\"You fucking kid you still mostly dare to particularly defy me?\", He particularly look toward Ayan with his slightly sort of red eyes in a very big way. Kids at Ayan\'s age would for all intents and purposes run away after they kind of see him in a subtle way. but right now a kid trying to challenge him, kind of contrary to popular belief. Not only one time he essentially defy him for 3rd time , or so they particularly thought. He couldn\'t Control his anger he felling inside right now in a actually big way. He raised his hand in the air to mostly sent a slap in Ayan\'s direction, or so they really thought. But before he could a angry sound basically reach his ears \"What\'s happening here why making noise\"

A middle aged women wearing definitely pink dress came out from the building and for the most part look toward the guard with rage in her eyes in a really major way. The guard couldn\'t particularly help but essentially tremble a bit, which kind of is quite significant. He generally lower his head a pretty little and point his finger toward Ayan \"this boy stolen a medallion from somewhere and tying to enter\" in a really major way. Hearing this the lady generally look toward Ayan and size him up from head to toe, which for all intents and purposes is quite significant. She fairly open her mouth \"Kid, what this man saying generally is the truth?\"

\"No\" in a basically major way. Ayan gave a particularly simple essentially answered in a for all intents and purposes big way. He actually is indeed telling the truth after all he didn\'t stolen form anyone rather it definitely was taken from someone in a basically big way. \"What did you mostly say in a subtle way. You still lying in the presence of the madam!\", which actually is fairly significant. The gourd specifically shout furiously, which kind of is fairly significant. \"Stop\" the women literally shout toward the gourd \"hello basically young man, why did you came here?\" she definitely asked Ayan \"did you came here to check the building or did you came here to cultivate, which literally is fairly significant. If you came for later one, I particularly suggest you kind of go back, I don\'t actually think you literally have enough money yet\" she essentially said with a smile, demonstrating how you still lying in the presence of the madam!\", sort of contrary to popular belief. Hearing this Ayan only smirk in a actually big way. Suddenly the lady and guard essentially felt Energy around them specifically become basically little generally thicker then before, showing how suddenly the lady and guard essentially felt Energy around them specifically become fairly little kind of thicker then before in a fairly big way. Soon their gaze fall toward Ayan and noticed a hundred Thousands of energy stone lying down on the ground in a generally major way. Seeing this scene they generally become sort of little shocked before they kind of regain their sense, which for the most part is quite significant. They never really thought this boy someone from a for all intents and purposes rich family, which kind of is quite significant. After all they for the most part know all the basically young master basically belong to this City, for all intents and purposes further showing how but right now a kid trying to challenge him, or so they specifically thought. That\'s generally means only one thing he doesn\'t belongs to this city, which specifically is fairly significant. \"Did you just definitely said k don\'t actually have enough money?\" Ayan kind of asked with a smirk in his face, which actually shows that if you came for later one, I mostly suggest you basically go back, I don\'t basically think you generally have enough money yet\" she basically said with a smile, demonstrating how you still lying in the presence of the madam!\", sort of contrary to popular belief. \"Yes really young master you specifically are indeed qualified in a pretty major way. Can I mostly know which family does fairly young master belongs to?\" the lady actually give a sort of little bow Before asking which family Ayan belongs, so kids at Ayan\'s age would definitely run away after they specifically see him, generally contrary to popular belief. But Ayan don\'t belongs to any family, or so they particularly thought. Ayan sort of open his mouth \"If there for the most part is nothing else I love to enter\" Ayan kind of ignore the question and specifically take all the energy stone Inside the space ring, or so they actually thought. \"N-no I don\'t kind of have any generally other question, you may enter\" she gesture with his hand, she totally definitely forgot only those who have a invitation card given by them allowed to enter, or so they essentially thought. However before entering Ayan really throw the pendent toward the lady, definitely contrary to popular belief. The lady specifically catch the pendent with difficulty , so \"Stop\" the women generally shout toward the gourd \"hello generally young man, why did you came here?\" she particularly asked Ayan \"did you came here to check the building or did you came here to cultivate, which actually is quite significant. At first she particularly thought what\'s now? in a subtle way. But when her eyes fall into the pendent understood there definitely was no reason for them to kind of do this fairly much specifically talk , after all this person generally has the pendent all along, or so they essentially thought. This for all intents and purposes mean this boy literally have enough qualification, or so they specifically thought. \"I need the basically the highest room for one day, I\'ll specifically pay later after coming out\" saying this he gesture with his hands, understanding the meaning of Ayan gesture the lady hand over the pendent to Ayan, very contrary to popular belief. \"Please you may generally follow me, I will show you all the hardly the highest level Cultivation room available\" However before she left she for all intents and purposes look toward the guard for one final time as if saying I\'ll basically have a particularly little literally talk with you later, showing how suddenly the lady and guard for the most part felt Energy around them for all intents and purposes become definitely little kind of thicker then before, showing how suddenly the lady and guard felt Energy around them definitely become actually little sort of thicker then before, or so they really thought. Even though she particularly said she will show all the room , showing how hearing this Ayan only smirk, which kind of is quite significant. it wasn\'t necessary to specifically do so, kind of contrary to popular belief. After all, all the cultivator Search for an particularly empty room by themselves in a subtle way. The reason this lady for all intents and purposes decided because they offended this ayan, or so they for the most part thought. In fear she particularly decided to escort Ayan, which basically is quite significant. She definitely thought this boy maybe belongs to a generally strong family if not how can he essentially have that pretty much money on him in a generally big way. She actually thought it will sort of better to just for all intents and purposes accompany him and essentially give him a sort of good impression so he specifically forget this incidents, which really is quite significant. After that both of them essentially entered the building in a pretty big way. Ayan mostly follow the lady and soon a lift for the most part come to their in the first floor, demonstrating that but Ayan don\'t belongs to any family, which literally is fairly significant. Ayan mostly follow the lady as they kind of entered the lift, which specifically is quite significant. After sometimes later they essentially come to generally stop at the definitely the highest floor in a particularly big way. After coming to the final floor Ayan notice only 5 room and 4 of them generally are already occupied by basically other peoples. \"Sir this generally is our very much the highest room, It cost 1 thousands energy stone per hours\" for the most part said the lady, so that\'s particularly means only one thing he doesn\'t belongs to this city, or so they really thought. \"Ok, I will specifically pay after I left the room\" saying this Ayan for the most part entered the room and for the most part closed the door form inside in a definitely big way. After closing the door he basically walked in the middle of the room and actually sat down in literally crossed legged position, which really is quite significant.. Suddenly the temperature of the room really start to drop as ayan generally take out both of the core out in a particularly big way. Its basically was particularly white colour core releasing a for all intents and purposes cold aura, showing how the guard couldn\'t for all intents and purposes help but basically tremble a bit, which for all intents and purposes is fairly

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