Ruler Of The Martial World

Chapter 103 - Shadows

"Your acting is praise worthy" Said alya.

"I was always a good actor" unknowing to him he start to open about him little by little. At first when they meet Ayan would only answered the questions he was asked.

However right now slowly he start to open more about him. Maybe it's because he know Jo matter what they cannot betray him. Not as long as someone way stronger than him lift the mark he left.

Even though they won't be able to do anything after all alya and iver Both taken oath.

Soon they reach Ayan's place and Ayan drop his acting.

"You could have killed him" said alya with a doubtful expression. If alya was there she would have killed him right away after all if Ayan had lost the battle jiro wouldn't show any Marcy. 

"There is no need, if I suddenly do that his family will seek revenge." Ayan said.

However in deep inside Ayan having another thought. "If I killed him there thing would go in different direction. However I have everything under control. I will start to show my Power".

"So What's now" asked alya.

"I will be talking a rest and give the test to join the inner disciple" said Ayan.

"Huh, you wants to joining the inner sect!". Iver asked with a surprised Voice. This is surprised to him because he didn't show any reaction when Moin join the inner sect. They even asked him if he is wants to join the inner sect However he said he will but not now.

"Than what we will do in the outer sect!" Alya thought to herself and she decided she will also join the inner sect.

Iver and Alya are more than qualified to join inner sect. Not only They are qualified both of them are more than qualified to join the inner sect. Even though when they will join the inner sect iver couldn't be count among the elite disciple of the outer sect alya can be still counted among the elite of the inner sect .

After having some more conversation Both of them left toward their own place with Only one thought on their mind 'they will take the Inner disciple test'.

As alya and iver are heading Their house a shadow standing in the darkness. Two eyes looking toward the place the just left.

A being wearing black outfit with a black mask in his face come out from the shadow. He look toward the building and start walking toward the building.

Ayan who is seating in his bed in crossed after alya and iver suddenly a smirk come to his face.

In truth there was not one Shadow but 7 shadow came Inside Ayan's house from different positions and this didn't escape Ayan's eyes.

This shadows who is wearing and covering their face with black mask have same thought on Their mind. To take revenge for brother jiro.

They have seen the battle and know strong he is. They come to a conclusion that Ayan in slightly stronger than jiro. After all he is injured by jiro and more importantly 7 them taking action.

All of them entered the building without making any noise. After entering the building they slowly start going to the second floor. There they open the door slowly however there was no one Inside.

The bed is empty! "Where is he!" someone asked in slow Voice.

"Don't know, let's searching the room, he maybe hiding somewhere inside the room" After hearing this everyone start searching except one person.

As he was able to go and start searching he felt someone standing behind him. He turn around and saw a boy looking at him. He recognise this boy. It's the same boy they are searching for.

He felt a chilling sensation from Ayan gaze. As the disciple tries to open his mouth And about to alert others his word got cought in his throat..

He start chocking for air. This heard by teh other disciple as well they turn around to see what's happening. There they saw the boy who they are searching for grabbing one of their own by the neck. 

Soon in front of their very eyes the disciple try to get out of Ayan's grab for one last time before losing all of his strength and losing light of his eyes. Soon the disciples lifeless body fall into the ground with a loud thud.

Other disciple who were present there were still in daze and still trying to understand what just happened. Soon when they understood what's happening they couldn't able to control their anger.

They rushed toward the boy who just killed one of their own. However, after seeing this many people rushing toward the boy the smile from his face didn't vanished at all.

They were so angry they even lost bit of their common sense. They haven't noticed that room room is somewhat hazy.

They rushed toward and stretch out their hand to grab Ayan. However, before they could a black gas cover his full body from head to toe.

This disciples wasn't able to grab Their target because his full body covered in black gas.

When their hand touch the black gas he come back to Their scenes. However, as soon as they come back to their sense they felt a surging pain in their hang. It was a pain they have never experience.

As soon as they looked toward Their hand their pain become more intense.

Black smoke they have just touched Slowly eating their hand and it's bone. It giving them a pain like Thousands of venomous ant biting them and eating away their flesh slowly.

It's a felling that cannot be describe in word. 

"what the fuck is this ?" a disciple cry out loud when he felt the intense pain.

All of them fall into their knees as Their hand slowly devoured by this unknown gas. Some disciple tried to stop it with his other hand . However this gas also start eating their other hand as well.

"what have you done , stop it now. Arughhh"

"You don't know me. My father will kill you, stop this now".

"I and sorry please forgive me, I won't dare to do anything like this in the future. Please forgive me".

Disciple start to threaten him telling about their Background and someone begging him to stop. However Ayan didn't stop and didn't move single step as he look toward the disciples screaming toward him.

(Author note. The chapter end's here)

"If my mother didn't said to come I wouldn't even consider coming to this place." Fatty said with a sad expression. He still remembers the moment when he told his mother he doesn't want to go and what his mother did.

"If my mother didn't want me to follow my father footsteps I wouldn't even consider joining the army" fatty thought.

"They didn't even give us food," jiren said with a somewhat sad tone. His Belly making an odd sound from time to time.

"Stop thinking about food jiren, you can think about that after you get out of here alive". Siren said with a somewhat helpless sigh. Both of them belongs to the same village and both of them actually are brothers.

"Why these people even Join the army" Noah couldn't help but think to himself. Even though it was said everyone has to join the army no one forced them. There was no need for them to join at all. They could have just hide from the soldier's.

Noah is actually wrong. Everyone who was found by the soldier forced to came. However, they were still on the way.


At this moment when everyone having a nap, a strong voice wakes them up.

"wake up wake up the time has come"

"What the time has come? Are we under attack" everyone starts panicking when they heard the time has come and someone's shout about they are under attack? But no one dares to neglect the orders of the soldier. They were told yesterday over and over if someone disobeys an order they will be executed.

"Everyone gathered in front of the camp. We have an urgent announcement to make" someone shout.

In just five minutes after they were forced to wake up they gathered In front of the as still middle of the night after waking up some people couldn't even able to take few steps Before they felt sleepy again.

Even fatty had to take help form noah to reach the front.

"We have a piece of news. We got order from the main army, After leaving the forest we will join the main army. And if everything goes well we will start training after arriving the main camp"

After explaining more they start their journey toward the main army that was station two kilometres away from their current position.

In they way they were able to find many people like them are heading toward the place they are also going. They Marge with other people . And about those who came later also Join teh soldier as the start their journey that will take 20 minutes at most to reach.

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