the foundation of all subjects, and it is definitely necessary to learn it well, but it is not necessary to apply for a mathematics major specifically.

After ruling out the mathematics major, Zhao Yi suddenly felt confused, he definitely wanted to apply for the science-related major, is it to study physics, chemistry, biology?

Physics, disliked.

Astronomy, geography, and other subjects were also disliked.

Zhao Yi decided to use the 'science subjects' exclusion method, and finally locked on to two subjects: chemistry and biology.

"Chemistry, or biology?"

"If it's chemistry, the scientific research is promising, but biology is also good for exploring the mysteries of the human body. ......"

Zhao Yi thought to look up at Lin Xiaoqing, then turned his head and swept a glance at Zhao Linlin, found to explore the mysteries of the human body ......

It's really attractive!

On the same day, Zhao Yi got his driver's license.

He just took the time to take the test, did not study at all, so the most reliable school or driving school, as long as the registration, pay the money, you are guaranteed to get a 'diploma'.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the car and see if it's a good idea to have a driver's license.

Zhao Zhenxi asked strangely, "Xiaoyi, why are you back?"

"Come back and see!"

Zhao Yi cheerfully said.

When Zhao Zhenxi sat on the sofa, he asked about the school application, "Have you decided which school to go to? Is it that Yanhua University?"

"I guess so."

"Why don't you go to Shuimu? It's so good." Zhao Zhenxi said, "Sun Zhiguo always says that his son went to Shou University, and I just met him, and he kept talking about it, and even asked you, and I said, I can't control my son."

"Sun Liang is quite good, but not nearly as good as Xiaoyi!"

Liu Jing came over with a plate of food and asked, "Why did you choose Yanhua University? It's the same with attending a first university."

Zhao Yi laughed and shook his head, "Dad, Mom, for me, it doesn't matter which university, I don't have to fight for my academic qualifications now, Yanhua University has a lab that cooperates with me, and I know many people, so it's more convenient to do research."

"What kind of cooperation?" Zhao Zhenxi asked with interest.

"It's a computer research project, I'm ready to transfer the core technology, can get some money, and then can also buy a house in the capital, have a home, you go also convenient." Zhao Yi briefly explained a few sentences, specifically mentioning 'making money to buy a house', and the effect was indeed a bar.

Liu Jing and Zhao Zhenxi immediately stopped struggling with college.

Liu Jing asked with surprise, "How much money can I earn to buy a house in the capital? Okay, this is good. Many college students graduate for years and find it hard to buy a house.

Jinxi Zhao, on the other hand, asked to the point, "What are you going to major in?"

"Chemistry or biology, it's doing research anyway."

Zhao Yi and Zhao Zhenxi continued to chat, while Liu Jing went to the kitchen to continue to work, and after a while suddenly shouted out a pain.

Zhao Yi rushed over to take a look.

"It's fine, it's an old habit." Liu Jing held her waist and said, "Come, Xiao Yi, give me two presses on the back and waist here."


Zhao Yi vigorously pressed a few times to the old mother.

The first thing I noticed was that I had a feeling of helplessness when I looked at my mother's back, and suddenly I felt helpless.

This disease is neither too big nor too small, and the important thing is that it cannot be cured.

In the memory of more than ten years later, Mom has been taking medication to control it, the effect must still be there, but joint pain is still inevitable, to the hospital treatment is still prescribed medication.

At this time, Zhao Yi felt very powerless, even if the manufacture of robots is intelligent, no matter how many problems have been solved, the design of the most sophisticated algorithms, what can help parents?

In terms of his personal life, he just made more money.

His parents had been frugal all their lives, and even if they had money, it would be hard to really enjoy anything, and the old problems in their bodies still couldn't be cured.

Zhao Yi suddenly thought of what he should study.

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