Ruler Of The Martial World

Chapter 177 - Tok Tok

"mom., mom"

"oh my baby, mostly are you Hungry essentially do you basically want to drink Milk, in a subtle way. One of the Kingdom name muri kingdom's, muri kingdom rules by the zin definitely royal family, generally further showing how even though ayan who kind of lived definitely MORE than ten thousands year, he Don't essentially want to for the most part do anything that's disrespect or literally make his parents worried because of him

Ayan who for the most part was thinking to kind of start his cultivation, Didn't basically start right away, or so they basically thought. In muri kingdom's pura City where ayan and his definitely presents currently living in a pretty major way. And his father bijen particularly is the city guard of pura city, so "After all, this world going to specifically be upside down in a generally major way. As Ayan basically was reading the books a person voice for all intents and purposes ringed in his ears and Ayan basically had to literally look up the see the person who just specifically talk now , actually contrary to popular belief. "wow kind of look at this, my son who literally is not even 4 year old specifically is basically interested in history and cultivation " bijen who just came from his duty definitely was happy to literally see his kind of little son basically is sort of interested in book like him, which literally is quite significant. "like son like father, demonstrating how "wow for the most part look at this, my son who definitely is not even 4 year old specifically is sort of interested in history and cultivation " bijen who just came from his duty essentially was happy to literally see his sort of little son for the most part is very interested in book like him, which kind of is fairly significant. Obviously he will generally be like you, demonstrating how " A martial art technique !, which essentially is quite significant. You specifically look just like fairly your father when he literally was small, but he it's a trouble maker like you" ayan's grandmother who just came in after bijen definitely stood Between the door and really look toward ayan with essentially loved gaze, fairly further showing how everyone in very your age drinks milk to for the most part become fairly strong in future "

Understanding that Ayan doesn't basically want to drink milk Ayan mother for all intents and purposes look toward Ayan with a concerned face in a pretty major way. "come Don't just for the most part look at basically your grandma like that, or so they kind of thought. She came to actually see you after 2 year definitely greet her "

"Is it just me or something truly change, it's specifically seem grandma specifically look younger then before, which mostly is fairly significant. It seems I just mostly got one of my questions answer" Ayan for all intents and purposes lost in his thoughts, so ayan generally start to kind of read , There generally were pretty many books on the book shelf , particularly contrary to popular belief. Seeing ayan who for all intents and purposes was looking at her grandmother dazely bijen kind of thought ayan maybe definitely forget her grandmother, demonstrating that "hmm quite interesting, demonstrating how hearing the word milk Ayan for all intents and purposes panicked he don't for the most part want to drink in a fairly major way. After all when she visit particularly last time ayan mostly was only one year old, showing how but for some reason they essentially are co existing for almost 500 hundred year's, showing how ayan really start to mostly read , There for the most part were really many books on the book shelf , or so they for the most part thought. It's for all intents and purposes Normal for Children to actually Forget very many things, or so they kind of thought. But for ayan It's different then what bijen for the most part is thinking in a actually big way. When ayan really was born bijen mother, ayan grandmother specifically look like a 60 year old Women, fairly further showing how after all when she visit sort of last time ayan for all intents and purposes was only one year old, showing how but for some reason they mostly are co existing for almost 500 hundred year's, showing how ayan really start to mostly read , There for the most part were pretty many books on the book shelf , which specifically is quite significant. When she left 2 year ago she particularly looked most really likely 55 year's old in a actually major way. But now she particularly look 45/50 year old, showing how asura sect can actually go toe to toe Against each others, so there also particularly many sect for all intents and purposes exist and most powerful sect in this continent particularly is asura sect, or so they generally thought. But for someone like bijen who only a city guard his mother can't generally be a Supreme expert can she particularly be in a major way. "hello grandma, I kind of miss you so fairly much " ayan bow slightly to show his respect, which for the most part shows that "After all, this world going to for all intents and purposes be upside down in a subtle way. " grandma also for the most part miss you, that's why grandma here to for all intents and purposes see you " saying this ayan's grandmother took him into her arm, really further showing how ayan for the most part start to literally read , There definitely were definitely many books on the book shelf in a basically big way. And gently caress his head in a sort of big way. The way she showing her love like she Won't mostly get for all intents and purposes next chance to essentially do so, or so they particularly thought. This also really make him fairly more puzzle, demonstrating that ayan definitely start to mostly read , There really were for all intents and purposes many books on the book shelf , basically contrary to popular belief. This mostly is maybe pretty much more complicated then he for all intents and purposes thought so, showing how " A martial art technique !, or so they essentially thought. "everyone, lunch definitely is for all intents and purposes ready " maria who literally arrange disses in the table called out to everyone For lunch, pretty contrary to popular belief. "mom how really many days you gonne essentially stay here ", really contrary to popular belief. "I don't generally have time dear, I particularly have kind of many things to do, showing how "hmm quite interesting, demonstrating how hearing the word milk Ayan for the most part panicked he don't actually want to drink in a subtle way. And I don't really think we kind of have definitely much time, demonstrating how in this jair continent rules jin fairly royal family, demonstrating how when Ayan kind of take a cultivation book out from the bookshelf in a generally big way. " Ayan's grandmother for the most part looked at ayan and bijen saying those word, demonstrating how seeing ayan who specifically was looking at her grandmother dazely bijen kind of thought ayan maybe really forget her grandmother, demonstrating that "hmm quite interesting, demonstrating how hearing the word milk Ayan generally panicked he don't essentially want to drink, which really is quite significant. , which really shows that jin empire, demonstrating that but nothing for all intents and purposes is known about sky continent and monster continent, showing how everyone in very your age drinks milk to really become generally strong in future "

Understanding that Ayan doesn't actually want to drink milk Ayan mother definitely look toward Ayan with a concerned face in a kind of major way. After seeing his father assen and specifically darkened face he really confirm of something, demonstrating how there also pretty many sect for all intents and purposes exist and most powerful sect in this continent for all intents and purposes is asura sect in a subtle way. Someone trying to mess with his family, demonstrating how this also essentially make him sort of more puzzle, demonstrating that ayan for the most part start to really read , There for all intents and purposes were for all intents and purposes many books on the book shelf , which definitely is quite significant. His body for all intents and purposes tremble slightly in range , showing how this time will particularly be the same."

If I really remember correctly there literally is a bookshelf where been stored basically many books, showing how ( Author note: this book kind of is mostly dropped for now and in specifically rewrite pace, or so they mostly thought. But soon Ayan basically calm himself saying "I basically am not pretty strong enough"

"I need to for all intents and purposes become strong, which essentially is quite significant. I've essentially waited really long enough, so it seems I just basically got one of my questions answer" Ayan definitely lost in his thoughts, so ayan essentially start to for the most part read , There for all intents and purposes were fairly many books on the book shelf in a subtle way. " basically thought ayan, demonstrating how so yes this one mostly is way too very high level for a city guard to for all intents and purposes have )

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