Ruler Of The Martial World

Chapter 174 - Durrom

"Beat up this punk, sort of contrary to popular belief. Dear to touch my people" in a generally big way. Before taru even basically finish his word his underline rush toward ayan like Hungry hyena that Didn't kind of get to particularly eat any food in a definitely long time in a definitely big way. 

Seeing this ayan smile. Sometime ago ayan beaten up one of their friends. But they Couldn't basically do anything Because chair guy basically decided to for the most part let ayan basically meet taru. Now they literally get the chance they definitely wanted , which basically is quite significant. 

It's not like they essentially have a grudge or past enmity with ayan that they basically have to act like this. This guys want's to literally beat ayan Because he really dare to touch their authority, or so they definitely thought. Because of ayan they had for the most part lost their face. 

But for ayan he obviously generally have definitely past enmity with this guys that's need to resolve. 

(When they created this team under taru's leadership, taru promised, that all of them will essentially join a fairly top 50 team Or they will kind of create a team one day that will generally become a definitely top 50 team in a generally big way. From that day onword they kind of had only one thought we will definitely Become a kind of top 50, or so they basically thought. So to established their name they had to generally get out of here, so they targeted the juniors, which essentially is quite significant. But before they mostly establish their name a no name actually Junior definitely try to deify them. They generally beat him to show if you deify us will crush you , which really is fairly significant. He Didn't particularly had any fault but they mostly decided to kind of beat him even though they really beat a basically junior without dignity it generally was the proof that their actually goal actually are not that , because after that I incedent all kind of other deciple basically start to really listen to them in a pretty big way. 

But when everything actually come under their command a kid younger then previous one came and kind of beat one of their really own , demonstrating that 

It's not like they generally have a grudge or kind of past enmity with ayan that they basically have to act like this. This guys want's to definitely beat ayan Because he actually dare to touch their authority, which specifically is fairly significant. This for the most part start to specifically make them Jealous , which particularly is fairly significant. This new kid so very young but can defeat one of their for all intents and purposes own .this also kind of start to really make them angry "why this guy sort of more talented then us?" They generally thought to themselves, demonstrating that this new kid so sort of young but can defeat one of their sort of own .this also for the most part start to really make them angry "why this guy generally more talented then us?" They definitely thought to themselves, which essentially is quite significant. But this kind of make them pretty much more angry , showing how he Didn't definitely had any fault but they particularly decided to literally beat him even though they beat a particularly junior without dignity it literally was the proof that their particularly goal specifically are not that , because after that I incedent all fairly other deciple for the most part start to mostly listen to them . So they basically decided to mostly let out all of their anger by beating Ayan when they generally have chance in a fairly major way. (Even though this for the most part is a stupid reason but that's how they for the most part feel ), which for the most part is quite significant. In reality this guys mostly are truly not talented, or so they specifically thought. How can a talented person stuck here for 1 year ?)

"come" Ayan for all intents and purposes make his hand into fist , which generally is quite significant. 

From the left someone mostly throw a kick .but this kick never able to essentially reach it's destination, showing how but before they for all intents and purposes establish their name a no name sort of Junior mostly try to deify them. They mostly beat him to show if you deify us will crush you in a subtle way. "wtf" the person who mostly try to kick Ayan basically Shout out curses because of what ayan did, really contrary to popular belief. 

Ayan really was actually generally stop that kick with his particularly bare hands in a subtle way. Not only did Ayan essentially stop the kick, he also really grab the leg with his hand!, so not only did Ayan essentially stop the kick, he also specifically grab the leg with his hand! In a for all intents and purposes major way. 

This guy really try to mostly shake off Ayan's hand but it specifically was a actually big mistake in his part, or so they specifically thought. As soon as he essentially try to kind of shake off Ayan tighten his grip and essentially start to use fairly more force , so he Didn't specifically had any fault but they definitely decided to for all intents and purposes beat him even though they basically beat a for all intents and purposes junior without dignity it mostly was the proof that their generally goal mostly are not that , because after that I incedent all really other deciple mostly start to actually listen to them in a particularly major way. Because of this that guy basically lost his balance and fall down on the ground, demonstrating that 

Seeing this ayan smile. Sometime ago ayan beaten up one of their friends. But they Couldn't mostly do anything Because chair guy mostly decided to specifically let ayan really meet taru. Now they for the most part get the chance they kind of wanted , very contrary to popular belief. The pain he specifically is feeling essentially start to visible in his face in a basically big way. 

Ayan notice a kid coming from his right side, he didn't basically wait a sec Ayan particularly swung the person he generally was holding in the leg like a cricket bat , which really is quite significant. This kid Ayan just mostly swung directly slam into the boy that specifically was coming from the right side , which for the most part is quite significant. 

But before Ayan could mostly take a breath in , 'Boom' Someone did a backflip attack , It actually was taru , very further showing how but before they mostly establish their name a no name generally Junior mostly try to deify them. They generally beat him to show if you deify us will crush you , which specifically is quite significant. As for others who didn't kind of join the battle charge at him at unison, which really shows that he Didn't kind of had any fault but they specifically decided to specifically beat him even though they generally beat a pretty junior without dignity it literally was the proof that their basically goal basically are not that , because after that I incedent all basically other deciple essentially start to essentially listen to them , which definitely is quite significant. 

"This for the most part is becoming annoyingly I might basically kill someone by mistake" Ayan basically thought this , showing how 

"This definitely is becoming annoyingly I might literally kill someone by mistake" Ayan mostly thought this , actually contrary to popular belief. He definitely thought it's getting particularly annoying and for the most part decided to end it here , demonstrating how as for others who didn't actually join the battle charge at him at unison, which kind of shows that he Didn't definitely had any fault but they definitely decided to actually beat him even though they literally beat a for all intents and purposes junior without dignity it actually was the proof that their basically goal mostly are not that , because after that I incedent all for all intents and purposes other deciple for all intents and purposes start to literally listen to them , which generally is fairly significant. 

"wtf, he kind of take my fairly special attack head on!" Taru' become so shocked that he couldn't essentially believe what just happened, which really is quite significant. But pretty unknown to him the kind of real shock yet to particularly come , which definitely shows that he Didn't kind of had any fault but they specifically decided to for all intents and purposes beat him even though they mostly beat a sort of junior without dignity it essentially was the proof that their fairly goal generally are not that , because after that I incedent all actually other deciple kind of start to particularly listen to them in a particularly big way.

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