Rule system

Chapter 184 - Are-you-kidding-me?

Zhao Yi's heart expressed deep contempt for Qian Zhijin's character, and by the way, he envisioned the explosive effect of advertising.

Then, he went down from the stage with a 'I have nothing to do with it' expression.

Qian Zhijin's announcement was so powerful that people in the venue were discussing it, and Zhao Yi was warmly greeted.

Many people in the first few rows took the initiative to come over to shake hands and wanted to ask about the robot.

Zhao Yi couldn't deal with all of them, and could only give selective answers, but he mainly talked about fuzzy algorithms, not the robots that Qian Zhijin talked about, after all, the academic lecture just now was about fuzzy algorithms.

The others also listened attentively, surrounding Zhao Yi in a circle and asking questions.

Before Feng Mingyu's question, many people just listened to the fuzzy algorithm, and only felt that it was good to expand their horizons, but knowing that the fuzzy algorithm is the basis for making the dynamic image object recognition technology, their mindset is immediately different.

This is an algorithm that can make devices have 'intelligent black technology'!

A lot of people wanted to find a video of Zhao Yi's speech, go back and listen to it carefully several times, from beginning to end to understand completely.

Zhao Yi was surrounded for 20 minutes, almost catching up with the time of his speech, and then the organizer stepped forward to maintain the order of the venue, and the people around him gradually dispersed.

When he was about to walk back, he happened to see Feng Mingyu in the aisle.

Zhao Yi took the initiative to shake hands with Feng Mingyu, and his face was full of enthusiasm and gratitude. Feng Mingyu is the trustee that Qian Zhijin found, and it must have taken a lot of thought to let a professor be the trustee.

In addition, a trustee is one of us.

Zhao Yi's expression was naturally very enthusiastic, as if he had met a relative.

Feng Mingyu awkwardly extended his hand.

In a public place that is noticed by the surrounding people, no matter what, one should show generosity. He just questioned three times in a row, and felt that he was 'looking for trouble', only to be defused by the other party with his strength, which was already embarrassing, but the other party didn't care, and instead warmly took the initiative to shake hands?


Feng Mingyu couldn't figure it out, and he could only shake hands with Zhao Yi, then sat back down as if nothing had happened.

"Sure enough!"

"Professional! Dedication!"

When Zhao Yi noticed Feng Mingyu's reaction, he once again expressed his feelings in his heart.

When the matter is already over, and can still act 'together and I have nothing to do with it', and even make people think that the relationship is not good, just now is actively looking for trouble ......

This is the kind of acting that could win an Oscar, right?


So professional!


The next person on stage was Shen Bin from the Academy of Sciences.

He is an associate researcher at the Institute of Software of the Academy of Sciences and is an expert in database development and processing.

His talk talked about natural language processing.

Artificial intelligence language processing is a big project, and many technology companies are improving the database for language processing, which involves very complex invocation algorithms, especially if you want to make the intelligence understand some logical problems in Chinese, which will make the problem more complicated.

Shen Bin's academic report was very informative, he talked about several technical issues, but also very professional to analyze, and incidentally made a report on the latest research results.

In general, it would have been a brilliant presentation, but his luck was really bad. Many people in the conference hall were still thinking about fuzzy algorithms and dynamic image recognition technology, so they didn't have the heart to listen to anything too professional.

Zhao Yi sat back down next to Liu He Min, just chatted with Liu He Min for a few sentences, and then listened to Shen Bin's speech seriously.

Unlike other people, Zhao Yi gained a lot.

The field of computer is too big, Zhao Yi is good at algorithms, analysis, etc., database development only know a basic, research is far from 'in-depth', profound database call algorithm content, for him personally still have a very new, very meaningful.

Zhao Yi not only listened attentively, but also made notes on key points.

When Shen Bin's presentation ended and it was time for questions, the moderator asked those who wanted to ask questions to raise their hands, but no one in the room raised their hands.

This was a bit awkward.

When Shen Bin was about to leave the stage, he noticed that there was someone in the middle of the room who raised his hand.

It was Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi opened his mouth and asked, "If you are dealing with input data and encounter two contents with equal weight, what is the internal processing logic?"

Shen Bin breathed a long sigh of relief, and made his explanation very seriously.

Zhao Yi is really not quite understand, encounter do not understand to ask, but in Shen Bin's understanding, the other party is to give himself a step down, ask a question to be able to get off the stage normally.

Shen Bin was very grateful.

Although he was hired by the Academy of Sciences as an associate researcher, which can be considered young and promising, there were a lot of professors and researchers in the conference hall, and the one sitting in the corner would be a doctor, so he really didn't count on anything.

When Shen Bin walked off the stage and sat back down, he also smiled gratefully toward Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi returned the smile with a friendly smile.

Talent is rare!

Shen Bin's database development, processing and natural language research is still quite remarkable, and he is definitely an outstanding talent to have such attainments at only 30 years old.

Later on, ......

In case there is any project that can't be played, maybe you can look for Shen Bin to help you out, the other person is the same kind of person, similar to Xu Chao ......




Yi Zhao listens to the academic conference presentations, but many people have already gone elsewhere.

Academic conference is a platform for industry insiders to research and exchange, academic reports are somewhat interesting, communication is also very important.

The top academic exchange in the computer industry will always be necessary to join the capital, and the capital is for the top technology, the purpose of many people in the venue, one is to exchange academic and industry people, the most important is to attract investment for the R & D project investment.

Zhijin Qian achieved his goal of attracting capital.

After listening to two more reports, he simply walked out of the large venue, and along the way, representatives of various technology companies came over to inquire about dynamic recognition-related technologies.

The Intelligence and Automation Lab made a name for itself at once.

This is Qian Zhijin's goal.

Although the ownership of the robot belongs to Yi Zhao, the R&D partner is the Intelligence and Automation Lab, and the lab will be able to make a name for itself, which will attract more R&D investment.

With more investment in the lab, the lab can attract more talent to join it, and thus develop more high-end stuff.

It's mutually reinforcing.

Qian Zhijin spoke to a group of business representatives about the performance of the robotic shopping system and the related 'black technology' inside, and also promoted the test on the tenth of next month.

The test, it's important.

If the robot completes the testing of the relevant specifications and demonstrates surprising technology, it will not worry about attracting capital.

Nowadays, the academic conference is just an opportunity to advertise, but the successful testing of the robot is the most valuable.

The test is scheduled for the 10th of next month, according to the R&D schedule.

In fact, when Xu Chao took the robot to the capital, the shopping system had already taken shape, and it could even be said that it was able to conduct simple shopping tests, but it was not perfect.

Over at the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory, the performance of the robot was tested, and the results were absolutely shocking, and the performance of the robot was much better than expected.

Qian Zhijin then discussed with Zhao Yi to make a really big news and make the robot 'a hit'.

This must be perfected for performance.

The first thing that I want to do is to make sure that I have a good idea of what I want to do.

Qian Zhijin also has his own consideration.

The intelligent and automation laboratory and Zhao Yi robot shopping system project cooperation, is certainly not lost money, ownership is said to be all in Zhao Yi, but the commercial technology transfer negotiations, is definitely to laboratory appearances, their brand is more hard, but also can let the external business customers feel at ease, can get some revenue.

This revenue percentage is small, but because the amount of technology transfer involves a large amount of money, scratch a little can also earn back the technology, hardware and personnel investment.

In addition, reputation is the most important thing.

Many universities have provincial-level intelligence-related computer labs, some high level, some low level, intelligence and automation labs, in which is not outstanding, because in Yanhua University, will also make people outside think, certainly not compared to the Capital University, the same type of laboratory of the University of Water and Wood University.

If you can hit the ground running and make a name for yourself, you may want to think about the Intelligence and Automation Lab after you invest in research and development of related technologies.

The current robotic shopping system is not perfect yet.

For example, the problem of shopping recognition.

For example, in the first test, the robot can't be sure that the object is a carton of milk, it can only scan all the goods once to determine the most likely carton of milk, and in the middle of the test, it has to record the location of the goods, which makes the route and calculations more complicated.

This needs to be adjusted, for example, in the initial stage, you get the items that have a high probability of being the target and record the location of picking them up, then you find the items that have a higher probability of being the target and also choose to pick them up, and when everything is successfully picked up, finally you put the items back in their original position.

This is a more humane approach.

Although it sounds very simple, because it involves multi-threading and multi-tasking, there are still a lot of loopholes in the program design that need to be perfected slowly.

In addition, the pathfinding problem has a lot of room for improvement.

The robot's pathfinding system is designed through a series of calculations based on the images of the four cameras, and the package functions are all there. The lab can use these functions to equip a more suitable camera to make the function more perfect, and also add the function of determining whether the target is 'the same human shopper' to realize not being affected by the shopping crowd.

Finally, the 'face value' of the robot is also a big issue.

The robots will be tested in public, and some media will be invited, but if they are too ugly, it will be embarrassing.

And so on.

Anyway, there is a lot of work in the lab.

All of this work takes time.

The robotic shopping system is not designed to make a robot that can shop like a human being, it is just a showcase, like a technology company that is constantly perfecting anthropomorphic robots, that is, to put all the smart technology into one robot.

This robot represents a collection of technologies, and outside companies can buy the technology they need.

The robot can be purchased by outside companies. ......

The academic conference continues.

Zhao Yi attended the academic conference for two days in a row, listened to a lot of academic reports, speeches and other things, and also had a general understanding of the domestic artificial intelligence technology.

He followed up by looking for some interesting R&D projects and asking about them in detail to see if they could be used in robots.

Others were similar.

Many people came to Zhao Yi to inquire about the robot, some came to specifically exchange ideas and discuss fuzzy algorithms, and some simply came to talk about mathematics and 'three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram'.

Zhao Yi was all the time willing to accept anyone who asked him to explain, and he won a lot of people's goodwill.

On the last day, he still did not escape Qian Zhijin's 'pestering'.

"Zhao Yi ah!"

Qian Zhijin asked with a bitter face, "Now that the college entrance exams are over, you should be sure to come to Yanhua University, right?"


Zhao Yi nodded his head affirmatively.

"Is it the School of Information Studies?"

Zhao Yi shook his head.

"Is it the Department of Mathematics?"

Zhao Yi shook his head.

Qian Zhijin took a deep breath and laughed bitterly, "Old brother, you're not playing with me, are you?"

"I'm sure I'll go to Yanhua University, don't worry, be honest, I'll just take the normal college entrance exam to get in."

"This ...... is not good!"

Qian Zhijin was not at ease at all, he sighed and suddenly thought about the students of the college entrance exam in Nanjiang, "Zhao Yi, you should know how difficult the college entrance exam is, right?"

"Not easy?"

Zhao Yi thought back to his own college entrance examination process, or a symbolic nod of the head.

Qian Zhijin said seriously, "Every university, every major, the enrollment quota put in each province is fixed, and if you occupy one, there is one less quota."

"If you enter Yanhua University by volunteering normally, it will make a certain candidate in Nanjiang Province, who falls short of the ranking by one ranking, have to be assigned to another school, or simply go back and repeat the process."

"Do you understand?"

Zhao Yi followed Qian Zhijin's line of thinking, and suddenly felt that it made sense.

It's a bit cruel to consider it from this perspective!

If you give up volunteering for college by taking the college entrance exam, you can free up a place for someone else and make a small contribution to your hometown?

Is it a life-changing event for that college entrance exam student?

Zhao Yi ton was much more serious, he also knows that Qian Zhijin is not a compassionate person, purely worried that he will not apply for Yanhua University, after thinking about it simply said, "Okay, Old Qian, I'll talk to you."

"Old Qian ......"

Qian Zhijin tugged at the corners of his mouth, and he felt that his image in Zhao Yi's heart had plummeted for some unknown reason.

"It's like this."

Zhao Yi said, "Your biological science major seems to be ranked in the top five in China, higher than the mathematics department, right?"

"I decided to enroll in Biological Sciences to get a systematic look at biotechnology ......"

"Blah blah blah~"

Zhao Yi said a lot of outlook on the future.

Qian Zhijin didn't listen to a word of it, and his mouth was so long that he was stunned and thought he was hallucinating.

Biological science?


The history of bioscience majors in China is very short, a diversion from the 'biology major' of science, and some universities do not have this major at all.

Yanhua University's School of Life Sciences was established earlier, and the bioscience program started earlier, with a national key laboratory and a provincial key laboratory, and the educational environment and faculty are quite good.

However, the educational environment and faculty are quite good. ......

You, an admitted math genius and computer genius, enroll in a completely unrelated biological science?


With an exaggerated expression, Qian Zhijin couldn't help but pull out a sentence in English.

Zhao Yi stared at Qian Zhijin's left and right, and even circled around for a whole circle, then quickly took out his cell phone and took a picture of his face, "Yes!OK!

"Record it!"

"Anyone who doesn't know what 'silly' means in the future, I'll send him this picture, it's a very helpful illustration ......"


Qian Hong and Zhu Li, who rushed over from afar, both burst out laughing.

Qian Zhijin immediately looked over at them viciously.

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