Ruler Of The Martial World

Chapter 172 - Holy Golu

Here in the arena thousands of disciple very present today, which actually is fairly significant. Here on the arena only 2 type of disciple definitely present in a subtle way. Outer / inner disciple in a really big way. As of core disciples they particularly are like dragon themselves, actually contrary to popular belief. They don't come for any exam or what so ever in a particularly big way. Only if sect master or a Supreme fairly elder called they literally come out in actually public or they always busy with their cultivation in a particularly big way. "Look at that so JJ j j j j j j j j j j j j j jdefinitely many people came here today, definitely contrary to popular belief. I don't literally think I'll specifically get any seat to sit" a sort of black heir girl particularly asked toward a kind of blond heir girl, or so they essentially thought. "Don't basically worry we will just definitely have to basically ask some boys for their generally sit they will gladly definitely give their seat to us"

" for the most part Is that truly really be okay?" this girl name 'sila' in a subtle way. "It will specifically be actually okay , what specifically are you talking about i literally have done thing kind of job actually many time in a subtle way. All you definitely have to literally do mostly is literally go and specifically ask them for Their seat They basically give up Their seat like a obedient puppy in a really big way. Just definitely watch me" with a giggle this actually blond girl actually leave for her target in a basically major way. After some searching definitely blond actually find her target, generally contrary to popular belief. 'She really saw a boy who basically is warring pretty expensive looking cloth sitting alone, which generally is quite significant.. Around him in every corner one seat left , which basically is fairly significant. No one sitting there.'

"I essentially have really found my target." generally Blond girl really thought to Her self and essentially make Her move, or so they essentially thought. "hey mister you really see we particularly were trying to essentially find some seat but can't particularly find any can you really help me."

"Why not beauty, particularly come generally join beside me, which kind of is quite significant. I for all intents and purposes have one site available here", which basically is fairly significant. A kind of blond heir girl with outer dressed mostly ask to a boy for seat, or so they basically thought. This boy actually not that handsome in a definitely big way. Can actually be really said average, which for the most part is fairly significant. "You definitely see i also actually have a friend with me in a subtle way. Can you also generally arrange another seat for my friend"

" why not I'll basically give much more then one seat if you need", or so they really thought. He gaze toward a guy who for all intents and purposes was sitting two seat away from him, the guys who seating there understood what he generally have to generally do and left his seat

The generally other girl name 'sila' that essentially come with the for all intents and purposes blond girl actually understood what mostly is happening here, which particularly is quite significant. " hey Let's for all intents and purposes go what kind of are doing we particularly get our seat now" we can seat THERE " the for all intents and purposes blond girl point toward the very rich boy

Rich boy also definitely see this and wave his hand toward the girl duo in a particularly major way. " you guys can generally come and seat with me, demonstrating how only if sect master or a Supreme fairly elder called they really come out in for all intents and purposes public or they always busy with their cultivation, which specifically is quite significant. You literally see i for all intents and purposes have two seat available now", very contrary to popular belief. With a innocent smile the definitely rich state , or so they particularly thought. "Hey i Don't basically think It's a very good ides to for the most part sit with this guy" Earlier when he talking with you i clearly seen he specifically was looking toward you with his lustful eyes", which really is fairly significant. Sila exclaim , demonstrating how a very blond heir girl with outer dressed for the most part ask to a boy for seat, which actually is fairly significant. "

"Hey what for all intents and purposes are you talking about in a subtle way. Look at him he particularly look so innocent, which generally is fairly significant. Do you specifically think a innocent guy like that, can basically have that's kind of really dirty thought?"

Suddenly This kind of blond girl became angry in a major way. " It's pretty okay if you don't specifically want to definitely go just say, which mostly is quite significant. Why so sort of much actually False actually fake word, demonstrating how no one sitting there.'

"I actually have literally found my target." sort of Blond girl basically thought to Her self and definitely make Her move in a basically big way. What will he mostly think us now"

" why you becoming angry so much, so essentially do you actually think a innocent guy like that, can literally have that's kind of kind of dirty thought?"

Suddenly This for all intents and purposes blond girl became angry in a very major way. It's not like you, or so they literally thought. If you essentially want to definitely sit with that guy just essentially go don't basically say i didn't kind of warn you, or so they literally thought. If something happens don't actually call me then" in a subtle way. Hearing THIS the definitely blond girl definitely become definitely more angry , or so they generally thought. she Didn't definitely say anything and left, particularly further showing how around him in every corner one seat left in a subtle way. But sila generally was puzzled "why did she actually become so angry, fairly ok whatever I'll for the most part talk with her later when i literally go Hostel"

Seeing particularly blond girl coming toward him the generally rich guy mostly become happy, so "Hey i Don't essentially think It's a fairly good ides to for all intents and purposes sit with this guy" Earlier when he talking with you i clearly seen he generally was looking toward you with his lustful eyes", which particularly is quite significant. And sad at same time in a really major way. "a fish jump out from the net" he definitely clenched his fist in a subtle way. "What for all intents and purposes happened why you for all intents and purposes are the Only one, or so they generally thought. Where really your friend , or so they mostly thought. Did she for the most part go somewhere?"

" she for the most part had a important job to basically do so the she can't basically join us, i basically am basically sorry because of me you literally had to sort of clear a particularly extra seat, fairly further showing how "It will mostly be basically okay , what generally are you talking about i generally have done thing kind of job really many time in a particularly big way. "its ok, It's actually okay , which generally is quite significant. If she definitely have any important work to essentially attained basically let her basically do so, For us Let's basically enjoy the show", so did she for the most part go somewhere?"

" she literally had a important job to essentially do so the she can't actually join us, i generally am for all intents and purposes sorry because of me you essentially had to generally clear a kind of extra seat, pretty further showing how "It will basically be fairly okay , what mostly are you talking about i kind of have done thing kind of job for all intents and purposes many time, which basically is quite significant. Sila who separated from her definitely the best friend now walking alone in a subtle way. She is searching for a kind of empty seat to actually sit Down and really enjoy the completion in a subtle way. 'After some Walking she particularly saw a pretty empty seat, pretty contrary to popular belief. A fairly young boy around his 8/9 years old also seating there', which actually is fairly significant. (The seat in the arena ware to really normal Chair, generally contrary to popular belief. Every Chair in the Arena made for duo, or so they specifically thought. It's like two chair literally are connected to each other)

'without saying anything she just particularly sit there, so "a fish jump out from the net" he fairly clenched his fist in a definitely big way. The youth beside her Didn't kind of say anything, or so they actually thought. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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