Rule the Ming Dynasty Alone

Chapter 25: The traitor is like a loyal person, heading towards the west corner early

September 14th, the first morning court of the new emperor.

This is a Mao Shi day when the stars and the moon are gradually setting. The sky is late in September. As the stars disappear in the sky, the sky becomes pitch black.

It is said that the Ming Emperor was lazy and resigned from power, but little did they know that there were many officials who wanted to be lazy and did not go to court. They lost power under the banners of "oversleeping", "blocking the road" and "sickness".

According to historical records, on a certain day in May of the ninth year of Chenghua, nearly a thousand people lost their dynasty. Originally, those who lost their dynasty would be punished, but the law did not punish the public, so Emperor Chenghua finally chose not to pursue the case.

It's just that today is Emperor Hongzhi's first morning court appearance, but no official dares to be absent.

The new dynasty has a new atmosphere, and everyone knows that the new king is benevolent, which makes many officials full of expectations for the new dynasty, making them feel no burden to get up early in the morning.

The first bells and drums of the Meridian Tower have rang, and the lights in half of the capital are gradually brightening.

Huaishu Hutong, Xu Mansion.

Xu Pu woke up to the cries of the rooster, and his feet felt reluctant to leave the warmth. The two bed-heating maids seemed to have received the signal to help Xu Pu get up.

Although he teaches the monarch "King Wen is humble" all day long, as the top ruling class of this era, his life must be luxurious. Both status and financial resources are enough for him to live a comfortable life.

Xu Pu gargled with the West Lake Longjing, which was respected by his students. It was filled with top-quality fine salt sent by Li Zhiqing. Although he was not as particular as the emperor about using morning dew, the cost was still high.

The official uniforms are equally complicated, and several maids serve and dress them carefully. Since it is still the period of filial piety, mourning clothes and a belt tied around the waist must be worn outside.

Although Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Personnel was a third-rank official, he was given the false position of Prince's Young Master when he was teaching the prince, so he had already become a second-rank official.

Xu Pu touched his jade belt, but he knew that it wouldn't be long before he could use the jade belt, so he took the tooth tag and went out directly.

The weather has turned cold, and there is a distinct chill in the courtyard.

It is said that officials have a hard time going to court in the morning, but when Xu Pu woke up, dozens of servants in the entire Xu Mansion had already gotten up and were surrounding Xu Pu.

The sedan has been carried out from the sedan hall and is waiting in the front yard. Several burly guards are standing at the door.

Xu Pu strolled to the front yard. Although two concubines had appeared here to see him off, there was no one in the small sedan behind his sedan.

"My dear, give your regards to your father!" A young man wearing a seventh-grade official uniform hurried over, holding his hat, and greeted Xu Pu in a panic.

In the Ming Dynasty, it was not uncommon for father and son to share the same court.

It's not that the tiger father has no dogs, but it's due to the official system of the Ming Dynasty. At first, those who suffered from the shadow usually died in official positions or after becoming official, but later it became "a third-rank or above Beijing official who had completed the examination and got a son from the shadow, called an official student".

Xu Pu was promoted to the right minister of the Ministry of Rites in the 15th year of Chenghua. He did not meet the qualifications of Guanyin originally, but he begged to let his legitimate son Xu Yuangai enter the Imperial Academy. Emperor Chenghua used Xu Pu's old service in serving the prince and specially appointed Xu Yuangai as his servant. Seventh grade middle school student.

According to statistics, before the Jingtai Dynasty, there were only about fifty people who had official positions, and "all of them were special favored positions" and most of them were "obtained through begging for favors." However, now there is a tendency for the official positions of the imperial officials to increase, and The phenomenon of "civilian ministers shadowing the military" emerged, such as the former Minister of War, Cheng Xinchang, and Sun Chengxun, who inherited the Jin Yiwei hereditary for hundreds of households.

Xu Pu had always been very strict with his son. He looked up and down at the panting Xu Yuangui and said with a solemn face: "Where is the toothpai?"

"Uh, by the way, where's my tooth tag?" Xu Yuanguan then realized that he was empty-handed and couldn't help but be confused.

The dental plaque is a pass to the early dynasty. It is an exclusive item for Beijing officials, so there is a saying: "I love foreign officials and have paiyamen, and I love Beijing officials and have dental plaques."

Fortunately, at this moment, the maid who noticed the missing piece picked up the tooth tag and hurriedly sent it over.

Xu Yuangai took the dental plaque and saw his father still staring at him dissatisfied, so he smiled and said respectfully: "Father, please get on the sedan!"

"Master, it's getting late!" the butler said with his heart towards Xu Yuangai, and he also helped to rescue the siege.

Xu Pu couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness when he saw his son being so neglected.

He is a talented person who knows the world, but the things he gave birth to are not as good as that idiot chief assistant.

"Get up the sedan!" The steward sang loudly when he saw Xu Pu entering the sedan.

The middle door of the Xu family was wide open, and two sedans went out one after the other. Someone was holding a lantern in front, and there were strong guards on both sides, heading towards the Forbidden City.

When we arrived at West Chang'an Street, it had become lively. In addition to many officials who also went to court in sedan chairs, there were many food stalls along the street.

Xu Pu sat in the sedan chair and closed his eyes to rest, but he knew that the top priority was not to bring down the first assistant Wan An and the second assistant Liu Ji, but to put shackles on the imperial power and not let Emperor Hongzhi use factory guards as much as Chenghua Dynasty did. .

The east is getting brighter, and the square in front of the Meridian Gate is already crowded.

"I'm here to pay my respects to Scholar Xu!"

"I respectfully invite Master Xu Jun'an!"

"Your Majesty, I would like to extend my sincere greetings to Xu Xueshi!"

Nearly a thousand officials have gathered here. When they saw Xu Pu, who was wearing a second-grade official uniform, walking from the outside of the square, they all greeted him politely.

The first assistant, Wan An, is a courtier, and the second assistant, Liu Ji, is mediocre. At present, only Xu Pu has the reputation and strategy among the Manchu dynasty civil servants. Especially when the new dynasty promotes enthronement, Xu Pu has won everyone's unanimous support.

The corners of Xu Pu's mouth raised slightly, and he just nodded slightly before heading forward.

Liu Ji seemed to have forgotten his earlier unhappiness and said to Xu Pu, who came over: "Good morning, Bachelor Xu!"

"Good morning, Mr. Liu Ge!" Xu Pu knew it was not the right time to break up with Liu Ji, so he returned the favor.

Liu Ji had his own little plan, and took the initiative to express his kindness to Xu Pu: "I and Lord Yuanfu both think that the enthronement grace is feasible. Yesterday, the vote was submitted to Your Majesty, and I believe it will be approved in the morning. The enthronement grace will be carried out." , all officials, soldiers and civilians will be grateful to Your Majesty, Your Majesty's new administration will be smooth and smooth, Academician Xu is a talented man who manages the world, and I hope he can join the cabinet and serve Your Majesty as soon as possible!"

"Mr. Liu Ge deserves the prize!" Xu Pu said, realizing that Liu Ji was a good person, and he was a little smug.

Liu Ji saw Xu Pu's reaction and took the initiative to extend an olive branch and said: "When the late emperor was still alive, I asked the late emperor to add ministers, but the late emperor was obsessed with monks! Now your majesty has begun to handle government affairs, I I am requesting additional cabinet ministers today, what do you think of Academician Xu?"

"It's all up to Mr. Liu Ge!" Xu Pu was secretly happy and said to Liu Ji.

At this time, there was a commotion behind him, and Wan An, who was wearing a python robe, was helped over by his grandson Wan Hongbi.

Wan An is already a seventy-year-old man, and he does have age spots that look like beans on his face. He waved his hand to Liu Ji who was greeting him: "I'm old now, and my body and bones are not as good as yours. I almost couldn't get up from the last morning." ! Even if the new king wants me to continue doing it, he can’t do it!”

Xu Pu said nothing and looked at the idiot chief minister seriously.

"Lord Yuanfu is joking, you are always honest and prudent. Now that the new king has just ascended to the throne, I still have to rely on you for everything in the court!" Liu Ji said complimentarily.

Wan An waved his hands, but sighed and said: "No, no, we can't do it! It's just that Your Majesty has not recalled the guarding eunuchs so far. I have to watch His Majesty bring things back to order before I can feel at ease!"

"Scholar Xu, I think Master Yuanfu's words are right!" Liu Ji's heart moved slightly, and he turned to look at Xu Pu aside.

Xu Pu also had some calculations in his mind, and immediately expressed his position: "If the new dynasty is to be revived, it will naturally emphasize talents and appoint talents. How can we allow eunuchs to continue to disrupt the government!"

From humble beginnings to a high position, everyone is naturally smart! Now that the words have been spoken, the three important officials of the imperial court have reached a certain tacit understanding just by looking at each other.

Dawn has broken in the eastern sky, and the majestic Forbidden City has been revealed.

"Go to court!"

As soon as the hour arrived, the eunuch on the tower sang loudly.

As the city gate opened, the imperial guards inside ran out neatly, looking eagerly at the civil and military officials present.

Civil and military officials filed in from the left and right gates holding dental plaques. After passing through the deep doorway, they glimpsed the majestic Fengtian Gate in the morning light. At this time, the Fengtian Gate Tower looked like a lonely giant beast.

When they came to the Jinshui Bridge, all the officials stopped to tidy up their clothes, then stepped across the Jinshui Bridge towards the West Corner Gate on the right side of Fengtian Gate.

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