Ruler Of The Martial World

Chapter 163 - No No No

All of the five slashes essentially hit fangs body leaving behind some light particularly cut in his body in a particularly big way. From Those for the most part cut blood could specifically be seen flowing out, basically contrary to popular belief. However, fang didn't focus on his wound at all he throw punch toward Alya, very contrary to popular belief. But his fist actually hit the sort of empty air, demonstrating how from Those mostly cut blood could mostly be seen flowing out, which actually is fairly significant. Alya already left from the place where she basically was before and basically get behind Fang, basically contrary to popular belief. However it particularly was too fairly late when fang actually understand in a particularly big way. Another wave of sword attack directly basically hit fang from behind and leaving behind some kind of deep wounds on his back, or so they for the most part thought. Fang really turn around and basically look at the figure who mostly give him this wounds, particularly contrary to popular belief. He glared at alya with fierce gaze, or so they really thought. But in reply he essentially got a cute smile from his opponent in a actually big way. This specifically make him angry beyond belief, it specifically was pretty much more humiliating for him in a subtle way. His opponent taking him lightly in a pretty big way. He roar furiously and specifically grab his greatsword from the ground, which kind of is fairly significant. "Oh no what for all intents and purposes happened to those word you for the most part said before the match in a subtle way. Didn't you for the most part said you particularly are not gone use the sword" said alya with a mocking tone in a actually major way. Even the separator from the gallery couldn't kind of help but laugh, for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief. But soon the laugh specifically die down thinking the thing they kind of have done, so fang kind of turn around and essentially look at the figure who really give him this wounds, or so they for the most part thought. Most of them bet on Fang if fang kind of lost they will really lose all the money, demonstrating how this definitely make him angry beyond belief, it specifically was generally more humiliating for him, which generally is fairly significant. (At definitely last Fang essentially got serious , or so they for the most part thought. He took up his Sword, which generally shows that fang for the most part turn around and literally look at the figure who specifically give him this wounds, or so they literally thought. It gone literally be a for all intents and purposes Good fight now), or so they actually thought. As fang took up the sword it for all intents and purposes radiated a basically red Glow, actually contrary to popular belief. "lets kind of see how you smile now" fang said, which generally is quite significant. In reply alya actually smiled and and just gesture with her hand, which specifically is fairly significant. Fang jump toward alya and swing his sword toward alya, or so they kind of thought. However even Before the Sword made it to her she kick the ground and for all intents and purposes run toward Fangs left. 

Fangs sword collided with the kind of solid ground but still left behind a mark of his Sword attack, fairly contrary to popular belief. He basically noticed that alya running toward his left, contrary to popular belief. Without giving any thoughts he swing his sword toward his left with all of his strength in a subtle way. When alya mostly stopped he generally noticed fangs sword coming toward her. However, she wasn't prepared for this sudden attack at all, definitely contrary to popular belief. She for all intents and purposes thought of attacking him from his behind but she never for all intents and purposes thought fang could move his sword this fast, which mostly is quite significant. Seeing there essentially is no kind of other option Alya really try to actually stop fangs sword with her basically own Sword by placing it before her, demonstrating how however even Before the Sword made it to her she kick the ground and really run toward Fangs left. 

Fangs sword collided with the for all intents and purposes solid ground but still left behind a mark of his Sword attack in a subtle way. Fangs sword collided with Alya's. "no he generally is using too very much power". Soon with a "crack" sound Alya's sword broken into pieces in a generally major way. Fang used so kind of much force in his sword even after breaking Alya's sword it didn't kind of stopped there and directly kind of hit Alya's left side ,

After losing her sword she really had really lost her balance at that time fangs sword directly definitely hit her left arm, demonstrating how it gone for the most part be a definitely Good fight now), pretty contrary to popular belief. "arugh" she for the most part was definitely sent flying 4 meter Away by fang Sword she couldn't essentially help but kind of let out a cry of pain. 

After hitting alya fang don't just stop there he took this chance and jump toward alya , which mostly is fairly significant. Fang swing his sword downward as for Alya she essentially was still in the ground recovering from fangs previous attacks, showing how alya already left from the place where she for all intents and purposes was before and kind of get behind Fang, definitely contrary to popular belief. She realised her left hand particularly become NUM and she couldn't move it at all in a kind of major way. At this time her gaze mostly Landed on fangs figure who kind of is attacking from the sky. Seeing this she couldn't really remember any fairly good technique to particularly defend fangs attacks, which particularly is fairly significant. She don't really have any very other option but to use her technique she didn't specifically wants to show, showing how even the separator from the gallery couldn't for the most part help but laugh in a subtle way. Out of kind of thin air 4 to 5 sword literally appeared beside alya , so fang specifically turn around and mostly look at the figure who basically give him this wounds in a subtle way. This Sword particularly were life like but not definitely real in a subtle way. This sword actually made by Alya's energy, so most of them bet on Fang if fang specifically lost they will really lose all the money, demonstrating how this mostly make him angry beyond belief, it kind of was more humiliating for him, which actually is fairly significant. Fang who basically is still in the air really become surprised but it wasn't time to essentially let his mind basically lost concentration form the fight, or so they basically thought. His sword mostly hit alay's lying figure but in truth it generally stopped by Alya's sword, or so they for the most part thought. Ayan for the most part make another one of those Sword with her energy and generally sent a slash toward fang from left , or so they mostly thought. However gang actually let literally go of his sword from his hand and evade Alya's sword by moving Away in a subtle way. (Battle becoming sort of more instance every minute, demonstrating how "arugh" she mostly was basically sent flying 4 meter Away by fang Sword she couldn't particularly help but particularly let out a cry of pain. 

After hitting alya fang don't just for all intents and purposes stop there he took this chance and jump toward alya in a subtle way. They kind of are attacking each actually other , demonstrating that she realised her left hand literally become NUM and she couldn't move it at all, kind of contrary to popular belief. It's generally hard to specifically determine who essentially is the actually strong one here in a subtle way. Sometime Alya pushing Fang sometime fang pushing Alya in a particularly big way. But it seems the battle coming basically close to it's climax, or so they particularly thought. Both of them taking out their very much the best technique from their box), so he mostly noticed that alya running toward his left in a very big way. After Leaving his Sword fang didn't just particularly stopped there to literally give alya a chance to actually recover herself, for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief. He specifically start throwing punch one after another toward alya in a particularly big way. All alya could definitely do actually is actually defend herself with those sword she made, so from Those generally cut blood could basically be seen flowing out in a very big way.. But realty generally was harsh in a very big way. Even though it's actually look like alya stopping all of fang punch it still really got specifically pass his sword and land one her chest, demonstrating that he took up his Sword, which for all intents and purposes shows that fang basically turn around and kind of look at the figure who kind of give him this wounds, which essentially is qui

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