Rule the Ming Dynasty Alone

Chapter 16: A clever breakthrough in the court situation, a new king and a new outlook

In front of Fengtian Gate, as the civil and military officials dispersed, the place became quiet again.

The enthronement ceremony is over, but the new dynasty has begun, and this "Accession Edict" is destined to cause an uproar.

The "Edict on Enthronement" was copied separately by the Yamen of the Ministry of Rites and distributed to the Chief Envoys of South and North Zhili and the thirteen provinces through the General Affairs Department. The relevant Yamen needed to implement it immediately.

The promulgation of this enthronement edict was moderate in other aspects of the Ming Dynasty, but it was no less than a bombshell in the salt policy.

The new king's intelligence is far beyond everyone's imagination, and it has subverted many people's perception of this new king.

In addition to the unexpected direction of Yan Zheng's swing in the "Edict of Enthronement", the internal eunuchs concerned did not take back the power of the eunuchs as they had imagined, but selectively took back the power.

But those who are thoughtful know that this method is actually very clever.

Although some of the eunuchs who had overseen the Taihe Mountain in Dayue were dismissed, the eunuchs who were responsible for the promotion of ships in various cities were not recalled, let alone their power to govern the sea.

Just like this, the expected era when the eunuchs were fully taken over by the new emperor did not come. The new emperor did not seem to be as easy to fool as imagined.

After so many years of brainwashing, I don’t know if His Majesty suddenly had an enlightenment or if there was some master behind the scenes?

The emperor was out of control, and the civil servants were most anxious.

With the death of Emperor Chenghua, Wan'an's status declined rapidly, and many of his officials had already chosen to change their sect and join Xu Pu's sect. This is why Xu Pu dared to mock Wan An for the dark spots on his face that looked like beans.

It's just that a starved camel is bigger than a horse. A group of officials in important positions gathered in Wanfu.

Wan'an was a Jinshi in the 13th year of Zhenghua. He entered the Hanlin Academy as a shujishi, and then rose through the ranks. In the 13th year of Chenghua, he succeeded Shang Ren as the chief minister of the cabinet. It has been ten years now, and he is now a first-grade junior master. title.

"Yuanfu, today's enthronement edict has been changed in this way. What do you think of this matter?" Li Yan, the right assistant minister of the Governor's Beijing Deposit Department, was a core member of Wan Dang and asked first.

When Zhou Hongmo and others heard this, they all looked at Wan An.

Wan An picked up the tea cup brought by the butler and sighed: "Perhaps all our courtiers have misunderstood. Your Majesty has actually been dormant all this time. He is as smart as the late emperor!"

"Yuan Fu, why did you see it?" Li Yan frowned and asked immediately.

Wan An held the lid of the tea and poured it into the cup, then looked up at the blue sky in the front yard and said: "I have been in the government for decades, and I am already aware of the failure of the salt government. This matter "Accession Edict" I am also involved in it. But if you ask me how to break the situation, even if I dare to point out the collusion between government and businessmen, I will not think about relaxing the entry threshold for salt merchants to relieve the pressure!"

At this point, he seemed to realize that what he said was too profound, especially in the presence of his grandson Wan Hongbi, who had just become an official in Hanlin, so he summed it up and said: "It is a matter of salt, and the imperial edict can break the situation now. This alone is enough to defeat the late emperor!"

"Grandpa, this matter is contrary to common sense! Not to mention that Your Majesty has always had a reputation as a virtuous man in the East Palace, but the Five Classics are difficult to understand. Now if Grandpa can't solve the political malpractice, how can Your Majesty solve it?" Wan Hongbi is deeply loved by Wan'an, and so is Wan Hongbi. It’s authentic to express your opinion here.

"Hongbi's words are reasonable. This matter should not be what His Majesty thinks. There may be some expert guidance behind it!" Zhou Hongmo nodded gently and expressed his agreement.

Wan An was not a stubborn person, so he nodded lightly and said: "Bi'er's reasoning is also reasonable! It's just that your Majesty is indeed different from what we observed earlier. I see the figure of the late emperor in your Majesty, but it's not bad. Not a good thing."

"A good thing?" When Zhou Hongmo heard this conclusion, he looked at Wan'an Road in confusion.

Wan An slowly took a sip of tea, then smiled and said: "If His Majesty is really like the late Emperor, he will not believe in the so-called Qingliu, so he will continue to use us to check and balance Qingliu, and even rely on us to help him implement it. ambition!"

It is said that people become better with age, but now this old chief minister who has been in the officialdom for ten years cannot be ignored, and now he seems to have a very clear view of the current situation.

Zhou Hongmo and others had always thought that they were going to be liquidated by Qingliu led by Xu Pu. Now that they heard Wan An's conclusion, they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Mansion, in the study.

Xu Pu's face looked very ugly, but instead of calling his cronies to discuss matters, he only called his favorite disciple Xie Qian.

He had been in the officialdom for decades, and was about to become the leader of hundreds of officials and take charge of the government. However, when things came to an end, a major deviation suddenly occurred.

Now that I think about it carefully, since His Majesty is about to succeed to the throne, the prince who once obeyed his words has indeed become somewhat different, especially his eyes and demeanor are not like the obedient prince of the past.

"Teacher, Your Majesty didn't behave strangely. He just suddenly became close to Zhang Sheng. After he entered the Qianqing Palace, he summoned Zhang Sheng three times!" Xie Qian also felt that things were getting out of control, so he immediately revealed road.

It is inevitable for people to have jealousy and comparison. He and Zhang Sheng are both lecturers in the Prince's Mansion. He entered the prince's palace earlier than Zhang Sheng, and he seems to be closer to him on weekdays. However, Zhang Sheng suddenly became favored, and he actually Not once was he summoned to the palace.

Xu Pu had always ignored Zhang Sheng. Now when he heard Xie Qian reveal the matter, he immediately said thoughtfully: "If Zhang Sheng hadn't done all this, he was the one who was making suggestions for His Majesty behind the scenes!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, Dang even shook his head like a rattle and denied, "No! Zhang Sheng doesn't have this kind of talent, there must be someone else who is good at it!"

"Teacher, Zhang Sheng is the number one scholar in Chenghua for five years, and he is really smart!" Xie Qian had always regarded Zhang Sheng as his imaginary enemy, and emphasized seriously.

However, Xu Pu concluded that it could not be Zhang Sheng, so he gently raised his hand and said: "You go back first, this person must be in the palace, I will have someone investigate!"

"Follow your orders!" Xie Qian didn't expect that his teacher had an informant in the palace, so he said calmly with his hands in hand.

Xu Pu watched Xie Qian leave, but he thought of the third provision of the "Edict of Enthronement" and couldn't help but secretly have a headache. He immediately wrote a letter and sent it to his disciple Li Zhiqing, who was the envoy to the Huaidu capital.

Although I have always collected money in the name of Bing Zhen and Tan Zhen, I can't guarantee that the disciple will bite me. Now I have to ask this disciple to be careful.

But there's no need to be too nervous. After all, this kind of government order will become invalid once it leaves the capital. There are no local officials who are not smart enough to bite people everywhere.

Under the sunset, the Forbidden City looks beautiful.

Zhu Youtang, who was wearing casual clothes, was sitting in the Dongnuan Pavilion, with the sunlight outside shining in through the thin paper windows.

This is not only a place where political affairs are handled, but also a study room with a large number of books. It is also a place where courtiers can meet directly, and even meals can be passed here. However, it is a multi-functional office.

Zhu Youtang was sitting in front of his study, but he couldn't read the "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" every day after he ascended the throne. Instead, he had to read the memorials of the two capitals and thirteen provinces.

Fortunately, Emperor Chenghua was a suitable father and had already intended to cultivate his ability to handle government affairs, so he already had experience in how to handle government affairs.

Now combined with this modern brain, the problems encountered can be easily solved, which is why he was able to cleverly modify the "Accession Edict" this time.

"Your Majesty, I just heard some news!" Huang Pan walked in from outside and reported the report with a complicated expression.

Zhu Youtang stretched his body, raised his head and said, "What's the matter?"

"The Queen Mother recalled Huaien, and now Huaien has arrived at Qingning Palace!" Huang Pan knew the inside story of some things, so he reported it carefully.

When Zhu Youtang heard the news, his eyes flashed with a sharp look.

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