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Chapter 508, our exhibition is coming!

Nancheng University.

The second floor of the physical complex, a office with a lounge.

Huang Zhong is comparing experimental data and carefully records important information.

This is his research.

After coming up in the physics of the Academy of Sciences, Huang Zhong applied for a basic research project to study the electron-layer conduction and magnetic problems.

This sounds is a small problem of physics, but the more basic problems, the more worth studying.

If you do a contrast, physical electromagnetic, magnetic field research, like a math partial micro-equation, you want to study something that has always been studied, is a large number of scientists, is committed to making basic research, will make humanity Understand more knowledge and discover more laws.

In fact, electronically conductive and magnetic problems are a very large research subject, continue to in-depth, can enter the microscopic field, close to the atomic, electronic framework, and directly related to superconductance.

Superconductive research has several kinds, very important is the research of superconducting materials, in addition, the research of superconducting phenomenon.

In all, 'superconducting anti-gravity' is a superconducting phenomenon.

Huang Zhong has always hopes to conduct supercondary related research, but he is not fully prepared, mainly limited to the physical laboratory environment of Nancheng University, apply for superconducting research projects, must have related equipment, superior departments Review the research environment will only give it through approval.

This is the logic of 'normal researcher' '.

Like Zhao Wei does not have the corresponding supporting laboratory, directly apply for the project and obtain approval, and then use project funds to introduce equipment ...

That is a special situation!

Huang Zhong thought of superconducting research. It is necessary to find foreign enterprises or school in advance to invest in the equipment. They also have shaken their heads. He did assess the academician of the Academy of Sciences, but they want to find millions of research equipment sponsorship. It's not easy, or you have to find a way to fight.

He stopped and knead his wrist. He was going to take a break, he heard the sound of the phone.

"This is……"

"Zhao Wei Assistant Contact Phone?"

Few people know that Zhao Wei's private mobile phone number, even Huang Zhong did not know, Zhao Wei's use of the assistant number, Huang Zhong only recorded the assistant number.

Huang Zhong picked up the phone and pressed the answer button, heard the familiar tone of the opposite.

"Is Huang Zhong Academician?"

"Zhao Wei!"

Huang Zhong suddenly listened to it, "How do you think of calling me?"

Zhao Wei smiled straight and white, "I want to invite you to join my project."

"What item?"

Huang Zhong came excited.

"Confidential, it can only be said to be related to the anti-gravity."


Huang Zhong listened to the eyes, he has always hoped to study superconducting problems, before, heard that the superconducting anti-gravity was confirmed by Zhao Wei and the theoretical owner Li Ning, and the research and anti-weight is not to study superconductive?

He immediately nodded. "Of course, I agree! When I passed, I said with the school."

Zhao Wei did not think that Huang Zhong is so simply, and I feel a little accident. Even if I put it, I have to hesitate?

Finally, he still said, "The faster, the better!"


Huang Zhong put down the phone, and suddenly excited, even if Zhao Wei said is not anti-weight, he will definitely join the study, just because the other party is Zhao Wei.

Countless scientists at home and abroad, all hopes to work with Zhao Wei, because Zhao Wei is like a research machine, and the super high scientific research is shocking, and many of them are the top, the forefront, plus two people. Nice relationship, he did not have any reason.


Zhao Wei concluded Huang Zhong to join his team, think carefully, I hope to find more particle mathematics experts, or theoretical physicist.

A yellow clock, completely different.

The research of anti-gravity, the study of the god password is very and more complicated, involved in the high-profile mathematical knowledge, microscopic mathematics framework, etc., Huang Zhong's level is really good, but he can do the same work.

"Still looking for people!"

Zhao Wei listed the theoretical physics of the understanding, taking into account the ability to level, confidentiality, and finally identified two people, all of the sputum quantum physics team.

One is the leader of the European particles to the experimental Chinese team, and the other is Zhang Yikan, a physics professor of Science and Technology.

Both people have a common feature than well-known physics academicians -


Yan Wenyi's older, less than 50 years old, Zhang Yijun is a few mathematical physics genius, and the 30-year-old doctoral degree, and was hired as associate professors by staying, and later arrived as a professor. .

Now Zhang Yi Can is only 35 years old, is the 'Futuristic', 'genius' in the field of domestic theoretical physics.

Zhao Wei and Yan Wenzhao are more familiar, and Zhang Yi Can only have seen it once, but I think about the other's resume, or I feel that I can try it.

After the order of order, he called Qi Wenyi and invited each other to participate in his own project.

Yan Wenhao is more than Huang Zhong, he first said that his work is very busy, it seems that it is not busy, Zhao Yue listened to simply, "Otherwise, I am looking for someone else."

"It's ok!"

, "Invitation sent by the academician of Zhao Dafu, I will be busy, the pressure is big, but also to put down the work of the hand, the past help!"


Zhao Wei's swearing did not come out, but he all wanted to spit a few mouthfuls of , and the scientific research said.

Come here?

Also want to sell personal conditions?

He couldn't help but pulled the mouth. I felt that I was invited to be a mistake. I then found the acquaintance of the physics department of the Academy of Science, inquired Zhang Yi Can, the relationship between the two is unfamiliar, directly calling the past, just find other people I said that I invited Zhang Yi Can to participate in my own project, and what projects do not reveal.

Zhang Yi Can did not know with Zhao Wei, but did not hinder others to give him 'thought work', say 'and Zhao's benefits together', the final return is the same, or the Director of the Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Hongzhi called the phone, confirming that Zhang Yuchan went to the capital next week.

"Huang Zhong, Zhang Yi Chan ..."

"Then come with a Qi Wenyi, it is almost the same." Zhao Wei smashed the team member, thinking of three top particle mathematics experts, and the number of people was barely enough.

Just, barely ...

In fact, Zhao Wei wants to invite more people to join, and the number of people is very helpful, but it is necessary to be the top particle mathematics expert, and similar scholars are hard to find.

In addition, it is the reason for confidentiality.

Although other people in the group, all the information that did not come into 'Shenling' s password ', the number of people will certainly be beneficial to keep confidential, too many people know that there will be news to reveal.

"Time to first!"

Zhao Wei decided, thinking about the core team of 'auxiliary person', 'anti-gravity' research, the first study of photons, must definitely require quantum optical experts, preferably top experimental physicists, quantum optical Experts will be very helpful to build large experimental equipment.

He did not have a familiar optical expert, just asked the Academy of Sciences and Science and Technology.


There are two optical experts who have resume very good, is recommended, or two female professors, one is Xiao Xiaohong, a professor of the Quantum Optical Laboratory of Science, and another is a doctoral tutor, a doctoral tutor in the Optical Engineering Laboratory of Hong Kong.

Yan Xiaohong is a pure optical field experimental physicist. She has long been engaged in quantum optical experiments and is doing the 'monoposa-level quantum optical experiment technology' experiment.

This is the latest technology in quantum optical research, and the two optical experts have obtained the Nobel Physics Award.

Li Xiaoyu's in-job Port City University, also served as a doctoral tutor, working in the optical engineering laboratory, more proficient in optical related research theories.

The two female professors are very excellent.

Zhao Wei briefly saw the resume, and directly agreed. One is the science department, the Science and Technology Department recommended, the problem should be small, and the 'assistant' is not in the core range, and their work is, design experimental equipment and Apparatus related to optical studies, and high energy communication and construction experimental equipment, contacting the contents of 'Shenling's password'.

This team staff is almost the same.

Zhao Wei also felt a lot easier. After everyone participated, he gave a list of people, and then waited for others.

The team's people have come.

, Huang Zhong came early, they were only a day after one before, and the two were enrised nearby hotels. Every day, Yanya University, I want to know the specific situation of the project, and then realize confidentiality problem.

Professors of the School of Science, Yanhua University, knew that Zhao Wei applied for a large project, but only knowing the research and anti-gravity research, it is not clear, that is, they don't know more.

Zhao Wei only had a sentence, "" waiting for everyone to say together! "

The third arrival is Zhang Yun, Zhang Yi Can is more young, Huang Zhong wants to be young, but he seems not good in social, most of the time is just listening to it, and there is no active to inquire, the project is specific.

Time came over again, Li Xiaoxi and Yan Xiaohong came, they seemed to be agreeable, all arrived on the morning.

Zhao Wei knows that Li Xiaotong and Yan Xiaohong come, just let everyone go to his dormitory in the afternoon, and the big living room will open it directly.

He sat on the sofa and looked at the other people. "Everyone is curious about what, I will say."

"Our research is anti-gravity. You should heard that the probation of Professor Li Ning proves superconducting and anti-weight."

"The experiment is very successful, and now that device is still in the physical laboratory, but because of sealing problems, it cannot be used."

"But our research has nothing to do with the anti-gravity and superconductance, we must first study photons."


Huang Zhongrton was very surprised.

Others have also seen two female professors, they have started strange, why do they have optical professors to join the team, and now they understand that it is necessary to study photons.

"But the photon can have the effect of anti-gravity?" Zhang Yi Can stop talking, his doubts also represent the voice of others.

Yan Wentang, "Qi Can, you have to believe in Zhao Academician!"

Huang Zhong hesitated.

Other two female professors also looked up to Zhao Wei, I hope he explained.

Zhao Wei, "I think, can't."

"Ah?" directly, he feels that this turning is too big, let him have some accepted, just said that he also questioned the journalism in Zhao, the result of Zhao Wei, 'can't' you don't say?

Others are also very confused.

Since the photons do not have the effect of researcies, why should I study it?

Zhao Wei said, "This involves things on the study, explains for a while," he shook his head and jumped open the topic, continued, "Next, I will assign work."

"Professor Li, Professor Yan, your work is very important."

He handed a blueprint, "This is a large device that high energy is prepared. You need to design the photon conduction device in the design, and the most likely to make the total energy of the photons in the pipeline ..."

Zhao Yi said.

The main task of Li Xiaotong and Xiao Xiaohong is to cooperate with high-energy equipment built, and design internal photon experiments.

This part of the work is the core of the early experiment. Zhao Wei attaches great importance to this and said the design requirements are detailed.

Li Xiaoyu and Yan Xiaohong have also been very serious. They have found that there is no way to remember, and simply take a record.

Zhao Wei said in a row of half an hour, but also made a very detailed explanation, and let them contact high energy to understand the construction of the equipment.

Subsequently, Li Xiaoxi, Xiao Xiaohong left.

Two female professors left, the rest seems to be 'own people'.

and everyone knows, familiar, the words and deeds are also a lot, he smiled and said, "Zhao Wei, we have been waiting for a long time, you seem to hand it over to the two ladies."

"Your work is not the same." Zhao Wei shun his head.

"Experimental equipment construction, device design, all allocated, what can we do?" Yan Wentai asked.

"Old Bank! Particle Mathematics!" Zhao Wei asked, "Otherwise, I will let you join what? results?"


Yan Wenyi respredcted.

Huang Zhong and Zhang Yi Chan have become serious.

Zhao Wei is very easy. "You must first learn." He said to take a lot of information, handed three people, "this is the theoretical analysis of my composed of photon energy."

"The boundary of particles?" Huang Zhong asked.


Zhao Wei said, "I don't dare to ensure that the above analysis is correct, because there is no way to demonstrate, but the least existing physics cannot find out the mistake."

"So I use my own resolution to contact a special list. There is a list, very special column, I call it 'The god password'."

This name makes three people.

Zhao Yi did not sound, he continued, "this section and superconductivity theories about anti-gravity experiments."

"So before you work first thing to do is to read all the information, including detailed involve mathematical framework, the photon energy composition analysis and experimentally derived column style, and so on, all of then ......"

"You need to do is to analyze the composition of the photon energy, or from another point of view, to contact that particular column type, find their relevance in mathematical angles."

Zhao Yi said is to find relevance.

He wants to study at the starting point of a photon gods password, then you need to find a mathematical construct a photon and 'gods password' relevance.

This is a very complicated mathematical work directly "related rate" simply can not obtain the result.

So, Nguyen Van Ye, Huang Zhong and Zhang Qi Can do is, both the study tried to think of things in common.

Zhao Yi certainly do not expect them to study directly, but their efforts may have heard 'condition' for the study, when the conditions become sufficient time, you can use the "relevant rate," the outcome.

This is a research direction.

Because of this, Zhao Yi only wish the team the more the merrier, the more people involved in the study, it will definitely be more 'new' ideas, which may have the right, we can help increase conditions.

"Three people, or too little!"

"Although they are top experts in mathematics and particles, but estimation of the rate of progress is not up soon."

"Sad to say ah!"

"I wish I could have a large group of people to help, quickly improve the conditions, I do not participate in the study, easily audit results like ......"

Zhao Yi shook his head out the door, decided to go to the playground exercise, more exercise is good for the body, the time to relax or to relax.

in the room.

Nguyen Van Ye and Huang Zhong Zhengxing Fen discussing, "turned out to be such a high-end research, I really did not think ah!"

"Looking for photon and mathematics constitute 'gods password' relevance? Gods password that name ...... ......"

"I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Learn quickly! Quickly research, I feel almost completed the major achievements, let everyone shocked, to change the outcome of the World's great!"

Yan Wenyi began to think about it.

Huang Zhong also looks forward to it.

Next to Zhang Yi Can frowned to look at the last page, suddenly open mouth, "But it seems to be very difficult, completely don't understand. I feel at my level ... very difficult."

"I am not confident!"

, "Qi Can! Modest is good, but too modest is wrong, you are also theoretical physics elite, our three elite is here, can you still have no results?"

"This time, look! Our big happens!"

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