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Chapter 219 Panpuquence? Please consciously queue!

The "New Progress of Mathematics" in one of the four major top mathematics magazines, and the two contexts published the two papers of Zhao Wei, accounting up as high as 34.

Domestic public opinion suddenly boiled.

For domestic mathematics, there are mathematicians to publish the paper in the four top mathematics issues. It can become a big news in Zupin.

Zhao Wei delivered two articles, accounting up to more than 30, accounting for one-third of the new magazine.

This is a quite a great achievement.

A report on the event is "Capital Youth Daily". They played out the title of "" Youth Scholar Zhao Wei published two mathematics papers in "New Progress in Mathematics", accounting for one-third of magazine! "

Subsequent media reports simply writing -

"" New Progress of Mathematics "The new phase is only Zhao Wei!"

"Zhao Wei's thesis dominated" new progress in mathematics "!"

"Shocked: The four top mathematics journals have been captured by young scholars!"

"Domestic accounting of the highest level of publication!"

What kind of title has, and the exaggeration is also exaggerated, and the most beginning of the report is around, and Zhao Wei's papers occupy a space.

The public opinion on the Internet is also a big stack. "Zhao Wei is really too cattle C, one year in the top mathematical journal, four papers!"

"The corner guess proves, expands Liman guess, now it is to prove the number of three-dimensional tremor waveforms, and the twin couption conjecture?"

"Don't forget, Zhao Wei also proved Wright's mistake, he squeezed a top mathematician!"

"Note! Note! The second paper is related to the twin coupon guess!

"Is it the cracking of twin couption? Can't it!"

"Of course, I have seen the content of the paper, although most of them can't understand, but conclusions still understand, Zhao Wei's three-dimensional seismic waveform map, the twins contained in the containment of twins, he is arguing in the paper The reason why the twin quantity decolizes group content! "

"In other words, the three-dimensional vibration fibrillation wave chart and the number of twins are also related?"

"It is definitely like this!"

"I believe that the three-dimensional tremor wave chart will be sealed in the math world!"

The public's public opinion is only Zhao Wei's paper. The focus of concern is how many spaces have occupied by the papers. What is not easy?

The academic circle is different.

When many mathematicists have studied Zhao Wei's second papers, they got a shocking conclusion - the three-dimensional tremor waveform may contain a major clue to the twin coupling.

The world math community is coming with boiling.

Twin pixels guess!

In the past two decades, the twin prince guess is the number of studies studied by the most mathematician, because the twin couption is considered to be medium.

If it is a low-difficult mathematical conjecture, the top mathematician is unwilling to spend a thought, because even if the results have little significance.

A top mathematician cracks a small guess, just like a research report, because of hundreds of mathematics, thousands of mathematics.

Those more difficult conjectures, such as Gothbach guess, Liman guess, it is very difficult to crack, it is very difficult to study for a lifetime, maybe there is no progress.

Therefore, many mathematicians are interested in twins, this is a difficulty, but also a quite influence.

I am here.

The twin couption is considered to be difficult to lower, and the study of mathematics in a hundred years can say that there is no progress.

This is like a Jinshan in front of you, Jinshan is surrounded by sea water, but it can't find the boat that can reach Jinshan.

Now, the ship appeared.

Jinshan Treasure is in front of you, many students are boiling.

Domestic is also the same -

"The original three-dimensional tremor waveform, there is a clue that twin proves proves!"

"I should study more!"

"Fast, we have an advantage!"

Contact Yanya University Intelligence and Automation Laboratory, let them see if all of them can be sent! "

"Yes, this is necessary."

Yanhua University has become the focus of the mathematics, and the intelligent and automation laboratory have received a number of people from various people, and the purpose is the same, and they want to make them unprofitable.

There are also a lot of students in foreign countries, find various ways to want to get this data.

Many young students think that these probes have been dyspicious, may be the key to the door of the treasure, and the place is here. At present, there is only a smart and automation laboratory, which discloses to complete the test of the second set of uncellix.

There are foreign reporters to interview research institutions that are also verified, "We have not started verifying, if it is a routine method, the amount is very horrible."

"The number of second elements is much better than the first group, and the amount of calculation will be decorated, hundreds of times the rise."

The reporter asked if the computer method covers the creation of sex, "of course, it is ok, even if it is Google's supercomputer, it can only get a few thousand solutions for one day."

"In fact, this is like a calculation of the Rubik, and if there is no efficient method, the full coverage algorithm will increase the calculation of the index."

"Unfortunately, China's team did not announce, how did they complete the calculation ..."

"We can only determine that the numbers they published on the paper are correct, but the specific conclusions are correct or incorrect, temporarily unspeakable."

Although foreign research institutions say this, there is only 99% affirmative attitude towards the conclusions of intelligent and automation laboratories.

the reason is simple--

Zhao Wei is the student of Yanhua University, or the special researcher of the intelligent and automation laboratory, and he is also a recognized master master.

Therefore, the algorithm used by the intelligent and automation laboratory, there are more than 99% of the possibility, that is, Zhao Wei himself provided.

With Zhao Wei's achievements and fame, he can't deliberately make a false message that will definitely be exposed. Because of this, "New Progress in Mathematics" will believe in the data on the paper without the publication of the verification algorithm. .

Zhao Yu fire.

Yanhua University is fire.

Intelligent and automation laboratory, became a hot place for mathematics, a lot of top mathematicians, a variety of trusters looking to the relationship, saying good words, all want to get the data content of the first group, the second set of vegetarian numbers.

This will not be disclosed.

Qian Zhizhi, Liu Guangko can not have a '' , one algorithm is provided by Zhao Wei, and they have no publication of public data.

Two data is open, no one is working.

So the intelligent and automation laboratory is in the outside, "I want to see the data, I can come to the laboratory!"


The intelligence and automation laboratory is located, there are more top-level mathematicians to enter, and even have many foreign mathematicians, especially rushing, just to look at the data.

When they arrived later, seeing data is not only to apply, but also need to receive the number ...

This is also no way.

There are too many people who want to see the data, and there are still a lot of real big, the area of ​​the laboratory is limited, and there is only host computers.

Others can only queue.

This thing makes Yanhua University undoubtedly fire, think about a large group of top mathematicians, specially rushed to Yanhua University to see data, seeing the data before and after the data, there must be some communication with Yanya University.

For a time, Yanhua University seems to become an international mathematics holy place.

In fact, most of the most popular mathematicians are only an unusual interest of the three-dimensional shock wave pattern, not really wanting a data, to find the clues of the twin prime guess.

This data is very significant.

It is not normal from the content of the twin coupon group, and it is certainly possible to associate the three-dimensional vibrating wave chart and the twin couption guess.

The three-dimensional tremor wave screen is Zhao Wei's shape, and Zhao Wei is a student of Yanhua University School of Life Sciences, a professor, intelligent and automation laboratory of Yanhua University School of Science, Intelligent and Automation Laboratory.

The improvement of the importance of the three-dimensional shock waveform map will greatly improve the influence of Zhao Wei in the mathematics.

Many students came to Yanya University to know Zhao Wei, and Zhao Wei chatted with the three-dimensional tremor waveform. Unfortunately, most people did not see Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei wore it.

In fact, when Zhao Wei, Zhao Wei, I still saw several mathematicians, but I found that there were too many people from every day. He didn't even be occupied by the class. I didn't bother to come out in the dormitory. I just returned to the house. in.

He has regretted not to publish the third papers together, but think about it, the third papers are premised in the second one, even if the contribution is not necessarily possible, it will be directly published.

Only the second paper is recognized, the third papers can be published.

Taking advantage of Yanhua University's number of mathematicians, the School of Science also took advantage of the opportunity to form a 'mathematical scientific exchange meeting'.

Zhao Wei has served as a member of the Exchange Member, the honorary president, with the word 'honorary', naturally explaining that Zhao Wei does not need to participate in the work, he is really just a name.

Those mathers who come to Yanhua University can communicate in 'Mathematical Science Exchange Conference' and others.

The hot situation of Yanhua University has continued to have more than two weeks until a research institution in foreign countries, indicating that they have studied the simplified algorithm, and the supercomputer has been used to obtain a three-dimensional seismoscope wave pattern.

They consolidate the contents and the first set of cells and share the results to Preston University.

Some foreign media broke the news that Pleston University spent two million dollars, only the full content of the two sets of queen.

This news made Zhao Wei were sorry.

I know that the content of the two sets of unceremonies is so worth the money, and they will discuss with Qian Zhizhi and sell the data directly.


Watermark University, Capital University, or other university will be interested?


The things of pit people are still doing less!

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