Ruler of the Heavens and Earth

Chapter 5:Heed My Words!

Teleporting back to the cave on Earth, the ghostly figure rubbed his chin as he dived deep in thought. He was thinking about the scene that he saw, when the ancient human put the blood into the children.

Although he saw the scene, he could tell that the ancient humans weren't able to do a proper job with the blood transfusion. If it was the current modern people that did the transfusion, the success would increase to at least 50% and that was if the blood rejects the person. So, think about what would happen if the blood didn't reject the person.

He shook his head and used Soul Eye, he then found his three slaves and send his thoughts, telling them to meet in the cave.

It did not take long before the three of them return with pale complexions, it was obvious that they were scared and shocked at what they had experience earlier. After all, they had seen their companions of many years dying right in front of them, even if they were evil and vile people, it still made them sad.

Human nature is very confusing and flaw sometimes.

Looking at the three of them, he shook his head but still spoke, "I have call all of you over, because I want you to do me a favor." He stops and watch the reactions of three, seeing that their expressions only change slightly, he finally nodded and continued, "This request of mine could be simple or hard, it depends on how you think about it. All of you will have to depend on yourselves, that means no asking or seeking help from anyone, including each other."

"Master, sorry to question you, but what is the mission?" The leader, now known as Demar, ask feeling something ominous is about to happen. The reason for this, is that his master is telling them not to help each other, which could be him testing them, but… what will such a powerful being using to test them, that's where the problem lies!

"Good! I will name you as the Cave Master of the cave after returning alive. Since you ask, I will tell you, the mission is simple, I want you to bring a thousand corpse here, which corpse? That depends on you, but I advise you not to kill any humans, understand. That's to say, I want at least three thousand corpses here, which is the total amount of all the corpse added together." At the mention of humans, his voice became cold, making the slightly lit cave to become chilly.

"We understand!" Demar nudge the other two as he bowed and spoke. It would be very impolite to question his master, thus its best to know when to stop asking question and agree with him. Still thinking of all this, he hesitated but still he asks, "Master, what should we call you?"

Holding his chin, in the ghostly figure mind, a very board and almost desolate landmass came into view, seeing the landmass, a kind of connection came between them, making him subconsciously say a name, "I'm Vast Emptiness, you could just call me master, it's up to you." Vast said the name in his mind, the more he become happy as he himself had decide upon a name for himself, plus it was one that made him feel contentment.

Hearing the name, the three tried their best not to show any change on there faces, but oddly even with their black faces, an int of red appeared on their faces as they force down the urge to laugh down. Vast Emptiness? What a stupid name is that? Does he think he is one of those people in those fictional books? Of course, none of them said anything as they bow and promise to return a month later.

Watching the three leave, Vast snickered as he had noticed the sniffled laughter of the three, but depending on how they see my words, they will suffer. After all, he only said bring a thousand corpse here with them, but never said they couldn't bring a thousand ant corpse. His eyes gleamed, as he wonders if any of them will perhaps die.

Thinking of this, he uses his control of the cave and spread the control influence outwards, making the radius of a mile appear in his view, with complete clarity and audible tones. Listening a while, he shook his head and teleported back at the dimension.

Arriving inside of the dimension, he raised his right hand and grab at the bloody sun in the sky, making the entire dimension pitch black and cold. Not caring about the changes visible, he started to pull the bloody palace out from inside if the bloody sun, making the palace arrived on the floating continent for the first time. Seeing the full palace for the first time, Vast was amazed at how huge and terrifying the palace look.

The palace looks like a tall and mighty mountain as it weighs on the heart of the weak hearted. The palace had four high towers on all four sides of the, that had spikes poking outwards like a porcupine. At all four side of the palace, there was huge gates that look like gateway to hell as they would pressure anyone, far more than the palace itself.

Looking at the bloody palace, Vast frowned and waved his hand, causing the place to tremble fiercely, looking like it is about to collapse as the walls and inside of the palace started to expel all the blood inside, thus destroying it as it was made from blood itself.

Seeing that the palace was being destroyed, he waved his hand again, causing the landmass of the dimension trembling as it expels black metals that was forcibly melted and added at the places that was destroyed by the loss of blood.

Repeating this repeatedly, Vast look at the ocean of crimson blood and use his power of absolute control in dimension to shrink the blood into a fist size blood crystal. Taking the blood crystal, he nodded as he looks at the more terrifying black palace, that could give anyone an oppressive feeling of despair.

Seeing that everything looks okay, he was about to visit his home again, when he saw the cave that was in the dimension, he frowned and decide to destroy it, only keeping the teleportation circle intact. He then moves the teleportation circle right in front of the black palace. Thinking he might as well finish what he started, he pointed his finger at the palace, crave three big and bold words into it, 'Black Divine Palace'. He had a command on the sign, making it so that anyone that read the words would understand it.

Looing at the 'Black Divine Palace', he looks down on the land and spoke, "Since I name my palace, I might as well name this dimension. Dimension heed my words and now be known as the Divine Realm!" As he spoke, he could feel the source of the Divine Realm trembling as the land expanded twice its normal sized and primordial energy split to become two new energy, god and demon energy.

Seeing this, he knows that the Divine Realm have four new sources of energy now, manly, chaos energy, primordial energy, god energy, and demon energy! As for why it happened? He was confused as he only wanted to name his home, but all this happened. Still, the change wasn't bad, in fact it is pretty good as it would be easier for the realm to develop.

Thinking of this, he looks at the cave on Earth, and spoke, "Cave, heed my call and now be known as Earth's Cave!" As he said that, nothing happened, the cave was still the same it was before, not changes at all. "Just as I thought, my dimension, no, my Divine Realm, could be unique, after all, it was made from a drop of chaos energy, which not even the Black Chaos Dragon Lightening could damage in the least, as the lightening only had a trace of chaos in it."

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