Rule the Ming Dynasty Alone

Chapter 503 Power makes people crazy

It was noon on the day of the exchange.

The two parties agreed to exchange hostages on a beach. In order to prevent one party from swallowing the other, the two parties agreed that they could only send a hundred people there, and the people from the open side were not allowed to wear armor.

Liu Tao selected a hundred strong Inca people to go, but their task today was relatively heavy.

Although the agreed fresh fruits, vegetables and grains have been delivered in advance, this time Zhao Zhongyi and other sixty-nine people need to be brought there, as well as one hundred kilograms of golden potatoes.

The Ming army seemed very simple, they only needed to bring Su Ren over.

The sun is high in the sky, and the sand on the beach is white and fine, leaving deep footprints when you step on it.

The two parties came to the beach at the agreed time, and the atmosphere seemed tense and solemn.

Zheng Yong, the Governor-General of the Americas, seemed to attach great importance to this exchange and came in person with his personnel.

He was wearing a bullfighting uniform given by the emperor, with a sword given by the emperor hanging on his waist. His fair face looked solemn, and he was far away from Liu Tao, the rebel general of the Ming army.

Both parties sent personnel to check the exchange items to ensure that the other party did not forge.

"Master Governor, these potatoes are bigger and plumper than the potatoes we had before!" The person responsible for the inspection was a student from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Imperial College, who couldn't help but report happily.

Since seeing the amazing yields of sweet potatoes and corn, especially their drought tolerance, people have been able to develop sloping fields for planting, which is worthy of the name of treasured crops.

Although they have brought back two varieties of potatoes, everyone hopes to get better ones, so golden potatoes are one of the important targets of their voyage.

No one has ever seen a real golden potato, so the most effective way to judge is to weigh the size and starch content of the potatoes. The potatoes in front of you are at least bigger and better than the potatoes you brought back before.

Zheng Yong knew that the value of golden potatoes was far greater than that of Su Ren, and it was also the treasure that the emperor had always wanted. He gently shook the index finger of his right hand to indicate that the transaction was ready.

Su Ren is a young man who is only sixteen or seventeen years old, with handsome features.

Although his family background is not bad, he was brought here as a hostage after all. Although there are no scars on his face now, his overall condition is obviously not good, and his eyes are even full of confusion about the future.

Because his father obtained the first prize in martial arts and then served as an important errand to transport gold, and then became the chief military officer to the American continent, he became an enviable second-generation general.

Originally he could have entered the Jingwei Martial Arts School, but due to his hobbies and ideals, he chose to enter the Imperial College and became an outstanding student of the Imperial College.

If nothing else happens, he will become an outstanding graduate and then join the ever-changing construction wave of the Ming Dynasty.

But everything changed too quickly. He was originally a rising star with a bright future, but in the blink of an eye he became the son of a traitor.

From the second-generation general that everyone envied to the son of a traitorous general, this gap is unacceptable, not to mention that he has just grown up.

Although he had learned that his father had become the actual leader of the Inca Empire and that the group of people in front of him wanted to save him, he was still in a daze at this moment.

Su Ren still couldn't believe what was happening in front of him, his whole face looked very pale, and he even suspected that this was actually a dream.

"Let's go!"

The general in charge of escorting Su Ren reached out and gave Su Ren a hard push, speaking very rudely.

Since there was no problem with the subject of the exchange, the exchange of hostages went very smoothly and each party got back their own person.


Liu Tao had never heard of Zheng Yong in the Ming Dynasty, but judging from the reactions of the people around him, he felt that the American governor in front of him had a high prestige, so he gave it to him from a distance.

Zheng Yong didn't have the slightest fondness for the traitor general and immediately rolled his eyes.

If the SHIELD battalion was here, he would definitely lead the SHIELD battalion to attack the royal city of Ghana at this moment. But now that he had traveled across the ocean, this gang of rebel generals took control of the Inca dynasty, so he had to choose the method of exchange.

However, he had no intention of compromising with the rebel generals, and he must make these rebel generals pay a heavy price.

"Lord Overseer?"

"Let's go!"

Zheng Yong watched Liu Tao leave with Su Ren and waved his hand.

Just when they turned around and left, each walking fifty meters away, something strange happened.


Suddenly, a Mingyuan treasure ship came over the sea. The muzzles of the guns were all pointed in the direction Liu Tao left. The shells rose into the air and then hit Liu Tao's team like long eyes.

boom! boom! boom!

Cannonballs weighing as much as fifteen kilograms hit the beach heavily, immediately splashing sand and dust all over the sky, leaving large craters on the ground.

"No, let's retreat into the woods!"

When Liu Tao saw the Ming Dynasty artillery shells coming, he immediately protected Su Ren, who was still in a dazed state, and then led his men to rush into the dense forest nearby.

Because the dense forest here is inaccessible and it is early summer, poisonous insects and snakes can be seen everywhere, so they bear certain risks by entering it rashly.

It's just that the current situation is critical, and they can't care so much.

An Indian soldier looked up at the flying cannonballs, only to find that his legs seemed to have taken root, and he watched helplessly as the cannonballs grew larger and larger.


As the cannonball hit the head of the Indian soldier, a pit appeared on the beach, and only half of the body was left in the pit, with streaks of blood and flesh spraying out.


As Liu Tao led his men into the dense forest, the artillery shells followed closely. One artillery shell hit a tree trunk, and the tree immediately fell down.

Heavy artillery is undoubtedly the biggest weapon of this era, but when placed on a floating warship, its accuracy is still greatly affected.


An Inca army had surrounded them under the cover of the dense forest at some point, and suddenly burst out of the dense forest, blocking the path of Zheng Yong and his party.

"This is the Inca army, we are ready to fight!" Facing the sudden appearance of the Inca army, the Ming army's rescue team quickly formed a defensive formation.

I originally thought it was reasonable for the other party to ask to come without armor, but when I saw this Inca army emerging from the dense forest, I knew that the other party had actually had the intention to devour them for a long time.

It's just that this time both sides have arranged back-ups. We can't accuse the other side of being shameless. We can only say that their coaches are not that kind of pedantic people.

"Call for support immediately!" Zheng Yong did not panic because the Inca team blocked the return route. Seeing that Liu Tao had led the rescuers into the dense forest, he ordered immediately.

The reason why he arranged for the Mingyuan Treasure Ship to come over was, firstly, because he really wanted to annihilate this rescue force, and secondly, it was also out of consideration for his own safety.

Now I see that this arrangement actually saved my life.

But judging from Su Can's arrangements, this is indeed a difficult opponent. He will not be treated well by the Ming Dynasty just because he was born in the Ming Dynasty, and he will not be burdened with reputation.

"Zhao Zhongyi, take your men and retreat to the rocky reef over there, where our ship will come to meet you!" Facing the Inca army that was coming to kill them, Li Chenggui, the Ming Dynasty general who led the team this time, commanded.

Zhao Zhongyi and others had been injured in the battle. Not only were they tortured this time, but they were also so hungry that they had no strength at all.

After all, they were mortal bodies, but it was impossible for them to participate in the battle immediately, so they had no choice but to evacuate according to the arrangement.


The sixty-eight hostages followed Zhao Zhongyi and retreated in another direction. One of them suddenly moved very quickly and pulled out a sharp dagger from his clothes and rushed towards Zheng Yong.

It all happened so fast. Although someone had already seen something strange and alerted Zheng Yong, Zheng Yong had no time to react.

In just an instant, the traitor had already approached Zheng Yong. The dagger flashed with cold light and stabbed Zheng Yong in the chest without hesitation.

"Asshole!" Zheng Yong's eyes flashed with astonishment. He originally wanted to dodge, but the distance was too close and the speed was too fast to make an effective defense. He looked at the traitor in front of him angrily.

The dagger penetrated Zheng Yong's chest, and his bullfighting uniform was dyed red with blood.

Zheng Yong's eyes showed disbelief and unwillingness, and his body slowly fell down.

The surrounding Ming soldiers were shocked and immediately roared towards the traitor, but it was already too late.

In the dungeon of Jiayinwang City.

This is a newly built dungeon. It is dark and damp inside, and the air is filled with the smell of blood and rancidity. Only the torches on the wall illuminate everything here.

An Inca guard was chained to the wall, covered in blood and dressed in rags.

Su Can walked into the dungeon and looked at the dying Inca guard, with a cruel smile on his face: "Tell me, why did you secretly leave the royal city, and who did you tip off to?"

The Inca guards were unable to answer. They just moaned and begged in a weak voice, looking pitiful and wronged.

Su Can was unmoved and signaled his men to continue the torture.

Since he took over the Inca City, he has been wary of traitors appearing in the royal city to prevent these people from killing him through internal and external cooperation.

Now that there is something strange about this personal guard, torture is immediately resorted to.

In view of the various and rich knowledge gained from being born in China, although the Ming Dynasty now uses a lot less torture, it can be said that Wang Zhi has learned all kinds of methods in Xichang and put them into practice now.

"National Master, it seems that he is really just in contact with his family. If he is executed again, he will probably lose his life!" The Inca general who was executing the execution hesitated for a moment, but he pleaded for the tortured bodyguard.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he received a fierce look from Su Can.

The Inca general shuddered all over and immediately continued the execution of the guard.

Screams resounded in the dungeon again, but just as the Inca general said, the tortured Inca guard died soon after.

Su Can saw that the guard was indeed unconscious and seemed to be used to this kind of scene, as if he had killed an insignificant cockroach, so he turned around and left the dungeon.

When the guards standing at the door saw Su Can appear, they also cheered up, but they were afraid of accidentally incurring his wrath.

In today's Inca city, corpses are carried out of the city for disposal almost every day, or thrown into dog kilns to be fed to dogs.

Su Can seemed very irritable, but at this time, good news finally came back. Not only was his son Su Ren returned in exchange, but his plan to assassinate the American Governor went very smoothly.

He knew that the Ming Dynasty had a strict class system. Originally, the Ming Dynasty prevented generals from becoming independent. Now that his case has come out, they must value the loyalty of the American governors even more.

As long as you can kill the governor sent by the Ming Dynasty, then this fleet will definitely become more cautious in doing things, and the threat to you will be greatly reduced.

Due to the threat from the white-skinned people in the south, his original strategic goal was to get along well with the Ming Dynasty, but the safest way to solve the problem was to solve the problem once and for all.

In view of this, in this exchange with Ming Dynasty, he temporarily instigated a Ming prisoner to rebel, thus helping him assassinate the eunuch governor sent by Ming Dynasty.

Although the failure of his plan would anger the eunuch and bring the relationship with the Ming fleet to a freezing point, things proved that the risk was worth it.

Now that the eunuch appointed by the emperor is dead, the fleet sent by the Ming court for the third time will no longer pose a threat to itself.

"Dad!" Su Ren was brought to Su Can, and he immediately looked very aggrieved.

At this moment, he believed that his father's betrayal of the Ming Dynasty was true, and he truly became the new master of the Inca Empire. As for Su Ren, he transformed into the future prince of the Inca Empire.

But at the moment when he saw his father, thousands of emotions surged into his heart, and his eyes instantly turned red.

When Su Can saw his son who he thought was dead appeared in front of him, he looked at his son affectionately and said: "Ren'er, you have suffered!"


The servants around him couldn't help but look at each other in confusion when they saw Su Can behave like this.

In their impression, Su Can was a cold-blooded animal without emotions and a very cruel person. But he didn't expect that he would show such a sentimental side today, especially when his eyes were already moist.

"Sit down! Tell your father what you have experienced these years!" Su Can's tears welled up in his eyes as he excitedly invited his son to sit down.

After all, he was the actual leader of the Inca Empire and was no longer the Ming general who could only take orders from others.

The reason why he spent so much effort in exchanging his son this time was naturally not out of emotion, but to serve his entire plan.

He has successfully planned the assassination of Zheng Yong, the governor of the Americas, and now he is taking the second step. He wants to learn information about the Ming Dynasty from his son's mouth.

Su Ren didn't know what his father was thinking, let alone that his father wanted to obtain information from him. He was still intoxicated in the small joy of reuniting father and son.

He immediately told how he joined the Imperial College, what he had experienced during that period, and what had happened to the Ming Dynasty over the years. (End of chapter)

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