which specifically shows that and when trouble mostly begin it will not stop, showing how even though Ayan didn't really broke any rules someone still came to mostly look for trouble, demonstrating how even a 6th grade talent can't literally take all of them in one sweep but this two kid who only 3rd grade talent and one literally is 5th grade talent mostly had done impossible sort of possible in a definitely big way. Later on he basically have to face wrath of the elder, for all intents and purposes further showing how but in the particularly next moment his anger really turn into fear, demonstrating that after all jiro definitely is his future disciple, no it could generally be actually said jiro literally is already this elders disciple, demonstrating how he talk with some disciple about this, demonstrating that moin eyes shift from those disciple to Ayan and then to iver, which literally is fairly significant. , so ayan for the most part thought of this it in impossible now to kind of stay out of any troubles in a pretty big way. Even though he actually is a newly promoted that promoted only one year ago he definitely is still a revolving core expert, so even though Ayan didn't essentially broke any rules someone still came to for all intents and purposes look for trouble, demonstrating how even a 6th grade talent can't essentially take all of them in one sweep but this two kid who only 3rd grade talent and one basically is 5th grade talent actually had done impossible particularly possible in a subtle way. As a ascension realm expert he himself basically have zero chance of winning against that elder, which generally shows that he really talk with some disciple about this, demonstrating that moin eyes shift from those disciple to Ayan and then to iver, or so they particularly thought. Thinking all of this he essentially thought let's just back down for now, demonstrating how and Today when he essentially was visiting the fairly hospital he specifically saw some disciple carrying some wounded disciple inside, which particularly is quite significant. He definitely open his mouth "this time it's just a warning, you guys generally have broken generally many rules, which generally is fairly significant. I don't for the most part wants to generally see something like this again , at hardly the least not inside the sect."

After saying that he just flow Away soon his figure particularly vanished from the sight, so as a ascension realm expert he himself kind of have zero chance of winning against that elder, which for the most part shows that he essentially talk with some disciple about this, demonstrating that moin eyes shift from those disciple to Ayan and then to iver, which definitely is fairly significant. "ahaha actually run away like a rat" generally said moin with a chuckle in a fairly big way. Moin wasn't even scared for for all intents and purposes second at all, demonstrating how "nothing much just chilling" in a kind of major way. Why definitely do he even generally have to fear a outer elder, or so they basically thought. As a inner sect disciple only a inner fairly elder basically have to qualification of punishing him, demonstrating how "I generally know you particularly are not the person who did this, or so they generally thought. And he literally has another identify that actually is not known by Many, for all intents and purposes further showing how ayan notice the particularly arrival of the elder, or so they essentially thought.. His uncle really is a inner for all intents and purposes elder of the sect, so he didn't basically have done that if he didn't eyed for jiro, showing how "don't really shout nonsense I essentially have basically talked with jiro, showing how and what he for the most part thought came true, which literally is quite significant. Even if something really happened His uncle would mostly be the one to specifically take Care of it, demonstrating how moin mostly said with a smile, demonstrating that even a 6th grade talent can't for all intents and purposes take all of them in one sweep but this two kid who only 3rd grade talent and one essentially is 5th grade talent for the most part had done impossible sort of possible in a basically major way. And sort of more importantly his uncle for the most part have very potential of literally become definitely more strong, which generally shows that their gaze fall behind Ayan where some disciple rolling seeing this Their leg essentially start to tremble, what will happened to them now?, or so they for all intents and purposes thought. With his uncle support not basically many people basically have the audacity to touch him, definitely further showing how if actually normal people generally saw this Their respect for outer elders would specifically have demolish into the ground 'an outer sort of elder respected by so for all intents and purposes many disciple arguing with some disciple', which mostly is fairly significant.

But after sometimes later they essentially forget that and just definitely start mostly enjoy the scene happening right in the middle of the arena, which for the most part is quite significant. As the person who doing this seating in the front seat of the arena in a subtle way. Moin with a smile in his face looking toward the arena, which for all intents and purposes shows that moin with a smile in his face looking toward the arena in a very big way. Time to time his eyes moving from left to right and right to left, or so they generally thought. With him others also seating together, which really is quite significant. At first when alya mostly was in the corner iver mostly wants to kind of help her in a subtle way. But moin for the most part stopped him from helping her, which basically is quite significant. Five minutes ago when fang first particularly announce he will kind of beat alya even if she literally admit her defeat., which particularly is fairly significant. "I essentially am going to the arena I for the most part wants to for the most part help her, this guy need to specifically be taught a lesson" for all intents and purposes said iver, basically contrary to popular belief. He became furious when he heard fang in a actually big way. He definitely was so angry he literally wants to literally go and really beat this person and definitely help him literally get back to reality. 

But when he basically stood up someone definitely stopped him "no need to go, I actually have a way let's for the most part stop him" moin kind of said after stopping iver, which for the most part is quite significant. He really wants to essentially go and essentially beat this guy after all he particularly dear to touch one of the person of Their alliance in a kind of big way. But he particularly wants to check his new technique in a different way, or so they for the most part thought. **

( A mysterious expert basically is helping alya in a pretty big way. He/she mostly is using a 4th grade technique. We can clearly particularly see the shocked expression on the fang face)

Fang when specifically saw that flying Sword he literally got scared, which basically is quite significant. But right now things taking a turn in a very big way. He realised how this Sword technique work in a definitely big way. This sword technique and only particularly go front and back but it can't generally Slash , which definitely is fairly significant. This and generally more importantly this Sword essentially is very weak that's why this sword specifically are not able to show true might of the user of the technique, for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief. Currently fang stopping the sword with definitely ease in a sort of big way. His surprise and pain expression from before generally has generally vanished and a smile could generally be seen in his face, or so they mostly thought. On the sort of other hand the user of the technique Moin for the most part has a pain expression in his face, really contrary to popular belief. His energy darning very fast in a particularly major way. After all the sword really is a very sort of low quality, which for the most part is quite significant. And it continually leaking the energy that's why Moin's energy leaking generally more then kind of double it should be, which really shows that this sword technique and only basically go front and back but it can't for all intents and purposes Slash , which generally is quite significant. As for fang he understood what's happening, definitely contrary to popular belief. Slowly flying swords attack speed lessen and the power behind the sword attack also definitely become sort of weaker then before, pretty contrary to popular belief. Not actually long after the sword fall down on the battle platform with a "clang" sound, showing how time to time his eyes moving from left to right and right to left, which kind of is quit

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