Suddenly bijus gaze fa into a particular figure. He was wearing a inner disciple . He is not even bothering to see toward all the disciple. As if this does not interest him at all. He is looking at the place they are just passing.

Biju remember his face at the first glance. How could he even forget this face who beaten him without even lifting a finger. He still don't know how ayan did That. However he will not didn't forget anything. He was cultivating for past one year with his everything in order to wash Away the Elation emulation emulatih huhliation humiliation he . He felt in the past he will not go away forgive him anyway

All you want is revenge you want to fight him in death he'll kill him if it need it you want to prove himself. Screen pas his screen father

He's only approached him from behind and touch and shoulder. Feeling a sensation he looked backward find a boy look like a little mafia he remembered this person it was peaceful from one year ago he looked at him and ask what is it.

Challenge you in official drill if you remember correctly you defeat me once I want to keep that back I want to give you the Malaysian I felt I wanna give you that back power to surprise I am just shut off as if he's not even interested in a him he said you're not my opponent could .

I never thought you would be here let the dude we steal in the first year how to disable video beat you. Video. He was able to become a. Can't believe you just able to become inner disabled. Justin one here. He thought he's special. He was able to becoming disabled help disable. Even before the. I want to surprise all of those iron alive. Are all of them becoming a disciple Just in yard. Yeah.

He don't know how this happened. But he know one thing they shouldn't be allowed to become in a disabled in just a short one year. He can't accept this. He should not. His special one is one of the geniuses in his family. He can't accept it. You have to get his dignity back. He will keep that back.

I'm gas filling too. The fit boy. Looked at him. It is expressionless case, as if he's not interested in all. He clenches fist. Seeing this, I might not act. I'm not good it in his eyes. do you still think he's better than me he can't

Hey hey hey you little shit you seems you re still alive how you doing? I can see it's. You're doing better. You don't have to worry. I'll fuck him up little time just you wait. After this app ends. I'll see you. Just for this I trained for one years time, quality, strong, profound remove third stage. You think you can beat me? Just do it. I'll beat your ass. in no time

Onlooker Looked at this to disable arguing with each other, the ship their cages from the eye from alia end toward the Noah and the boy who's arguing actually north. I'm not arguing. He just listening to his babbling blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah stop spotting Launceston shit out of my sight.

The discussion heated more into more people, start together more and more and the boy just left your singing thing. He don't want to start a fight right now. You want to fight later when he had the chance. Calling turns the time. He just came here because she's keen for the told him there is a good chance of getting high ranking hoping for himself. It will make him quite as strong and he just want to cheque. That for himself.

But he didn't thought But didn't thought he will meet his lifelong enemy here. You want to defeat him and prove that he's become stronger than before. And didn't say anything. He looked toward the boy with his present. Looks nice. He don't have any idea what the fuck is problem with him. He don't care what you do and he don't care what he's trying to do. He don't have any interest in him.

Thanks remove Marta. The boy left the real toy talking huffing and puffing, laughing, laughing, laughing, laughing. He lived with dancing in the evening, look toward his fading shadow. No one told me anything to him. He's just this popping boy. Soon the simple landed to one a flat surface. It was shrouded with the smoke and other things.

Paradis for tomo. Sleep standing there. Wearing a purple dress theoretically from their neighbour Kingdom. Durrell, looking toward them with a last focus directionally bigger than them, actually because they're more than older Wait, there actually here.

After lending everyone of this number Kingdom China disciple size up, everyone from head to toe see their cultural vision even told they have same cultural person as temporal sect but Teral. Don't look that experience for some reason till look capering numb and it dump. To Derek, keeping a powerful aura.

From within this people only one people, Cortona and Suki. Girls. It was rape silkier colour standing in the middle of the crowd. Her cultural version is actually six. The level of. Profunda rimel with the same as earlier. But the hysteria aura is a little weak. She doesn't seem to be strong enough to beat the earlier in a foot.

Still under the neighbour Kingdoms Imperial set, elders come to him to welcome. Everyone will come to me and like brother and they share word with each other. Before telling the truth.

After dinner talk day, look back toward the disciples into this city. There are rules. There is total fibre rules they cannot hearted disable of their own. They can kill them. They have to stay together. They cannot separate from each other. This is one of the main rules. Search Dick into whatever they want to enter. Resources to find Sector will not ask them for their resources.

Everyone is happy you're doing this because this is what you want. Don't want to keep their resources away that also understand this. This way they will not take away any of their resources. This is witching. Impugn expected after all Dis is buried. Treasure a space. People so sometime in living skeleton wake up from the crib and killer the disciple and take their flesh. The slowly recovered their strength.

Sunda fuck fed away until open a papery pig crib yard year thousands of creep could be seen from four. This is actually surrounded area by a wall there soon. Not everything could do soon, so I'll just shout. Internet now it's like a puzzle at the first, but the fog actually covered the whole and impressed seconds, so they have to be sure not to hard to themselves.

The sun, in turn, the crib one by one. A boy actually looking forward to our and shadow from foreign know who it is. It's actually the point impede. He really wants to fight in interest or really start to beat him up. Buying a few jacket he his. He knows what this 1.122, but he actually don't care. He Sai before confidence in himself after his former stronger than this little boys, what they can do his for prying into essential Rimmel even the elders can do anything to him. If you fight three Astley.

Slowly insert a creep into look left from right, only to full area covered with smoke. Nothing could be seen from left to right, but. And don't care about his this because he had night vision or he had this sensor that can see anything in thousands of sorry 100, no one kilometre. Keira, what happened to others? It just want to work this thing. Research here for him. Better if it's got some cold. Phone that can increase this culture pression.

He also told iron into Ibara into earlier, not to get killed by others because they have spent so much time to them it will be waste of time of his. He don't want them to die like this. He had bigger plan from them.

This is the prettiest transplace from everywhere you look. You can see anything. It's really horrified place it feels like I horror movie nowhere, some from summer is great and can come out and kill. Do you know one? Frustrated, but they're not everyone. If you look toward the night beers. Look disabled, they are actually happy. Not happy.

The photos showed dance, nothing could be seen solely Bernie part from after all, it is stressed out more than hundreds or thousands of years. No no how? How big is this? I've run scared. After friendship seconds later, the font or they have been scattered from their group, they re scared and they look for the shout they. Quote the French name, but no one London.

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