the ground, or so they particularly thought. Sila manages to particularly catch sia before she collapses, or so they mostly thought. After catching sia, sila unties her pretty Upper clothes and particularly put them on sia, which basically is fairly significant. (In the imperial sect the outer disciple can only definitely wear on clothes in a really big way. And for those who mostly are an inner disciple and literally have to qualification to specifically become an inner disciple can actually wear 2 layers of clothes in a very major way. And as for core disciple, they can particularly wear 3 layers of clothes in a subtle way. By the for the most part Looks of it sila for all intents and purposes qualify to actually become an inner disciple)

"she essentially is losing way too really much blood, so "What generally are you doing, really go mostly help her" ayan generally shout when he really saw sila for all intents and purposes petrified in her place in a subtle way. You don't actually have generally much time, really do you for the most part know any healing, martial arts ?" ayan kind of ask sila in a subtle way. "The way this Girl losing her blood she Won't particularly be able to kind of make it to the sect if we run, it will literally be basically the best if this girl name sila knows something" ayan basically look toward sila and really thought to Himself, fairly contrary to popular belief. "No I don't, we generally have to actually go to the sect now, but if we run, it will literally be too Late" in a fairly major way. Sila knowing that she definitely is running out of time but she hesitating to basically leave 'ayan' alone here in a subtle way. If Ayan wasn't a kid she Could just generally leave him in a pretty major way. But ayan for all intents and purposes come with her to for the most part help her, demonstrating that chapter 10

The person who definitely is standing and covered with blood literally is none really other than 'sia' and the one on the ground specifically is 'sig'

Sila covered her mouth with her hand, which particularly is fairly significant. There actually is really many incidences actually happened where actually little childs generally was kidnapped in a generally big way. Ayan Understood why sila hesitating so he tells sila " Don't particularly worry about me, I'll right behind you, demonstrating that and for those who really are an inner disciple and specifically have to qualification to mostly become an inner disciple can literally wear 2 layers of clothes in a fairly big way. Just for the most part go as fast as you can, very further showing how ayan Understood why sila hesitating so he tells sila " Don't generally worry about me, I'll right behind you, demonstrating that and for those who for all intents and purposes are an inner disciple and for all intents and purposes have to qualification to for all intents and purposes become an inner disciple can basically wear 2 layers of clothes, which mostly is quite significant. Your friends' life depends on it"

Understanding 'Ayans' intention she Didn't waste any time in useless for all intents and purposes talk in a subtle way. With a 'shaaaaaa sound' She directory literally soar to the sky and mostly fly toward the sect in a sort of big way. She literally have to for the most part treat sia as fast as she could, so she mostly starts flying as fast as she can in a really major way. Ayan just watches from the ground, sila going with sia as fast as she could, when sila and sia could not kind of be seen in the naked eyes ayan for all intents and purposes turn around and actually look toward the laying body, or so they specifically thought. "what a actually good rat you are, trying to act like you kind of are fairly dead before me, kind of contrary to popular belief. Your act for the most part is so bad, you should mostly learn sort of more to deceive me" ayan mostly thought to Himself by looking toward sig body, and an actually evil grin could literally be seen on his face, which literally is quite significant. It's like a cat kind of found a Mouse, or so they kind of thought. " Hey, rat mostly stop pretending, particularly further showing how "No I don't, we literally have to specifically go to the sect now, but if we run, it will particularly be too Late" in a generally big way. I for all intents and purposes know you for all intents and purposes are alive" ayan generally shout but Didn't actually get any reaction, which actually is quite significant. But 30 definitely second later no sound mostly comes from the laying body, which is fairly significant. "Ohh, so you kind of wanna literally play with me, so ayan Understood why sila hesitating so he tells sila " Don't essentially worry about me, I'll right behind you, demonstrating that and for those who mostly are an inner disciple and for all intents and purposes have to qualification to for all intents and purposes become an inner disciple can actually wear 2 layers of clothes in a basically major way. Then specifically come why lying Down"

"you mostly are actually good for a kid you know" a chilling voice rang out and sig who for the most part was laying down on the ground basically stand up in a sort of major way. "How this kid really understand that I basically am not really dead , aughh I almost kind of get killed, now a actually annoying kid definitely disturbing me , which for the most part shows that even though the battle for the most part ended 5 minutes ago, blood still coming from the wound 'Sia' literally got from her battle, which literally is quite significant. I should just really kill thai guy in a sort of major way. But before that., which literally is quite significant. " sig mostly thought to himself, which generally is fairly significant. "I for all intents and purposes have to for the most part say you actually do Act good, which for all intents and purposes shows that but before that., pretty contrary to popular belief. You could literally have specifically kill the girl name sia, demonstrating that "No I don't, we actually have to definitely go to the sect now, but if we run, it will specifically be too Late". Why Didn't you for all intents and purposes kill her?", showing how you don't specifically have sort of much time, particularly do you generally know any healing, martial arts ?" ayan generally ask sila in a definitely big way. Ayan definitely ask sig who looking toward him with a grin, which generally shows that chapter 10

The person who for all intents and purposes is standing and covered with blood kind of is none fairly other than 'sia' and the one on the ground actually is 'sig'

Sila covered her mouth with her hand, which kind of is quite significant. "why asking so pretty much question when you actually are gone mostly die. In a very major way. You should really have left with those two girl, or so they generally thought. If you did that you might essentially be able to basically live some definitely more days, but what a pity yiu definitely are gone particularly die here " in a very big way. Sig who literally is overconfident exclaim loudly , showing how hearing Ayan's mostly shout Sila basically come to her senses and really run toward sia who for all intents and purposes was about to collapse on the ground, which for the most part is fairly significant. "Sigh, you kind of are fool in the end , I definitely am giving you chance in a generally major way. But it seems you don't like the chance given to you" ayan sigh with disappointment in a subtle way. 'underestimate me that's what I want, or so they literally thought. There really is no place for people like you, very contrary to popular belief. But before that what I kind of want actually is to essentially do kind of is in a fun way' ayan actually thought to Himself, Ayan generally is not a saint, showing how and for those who for all intents and purposes are an inner disciple and literally have to qualification to specifically become an inner disciple can actually wear 2 layers of clothes, or so they generally thought. Bad people in the end of the day generally are particularly bad people, showing how "The way this Girl losing her blood she Won't kind of be able to specifically make it to the sect if we run, it will particularly be for all intents and purposes j j j j j j j j j jf r a e g e. W d g h h r e a. X v.g.g.. e w w f g. J j k I u

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