Rule the Ming Dynasty Alone

Chapter 57 The Troubles in Jingshan 4

Jingshan County is not a big city, and what happened in the county government immediately spread throughout the streets.

"Hu Daniu hit a rock and died? How could this happen?"

"You can tell your consciences that you really can't guess what this case is about?"

"What about scholars? How many bad things these people do in Jingshan County are done by scholars!"

The people in the city were very sad when they learned that Hu Daniu was killed. Although the case was sentenced by Xiao Zhixian in accordance with the regulations, everyone already knew the answer in their hearts.

The testimonies of the salt store owner and the teahouse owner seemed seamless, but Jingshan City was just a big place, and many things simply could not escape the eyes of the masses.

Not to mention that everyone already knows what kind of person Liu Jiamo is, judging from Hu Daniu's words and deeds, how could he come to Jingshan City to grab salt and hurt people in full view of everyone?

But this is the world today. Even if they really see the truth with their own eyes, they have to keep their mouths shut and can only watch Li Guangming and Xiao Zhixian stage a ridiculous drama that confuses right and wrong.

"Have you heard? Have you heard? Your Majesty has issued an order, His Majesty has issued an order!"

While the people of Jingshan City were still mourning the death of Hu Daniu, a young and strong man suddenly yelled like he was crazy.

"His Majesty has just decreed the restoration of the prince!"

"The prince was appointed as the imperial envoy by His Majesty, saying that he wants the prince to manage salt!"

"God is wise and your Majesty is wise. A good official like the prince has finally been reused!"

At first everyone was confused, but when they learned that Wang Yue had been appointed by His Majesty as the Left Deputy Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Prime Minister of Yanzheng, they suddenly felt that the dark clouds in the sky were about to dissipate.

Although they were very unfamiliar with Wang Yue, everyone knew that he was a general who guarded the border for the Ming Dynasty. This achievement alone was enough for them to respect him.

This time Wang Yue came to Jingshan City for Hu Daniu. Although he failed to get justice for Hu Daniu in the end, this kind and righteous move won everyone's favor.

Now that they learned that Wang Yue was re-employed by the imperial court and that he still had to deal with this harmful salt policy, they all immediately applauded.

"The prince is going to court to retry Hu Daniu's case. Let's go over and hear the trial!"

News came one after another. When they learned that Wang Yue was going to open a court to retry Hu Daniu's case, everyone could no longer sit still and rushed to the Jingshan County Yamen.

“There are so many people here!”

"There is no room in the county government compound, everyone should go back!"

"We are not leaving, even if we are here to listen, I want to see the prince give Hu Daniu justice!"

People from Jingshan City came from all directions. Many people who were slightly behind could not enter the county government office at all, but they were unwilling to leave. Instead, they chose to stay in the square in front of the county government office to inquire about the news inside.

The clouds in the sky were thinning, and a milky white appeared in the eastern sky.

The Jingshan County Government went to court as scheduled to retry Hu Daniu's case.

There was a slight incident. Wang Yue originally wanted to try the case in person, but the inspector Yang Jizong expressed his position: "Your Majesty, how about handing over the case to a lower official for trial?"

Wang Yue considered that his identity was suspected of transgression, and that his persuasiveness in redressing Hu Daniu's grievances was indeed inferior, so he agreed to hand it over to Yang Jizong for trial.

There is no need to worry about Yang Jizong's favoritism, not to mention that he is watching from the side, Yang Jizong's official voice can be regarded as resounding throughout the Ming Dynasty, and this official ethics still exists.

Li Guangming couldn't help but sigh secretly when he heard that Yang Jizong was here to preside over the trial. At the same time, he gave the flustered Xiao Zhixian a calm look.

The development of the matter has been far beyond his expectation. He originally thought that Wang Yue would never have a chance to recover, but he did not expect that his majesty would be used in such an important way.

Now that Wang Yue has received the emperor's favor, he is as determined as a mountain. Even if he is a local snake in Jingshan County, he must obediently prostrate himself to Wang Yue.

"Ascending to the Hall!"

Yang Jizong, who was wearing a third-grade official uniform, was sitting in the courtroom, showing the majesty of an official. He held the gavel tree and slapped it hard.


Two rows of Zaoban yamen in the courtroom were armed with long sticks of water and fire, pounding the bricks in front of them with the end of their sticks, and shouting powerful sounds in unison.

Witnesses in the Hu Daniu case were just summoned to the court again, but now the situation is different.

Wang Yue sat on the chair on the left and listened, with four majestic guards standing behind him. The eyes of the two witnesses who appeared could not hide the murderous intent.

Although Hu Daniu's death cannot be entirely attributed to these two witnesses, it was their perjury that made Hu Daniu guilty, and Hu Daniu was forced to take his own life by hitting a rock.

Yang Jizong asked again according to the procedure of the case, but found that Xiao Zhixian's judgment did not seem to be inappropriate, so he turned to look at Wang Yue sitting next to him with some confusion.

Wang Yue naturally knew that Yang Jizong could not be expected to find out the truth of the case, so he gave his grandson a look.

Wang Yu nodded understandingly, and immediately asked the mustache shopkeeper kneeling in the hall: "Shopkeeper Zhao, there are only two waiters in your shop, but why are there four scales?"

"Young Master Wang, I don't know how to be a merchant, that's why I have this doubt! In doing business, you have to consider all aspects. If one of the scales breaks, will you have to close your business? Besides, if it's the New Year's Eve, if you buy The number of salt people is bound to increase, and I can go into battle personally at that time, so I can take precautions by preparing two more scales!" Shopkeeper Zhao explained in a decent manner.

The people in the hall thought it was a bit strange to prepare two extra scales at first, but after listening to Shopkeeper Zhao's explanation, they felt that this was reasonable and reasonable.

"I really don't understand the ways of a merchant, but I can see that you are not a kind person!" Wang Yu's eyes fell on Shopkeeper Zhao, and he seemed very sure.

Li Guangming, who was watching, immediately expressed his dissatisfaction and said: "Master Wang, although you are the grandson of the Imperial Envoy, how can you wrongly accuse the shopkeeper of my salt shop without any evidence?"

"Prince, how could you wrongly accuse a villain like this!" Shopkeeper Zhao said with Li Guangming's protection, looking full of grievances.

Wang Yue frowned slightly, realizing that this case was more difficult than imagined.

Although he is already a high-ranking imperial envoy, if he deals with these people without any evidence, the entire civil service group will definitely take the opportunity to deal with them.

Perhaps Li Guangming had already seen through this and knew that as long as he didn't get caught, even the superior imperial envoy would have nothing to do with him.

"Whether I have wronged him or not, I will tell someone to bring a scale from the store for a test!" Naturally, Wang Yu would not apologize and admit his mistake, and immediately expressed his sincere attitude.

Yang Jizong didn't know which song Wang Yu was singing, but when he saw that Wang Yue didn't hum, he immediately waved his hand and said to his subordinates: "Go quickly and bring all four scales from the salt store!"

The two places were not far apart. In just a moment, the attendant panted and brought the four scales back to the court.

Yang Jizong asked someone to inspect the four scales in court, and found that things were indeed as Wang Yu said. Two of the scales had indeed been tampered with by shopkeeper Zhao.

"I told you why there was less salt earlier. I was cheating on you!"

"This Zhao Papi, I'm telling you, he won't be so kind and sell it to me cheaply!"

"I have never bargained with him. The salt I bought is indeed enough!"

The people watching in the hall saw that two scales had indeed been tampered with. Thinking that they had suffered a hidden loss, they immediately criticized Shopkeeper Zhao in the hall.

"Even if there is a problem with the salt store's scale, what does that mean? Businessmen have been seeking profit since ancient times, so Taizu was the last businessman. This matter has nothing to do with the case!" Li Guangming also did not expect that shopkeeper Zhao would enrich himself. But shelter tunnels are still being carried out.

Wang Yu ignored Li Guangming, walked up to Shopkeeper Zhao and asked, "Shopkeeper Zhao, do you have any personal grudges with Liu Jiamo?"

"No!" Shopkeeper Zhao immediately shook his head with certainty.

Liu Jiamo had been called to the court, and when faced with Wang Yu's question, he shook his head with certainty.

Wang Yu asked Xiao Zhixian for the bag of salt that caused the dispute, and then pointed at Shopkeeper Zhao who was kneeling on the ground and said: "Businessmen are always seeking profit, and Shopkeeper Zhao is a model of profiteering. According to my visit, I learned that all those who give If he has enough money or someone with status comes to buy salt, he will ask the waiter to use a normal scale to sell it. But when he meets someone who is bargaining for a price, he will deceive him and use another scale to sell it, which is called short catty or less!" Paused! After a pause, he raised the salt in his hand and said to Li Guangming: "Master Li, Liu Jiamo is a boy from Jingshan County, and he is your student! If Liu Jiamo took pure silver and went to your salt shop to trade, dare I ask shopkeeper Zhao what he would do? You won’t deduct from him, but do you dare to deduct from him?”

Li Guangming's face was as dark as water and he didn't say a word. With his wandering eyes, he realized that the problem was out of his control, and he was thinking about how to get out of it.

"According to the confession just made, Hu Daniu gave two hundred and forty coins at that time, so he did not give the full amount at that time! If the salt is really not worthy, it will prove that Liu Jiamo lied and he did not buy the salt!" Yang Jizong reorganized Hu Daniu's case seems to be enlightened and authentic.

Wang Yu nodded lightly, then raised the salt bag in his hand and said: "Sir, you only need to send someone to check whether the salt is of sufficient quality, so you can know who bought it and who is in this court." The above openly committed perjury and wronged a good person!"

After hearing these sonorous and powerful speeches, Liu Jiamo and Shopkeeper Zhao who were kneeling in the hall immediately trembled, and the magistrate Xiao next to them was sweating profusely.

When Wang Yu saw that Shopkeeper Zhao wanted to speak, he asked calmly: "Shopkeeper Zhao, do you want to retract your confession again? You have a personal grudge with Liu Jiamo, so was the salt sold to Liu Jiamo withheld?"

Shopkeeper Zhao felt the sharp eyes around him and was immediately frightened and shook his head in denial.

"Wait a minute, even if it is proven that the bag of salt is short of a pound, how can we prove that Hu Daniu was deducted from buying salt with 240 Wen. He had earlier claimed that he came to Jingshan County with 250 Wen. !" Li Guangming is well versed in interrogation and immediately stopped him.

Wang Yue, who had been silent all this time, sighed softly and said with surprising authenticity: "Because the ten cents are with me!"

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