Rule the Ming Dynasty Alone

Chapter 20: Get up in the morning and be clear, God’s heart is unpredictable

There was no words for a night, and the golden morning sun shone on the Qianqing Palace the next day.

In his daze, Zhu Youtang heard the sound of clouds outside, and faintly heard a eunuch singing "The star of desire in the East is rotten, and the morning rooster in Runan comes to the altar to call. At the end of the song, all the strings are revealed, and the moon is out of stars." "Xi Tian Xia Dan...", the voice was melodious.

"Your Majesty, it's time to get up!" Liang Fang knelt in front of the bed and called out cautiously.

Zhu Youtang knew that it was the fourth quarter of the hour that he requested, but for some reason last night he missed the spring in the animal world, and he pulled back the quilt listlessly and got up.

Liang Fang was already very good at serving His Majesty in daily life. When she saw Zhu Youtang getting up, she immediately called the maid waiting outside to come in and help His Majesty wash up.

After all, it is a country of etiquette. As the leader of a country, he is very particular about what he wears, and it seems very cumbersome. But Zhu Youtang didn't need to worry about these things. These palace maids had already remembered them clearly, and all that was left was for him to stretch his arms and legs.

After getting dressed, it was time to wash up.

Zhu Youtang looked at the fine tea brewed with morning dew and thought about the purity of the water and the charm of the tea. After rinsing his mouth twice, he suddenly felt that it was no worse than the toothpaste he had in his previous life.

In particular, my teeth in this life were very regular and were not harmed by sweets and nicotine. As long as I could persist in "rushing into the dragon's ditch" every day, my teeth would at least last until my inexplicable sudden death.

"Open the curtain!" Huang Pan immediately ordered when he saw Zhu Youtang finished washing.

First, the two eunuchs waiting here hung up the curtains, and the eunuchs waiting outside the gate of Qianqing Palace opened the doors of Qianqing Palace one after another to welcome the new day.

When Zhu Youtang came to Dongnuan Pavilion, he immediately felt a sense of warmth.

As the emperor's palace, the underground here naturally has a good heating system. Since the weather has turned cooler, a fire has been lit in the heating vent outside, which is continuously providing floor heat to the palace.

"Your Majesty, breakfast is ready!" Tan Conggui showed up on time, looking very flattering.

After Zhu Youtang alienated Qin Conggui, Qin Conggui made a deep reflection and found that there had indeed been serious deviations in his thinking. He actually once thought that the Crown Princess was the genius, but in the end he tried to please the Crown Princess and despised the Crown Prince.

Now that I think about it carefully, the prince's obedience to the princess's words was actually intentional. This move was a test for all the servants in the prince's house.

That's why Zhu Youtang, who is now on the throne, has not reused these old Conglong people. He has already doubted the loyalty of these people.

Zhu Youtang's appetite was not very good, but he still said calmly: "Pass the meal around!"

Since breakfast is relatively simple and my appetite is not very good, I usually don't go to the dining room, but have the food delivered to me.

"Your Majesty, this is a memorial sent by the Ministry of Rites early in the morning. Please be sure to read it!" Guo Yong, the eunuch of the Department of Rites, appeared here and respectfully presented a memorial.

Zhu Youtang received the memorial from the Ministry of Rites and opened it to see what was written on it: "The emperor's funeral ceremony has been carried out, and the formal attire has been completed. I respect your majesty's first heir to the great treasure, and he is closely related to it. Fuwang takes the ancestral temple and the country as the foundation." I'm sorry, but I don't want to express my sorrow, please go to the west corner gate to take care of the matter."

There are many rules in ancient times. Although Zhu Youtang has ascended the throne, he is still in the 27-day filial piety period. Not only must he continue to fast, but he must also not deal with government affairs, thus creating an image of a filial son who is dedicated to observing filial piety.

But for many things, His Majesty only needs to make a gesture, and the people below will send steps.

Just like with the edict of Emperor Chenghua, it was a matter of course for Zhu Youtang to ascend the throne on a certain day, but the people below usually arranged for people to hand in the "Persuasion Form".

Now that Zhu Youtang has ascended the throne, he has indeed not exceeded the 27-day filial piety period. Now that the Ministry of Rites is persuading that "the ancestral temple and the country are the most important", Zhu Youtang only needs to follow the trend and start his ruling career in a grand way.

Zhu Youtang didn't seem anxious about this matter. He considered whether to do it sooner or later, so he handed the memorial in his hand to Huang Pan who was standing next to him.

"Your Majesty, where should I put this memorial?" Huang Pan took the memorial, but he didn't know what category it was classified into, but he seemed to have no idea.

Zhu Youtang realized that Huang Pan might be loyal, but not a qualified secretary, so he took a sip of bean soup and said helplessly: "Put the memorial on the desk and I will deal with it later!"

"Yes!" Huang Pan knew what to do and immediately nodded respectfully.

Zhu Youtang found that the bean soup in front of him was too oily, but he didn't understand that there was so much oil in the bean soup as well as a table of meat and vegetables for breakfast.

"Your Majesty, would you like some tea?" Liu Jin said respectfully as he brought the tea.

Zhu Youtang took the tea and rinsed his mouth. Facing this clever eunuch, he couldn't help but feel a little good in his heart.

"My slave was careless, please punish me!" Tan Conggui realized that he had made a mistake and immediately knelt down and said.

Zhu Youtang handed the tea to Liu Jin and also chose to explain: "Don't make the soup so oily for breakfast in the future. The dishes should be light!"

"Your Majesty, this is the ancestor..." After hearing this order, Tan Conggui immediately wanted to explain, but was rudely interrupted by Liu Jin standing next to him: "The master is God, how can you, as a slave, do this!"

"My slave obeys the order!" Tan Conggui also reacted and said respectfully.

Zhu Youtang actually has many rules in the palace, and even has ancestral rules that cannot be changed, but what he wants is flexibility, and let these people understand who is the master of the palace.

Due to the ban on slaughtering livestock, fresh meat is still not available. Although the food in the palace is exquisite and hygienic, the taste is far from as delicious as everyone imagined.

After Zhu Youtang put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, he looked up at the palace maids who came to send him off. He always felt like something was missing.

Although important ministers and nobles kept asking for an audience, they were all sent back by Zhu Youtang on the grounds of filial piety, until the Renshou Palace sent someone over.

Renshou Palace, main hall room.

Although the Queen Mother cannot be said to be beautiful and fragrant, she still has a certain charm all over her body. Now wearing mourning clothes, she still shows the majesty of the denominator in the world.

After all, she had become a marginalized person, and her eyes were obviously much calmer. She said apologetically to Zhu Youtang who arrived: "The Ai family just happened to be affected by the wind, so I bothered Your Majesty to come over. Please forgive me!"

"The Queen Mother is not feeling well. I have come to visit her now. Please take care of her body!" Zhu Youtang looked at the rosy-faced Queen Mother and said with concern.

The Queen Mother naturally pretended to be sick and pointed to her nephew who was already kneeling on the ground: "Your Majesty, this is my nephew Wang Lan!"

"Hundreds of humble families in royal robes pay their respects to Your Majesty. Long live my emperor!" Wang Lan, a young man with a strong build, kowtowed immediately.

Zhu Youtang did not expect the Queen Mother to move so quickly, but it also reflected that the Wang family really wanted to engage in political speculation, and this Wang Lan was the key supporter of the Wang family.

After sending the rest of the people away, Wang Lan reported to Zhu Youtang the secret investigation of the imperial ministers by Zhu Ji, commander of the Jinyi Guards.

Zhu Youtang picked up the teacup and looked at the energetic Baihu in Jin Yi, but he said lightly: "You are just talking one-sided words now. Even if I want to deal with Zhu Ji, it is empty talk!"

"The judgment of humble duty is true. Your Majesty can investigate this matter!" Wang Lan looked up at Zhu Youtang and said very sincerely.

Zhu Youtang put down the tea cup he had just picked up, and said to the Queen Mother: "Queen Mother, you are fine now, so I feel relieved! It's just that I have just succeeded to the throne, and many officials in the court have to make adjustments. , I’ll take my leave first!”

"Your Majesty has a lot of things to do today, but you also need to take care of your health. Go and do your work!" The Queen Mother was not angry because Zhu Youtang was about to leave as soon as he arrived. She seemed very considerate and authentic.

When Wang Lan saw Zhu Youtang leaving without even taking a sip of tea, he immediately said dumbfounded: "Aunt, your Majesty, you don't believe me?"

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