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Chapter 644, Emperor's Financial Status

After the space channel plan of Emixing Technology, the strong repercussions of public opinion at home and abroad have aroused the discussion at home and abroad. It will be able to have some people who don't pay attention to scientific development, and they have a sense of horror talking.

This sensational public opinion lasted for a long time.

Emotion also seems to be a tag pole that explores space-related faucet.

In fact, in the field of universe exploration, Emperor is just a new person, only a company that has just been established for a long time, it is difficult to say how much influence.

The greatest influence of the company is Zhao Wei himself. He has raised more than 10 billion funds with its own reputation and reputation.

In fact, it is more than 400 billion, but considering the proportion of equity and demand, the amount of foreign investment is lowered.

Although the time of Establishing Established, the research and development related technologies are not much, but it is only the ring sun gantry satellite, the space light energy transmission technology, plus the creation of the 'unlimited power car', so the star has Huge famous gas.

Those institutions, companies, companies, technologies, technologies, and in space exploration are also greatly contributed, and it is difficult to catch up with a ring sun gantry satellite, because In the future, you can have unlimited use of solar energy.

Now Yuming announced the R & D plan, the content is very shocking, and there are still many people who believe.

Change to other companies, institutions, will definitely be considered a 'painting big cake', even directly saying is 'Buffe'.

Elenet is different.

Because Zhao Wei.

Anything related to the development of science and technology, no matter how advanced technology is advanced, people can't believe that in Zhao Yi seems to have the possible possible possible.

For example, space shuttle experiment.

Although many people still think that the space shuttle experiment is a shocking bureau, even have a lot of data, the screen is explained, and the process of space shuttle experiments, saying is 'play shooting video', But they call the data, screen, in a professional perspective, and you can see the problem.

Now Yuming proposes a plan for establishing a space channel, causing international hot discussion, making many people more expectations.

at the same time.

After the comet announced the plan, the company is constantly studying, the next development plan.

The company has developed to now, it can be said that the initial accumulation phase has been spent.

They have studied many technologies, and there are several of the core technology, patents for the manufacturing spaceship, which can be started to make a small spaceship.

At the same time, the R & D of the cyclo pool is the research and development of space light energy transmission technology, and the function of small spaceship has better choices, which makes up for small spaceship related technology, the most important energy power problem.

The problem is here.

The light energy output by the gathering satellite is limited, and most of them are provided to unlimited power vehicles, and some are alternate, and the high-power Z wave satellite of the establishment of the channel.

Even if it is the second gathering satellite that is being built, the satellite has not launched, and the transmission of energy has been 'assigned'.

At the internal seminar, Zhao Wei put forward this problem.

Some people have a solution, "We need to make more gathering satellites, in order to transmit light energy, the future requires less than 20, if the use is increased, even needed to launch hundreds."

This is still underestimated!

Many people who participated in the meeting have made a calculation, and they know the number of gathering satellites, the more better, and no matter how much it is, it is impossible to meet the needs.

Now demand is multifaceted, for example, small spaceship, high-power Z wave satellite, of course, is also unlimited to the unlimited power car.

There are more gathering satellites to make more infinite power vehicles.

Infinite power cars are required to be manufactured, because the manufacture of automobiles can bring a continuous high profit from the source.

In the short term, they are inseparable from the profits that infinite power vehicles.

Unless a day, a lot of gathering is continuously transmitted, and the light energy transmission has a lot of remaining, and it will consider changing a simpler way of making money. For example, directly selling light energy to receive the transformation, or part Transmission energy, direct 'rental' to other car manufacturers.

This is just the Sunday company.

The superior department is also very interested in the gathering of the gathering, and the space light energy transmission technology is also hoped to buy a part of the transmission light from the hands of the hand. Emit polymer satellites in order to provide an auxiliary energy to the spacecraft in the future.


Or that sentence, the polymer satellite manufacturing is not enough.

Inside the Saxi discusses the future development, focusing on gathering satellites, in addition, other aspects, the development of infinite power companies, mainly a large amount of investment, to expand the service industry chain.

The company's program is to acquire a professional service company to provide subsequent services for unlimited power vehicles.

In addition, the second batch of automotive production, manufacturing, must also put a schedule.

Elenet Technology, focusing on the manufacturing of high-function Z-wave satellites, research and development should begin the design of small spaceship.

There is a proposal to pass directly. "We need to see a high-tech manufacturing base in the surrounding, as the company's main experimental base."

Before Elenets are research technology, the functions are complete, and they are almost enough.

Now we must enter the research and development of small spaceship, requiring high-tech manufacturing basis to continuously experiment with various technologies.

While developing a small spaceship, it is also necessary to apply to the upper stage to build an anti-heavy gravity propeller that is independent.

"We can't always transport our satellites and spaceships with the anti-gravity propeller of the Space Administration."

"Then, there will be a lot of expenses in the future, and it is very inconvenient."

"We also need to master the ability to manufacture anti-gravity propellars, R & D separately, manufactured, alone."


The internal discussion of the future of the Saxi, has made a lot of plans, and each program seems to be very important, it is impossible to delay.

This requires a lot of manpower, financial resources.

The company's expansion plan is imminent, and more technological talents must be recruited, manufacture talents, and all aspects of talents.

The various departments must also expand significantly to meet the needs of research and development in various fields.

When the company's scale, the number of people is expanding, financial, logistics, legal, etc. must increase human hands.

A series of plans, the most fundamental thing is to need a lot of money to support.

Money, where is it?

Infinite power car sales, indeed earn a big money, but it is still a 'Cup Water Salary' relative to the investment.

"In the next year, we have invested more than 80 billion funds in R & D."

"According to the current speed, we can only sell three gathering satellites, can only sell less than 60,000 cars, and the light energy transmitted by the gathering satellite cannot cover other fields."

"These will greatly slow down our development speed."

"Therefore, I suggest that the company should finance the land!"

After the internal discussion of the company, it has been the conclusion of the second round of financing. If you want a fast development, you must have a lot of financial support, otherwise you can only grow slowly.

If it is relying on infinite power, it is too slow to rely on infinite power, and then put it into research and development, the speed is too slow.

Zhao Wei also hopes that the speed of development is faster. He doesn't want to see all technology maturation, but because of the limited funds, it can only slowly develop. After a few years, it is still limited by money, resulting in the technology that has been owned. There is no ex!

So he agreed to make a suggestion of financing.


One month has passed.

Unlimited power cars are constantly producing, and quickly delivered to the owner, 10,000 Taiwan has already sold, and the number of delivery has exceeded more than half.

Infinite power cars are really very attractive, when many car owners get the car, the car also has spread all over the domestic and foreign.

A lot of stars, the net red is standing, especially looking for an infinite power car.

It is interesting to be the most popular 'rent a car, there are even 10,000 yuan per day, and people who rent a car are just a simple test drive. You can harvest a lot of playback.

At the same time, infinite power cars have the most popular 'Used Car'.

There is a car owner to sell unlimited power cars, and even sells two million yuan, it is more expensive than the price when buying a car.

At the same time, many people on the Internet are appealing, and Emperor will produce more infinite power vehicles.

At this time, Er Xing suddenly disclosed the company's financial situation.

A normal business company discloses financial situation, and it seems that there is nothing big. Most people are not interested.

However, the data released by Elit Club is very shocking.

In the last quarter, Elite Company spent 4.3 billion yuan, operating income billions of RMB, net loss 4.276 billion yuan.

In the last quarter, the Saxi Company spent 3.1 billion yuan, operating income of 17.9 billion yuan, achieving net profit of 11.923 billion RMB.

When the financial situation of the Yixing Company has just been disclosed, it has caused huge public opinion.

"The last quarter lost more than forty billions, and the whole quarter is directly profitable for 120 billion!"

"Is this not a joke?"

"Infinite power car, really make money! Too much money!"

"But it is normal, super high technology, the profit margin is definitely high!"

"It is said that Eli has been in the 27th country, and there are some countries that have agreed!"

"I can buy an infinite power car in the future, and sales are definitely wider!"

"It is said that some expensive people will sell foreign countries, when the sale of the car will definitely be higher!"

"Don't always stare at the car and make money! You didn't pay attention? The R & D of the R & D is investment, with an average of ten billions every month!"

"Yeah, super high!"

"The expenditure of Emixing is R & D, they are technology companies, R & D expenditures are rushing to rush to the top big companies in foreign countries."

"It is estimated that it will be higher in the future!"


Some people think of the key. "At this time, the Shixing suddenly disclosed finance, business conditions, what is it for?"

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