Rule the Ming Dynasty Alone

Chapter 520 I am a member of the Ming Dynasty

Since the battle situation has become divided between strong and weak, and Su Can is about to express his position, Su Can's position has attracted the attention of the fighters below.

But no one expected that Su Can would be attacked from behind, and they heard Su Can scream very clearly.

Tonight is a full moon night, and the entire palace looks like daylight.

In everyone's surprised eyes, everyone saw clearly that the perpetrator in front of the palace was actually the eldest prince of the Inca Empire, Su Ren.

Su Ren's status is very special. Although he was not canonized as the prince by Su Can, he has been living in the palace and is even responsible for the security of the royal city.

But at this moment, he became the one who assassinated Su Can, and did something that could change the direction of the Inca Empire.

"Su Ren?"

"First Prince, how is this possible?"

"Su Ren, he...he actually killed his father?"

After everyone around them saw Su Ren's face clearly, their faces showed shock.

Whether it was the rebels who followed Sun Hai or Su Can's ace escort team, when they saw the scene in front of the palace, they all looked at Su Ren in shock.

But they never expected that the eldest prince would kill his father and become the key figure in reversing the situation of the war.

Su Can did not die immediately. He stretched out his hand to cover his wound, turned around and roared in disbelief: "You...are you crazy?"

In the turmoil caused by uneven distribution, he once doubted everyone, even his own palace guard Wang Gui no longer believed it, but he never thought that his eldest son would betray him at this time.

"I'm not crazy!" Su Ren responded clearly, looking at the bloody dagger in his hand.

Su Can felt the heartbreaking pain in his belly, but he still had a lot of reluctance in his heart and said: "Even if you kill me, do you think you can get the throne? Do you have any brains?"

Although he has indeed not made up his mind to hand over the throne to his eldest son, the eldest son in front of him is one of the heirs after all, and he has a high probability of inheriting his throne in the future.

It's just that now the eldest son suddenly takes action against himself. With the ability of his eldest son, it is impossible to suppress Liu Tao and his gang, and it is impossible for the throne to fall to him.

That's why he couldn't figure out why his son was instigated to assassinate him. This was an unreasonable and stupid behavior.

"Su Can, do you only have the throne in your heart?" Su Ren saw through Su Can's thoughts and asked with a sad smile.

Su Can was stunned for a moment, but suddenly found that he couldn't see through the eldest son: "Then what are you doing? If you are not for the throne, why do you want to assassinate me?"

"Besides the throne, have you never thought about your family?" Su Ren asked bitterly, seeing that Su Can was still thinking about the throne.

Su Can seemed to suddenly understand something, thinking he had captured Su Ren's thoughts: "Do you blame me for compromising to the Ming Dynasty? Do you think I don't want revenge? The Ming Dynasty is much more powerful than you think, how can we take revenge now? ?”

"Revenge? The only one who died in the family was grandpa, but the reason why grandpa chose to hang himself was because our Su family had a traitor like you! He had no face to live a harsh life in the world, and no face to face his ancestors, so he committed suicide Suicide! I have forgotten to tell you that you have been expelled from the Su family by grandpa, and you are no longer our Su family!" Su Ren no longer concealed it, but revealed the whole truth.

Although his second uncle did participate in the plan to assassinate the emperor that year, the Ming Emperor did not kill the Su family, but settled them in the suburbs of the capital to start a new life.

After learning that his father had betrayed the Ming Dynasty, his grandfather could not bear the blow. After all, what he was proud of in his life was the loyalty of the Su family to the court for generations, so he finally chose to hang himself.

His coming across the ocean this time was not a bargaining chip from the beginning. He was a member of the Ming Dynasty from beginning to end, and he came here to atone for the sins of the Su family.

As for his father, not to mention that he had been expelled from the Su family and had abandoned the whole family for selfish reasons. What reason did he have for himself to cherish the love between father and son?

Su Can's brain was buzzing, but he was unwilling to accept this fact and said: "No, it's impossible. You are just for the throne. Stop making up such nonsense stories!"

"You don't understand, you will never understand, there are things in the world that are more important than the throne!" Su Ren thought of his mother and younger brothers and sisters who were still alive, but he replied extremely firmly.

Su Can reached out and touched the dagger hidden on his body, suddenly rushed towards him fiercely and said: "You unfilial son, go to hell!"

If we really talk about personal combat power, Su Can is actually far superior to Su Ren. Even though he is seriously injured now, he may not be unable to fight to the death with Su Ren.

Su Can is actually a person who is very indifferent to family affection. If he really cared about his family in his heart, he would not betray the Ming Dynasty for the sake of power.

Now that Su Ren dared to stab him, he wouldn't mind killing his eldest son with his own hands. Not to mention that he already has two young sons, and he will be able to have another son in the future. The death of one son is not a problem at all.


Just as Su Can stretched out towards Su Ren, he suddenly felt a pain in his wrist.

"Su Can, this tiger is poisonous but cannot eat its seeds. You are really more vicious than a tiger!" Liu Tao arrived just in time to save Su Ren and said sarcastically.

Su Can looked up and saw Liu Tao suddenly appearing, but he knew that this rebel force was more powerful than he imagined, but he still didn't understand who could organize this group of people.

You know, he is already the emperor of the Inca Empire and controls the resources of the entire empire. It is expected that Liu Tao and his gang can get more benefits by standing on his side.

But unexpectedly, Liu Tao and Sun Hai's old gang were able to get together, and even their eldest son also participated.

Su Can's mind suddenly thought of a possibility. Thinking that his son was indeed not for the throne, he looked to the west in shock.

"Wrong, you are unfaithful and unfilial, go to hell!" Su Ren escaped, but thinking of his dead grandfather, he suddenly pounced on him and said.

Su Can felt the threat of death, covered the wound on his wrist, widened his eyes and said in horror: "No!"

puff! puff!

Su Ren seemed to be stimulated by something. He held the dagger tightly in his hand and stabbed Su Can twice, while his eyes showed a trace of determination and no regrets.

He knew that he had done something treacherous, but he just wanted to bring shame to the entire Su family and make his grandfather die with hatred, so that he would not flinch at all.

What's more, he needs to fulfill his grandfather's last wish, and he also needs to protect his mother and younger siblings, and he has been a member of the Ming Dynasty from beginning to end.

When Liu Tao saw the chaotic crowd below, he stood up and shouted: "You all stop!"

The people present looked at each other, and then stopped one after another.

The leaders of both sides are actually Su Can's old subordinates. Now that they see that Su Can is dead, they also need to consider their future.

"His Majesty died of smallpox. Now we must put stability first. Let's go to the meeting hall to discuss how to stabilize the government!" Liu Tao met everyone's eyes and set the tone for the matter.

As soon as these words came out, everyone knew what Liu Tao was thinking.

Although Su Can has been killed by Su Ren, the Inca Empire cannot lose its fat, so they will naturally reunite again.

Those present looked at each other, now essentially in a foreign country, and quickly accepted the offer.

In fact, some personnel knew that this matter had been planned for a long time, and they walked towards the meeting hall very happily. As for Su Can, who was lying in a pool of blood, no one took a second look.

No matter how glorious Su Can was once, or whether he was the Inca emperor, it has now become a thing of the past, or he may have become a victim of political struggle.

"Everyone no longer needs to hide and tuck in. It's time for us to bring order to the chaos in the future!" Liu Tao directly pointed out the situation after sitting down.

The so-called bringing order to the chaos, the contents discussed in the meeting hall will naturally not be made public.

Everyone quickly reached an agreement that the Inca Emperor Su Can died of contracting smallpox, and that the throne was succeeded by the eldest prince Su Ren, who was the new son of the Sun God.

Since there were no internal disputes, Su Ren took power smoothly.

Not only did he not promulgate the New Deal like Su Can, but he also abolished all the New Deals that Su Can had just promulgated.

On the day he ascended the throne, he canceled all the previous administrative divisions between prefectures and counties, and no longer set up six yamen, but re-entered the military-controlled governance model.

As for the plan to move the capital, it was immediately stopped. The mobilized labor force was sent to the north to prepare to build a new road connecting the port to the mining area.

The Inca Empire was no longer keen on institutional reforms and no longer shouted slogans to unify the continent. Instead, it launched a vast plan to exploit mineral resources.

Liu Tao became the new commander-in-chief of the Northern Expeditionary Army. He was responsible for expanding northward. With the advanced weapons brought by China, he quickly sent a large number of prisoners to the mining areas.

Originally, the Inca Empire had been targeted by Spain, but the Spanish fleet had already fled back to Europe after being severely damaged last time.

Although European nobles yearned for gold, each voyage required a large amount of money, and the Spanish royal family also had financial problems.

Although Columbus lobbied repeatedly and brought back more parrots, they no longer had the financial resources to continue supporting Columbus on his new voyage.

In fact, Europe is now in chaos, with the Spanish-French War breaking out as France cuts off Spain's food supply.

Due to the raging smallpox epidemic, more and more European royal families experienced financial crises, and war became their best way to resolve conflicts in their countries.

That's why, although Spain discovered a new ship line, the Spanish royal family no longer had private money to support Columbus in his new voyage.

The words are divided into two parts. Just as South America is ushering in changes, a new city has been built in North America.

In what was later called San Francisco, the American Governor Zheng Yong took root here. Not only was the American Governor's Palace located here, but he also built the American Daming City Dehe Port.

Zheng Yong, wearing a bullfight uniform, stood on the pier, waving to a sea ship and said: "Have a safe trip and be sure to bring the letter back to His Majesty!"

"A humble position will definitely live up to the mission!" Zhao Zhongyi was the captain this time and solemnly saluted Zheng Yong who came to see him off.

He was the second batch of soldiers to come to the American continent, and now it was finally his turn to escort the goods back to the Ming Dynasty. He was both nervous and full of expectations.

Although everything is fine here, he still misses his hometown and wants to go home to see his relatives.

"Let's go!" Although Zheng Yong felt reluctant to give up, he still waved vigorously to let Zhao Zhongyi leave.

North America is also affected by the smallpox virus. The population of the entire region is declining rapidly, many tribes are slowly dying out, and even some small countries are facing disintegration.

However, he did not forget his mission. On the one hand, he incorporated this area into the Ming Dynasty's military control zone, and on the other hand, he conducted fur trade with the local indigenous people.

When it comes to keeping out the cold, the best fabric is naturally fur.

There are countless animals living in this new world, and the Indians make a living by hunting and can get a lot of furs every day. Fur, which was extremely valuable in Ming's eyes, was worthless in their eyes.

Zheng Yongzhi saw the economic value of furs, and while arranging for Zhao Zhongyi to return to the Ming Dynasty to convey military information, he also asked him to bring back a batch of high-quality furs.

The furs here are as good as cabbage. With just a sharp knife, he can exchange the furs for cars from the tribal leaders here.

Exactly like this, if everything goes well, North America can definitely become a supply station for Daming turf.

This fleet slowly sailed out of the port, but the ship's bow was not heading south back to South America, but they were exploring a new route.

This time the fleet continued northward, sailing westward along the sea currents from northern America. After passing through the Aleutian Islands, it could reach the waters near Hokkaido.

Beidaohai has actually been placed under the military control of the Ming Dynasty. If you go back there, it will be almost like home.

Zhao Zhongyi felt the chill from the north, but fortunately each of them had prepared furs. As long as the sea surface was not frozen, it had no impact on their fleet.

When the time came in November, they finally returned to Hokkaido.

Although Japan was not immune to the smallpox epidemic, various regions were relatively calm.

Japan's anti-Ming alliance was loud and clear. Although they once promoted the banner of driving the Ming army out of Shikoku and Kyushu islands, the Hosokawa family's financial resources were limited.

Not to mention that they crossed the ocean to fight the Ming fleet, even if they stayed locally, they could not last more than a month before dispersing. After all, this army required military expenditures.

The food of the Hosokawa clan or any other force in Japan is controlled by the Ming Dynasty to a certain extent. Once the Ming Dynasty implements a food blockade and sea attacks on fishing boats, a large number of their local people will starve to death. (End of chapter)

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