Ruler Of The Martial World

Chapter 194 - Noooon

From the gallery All of the disciples cheering for their favourite person they support, or so they generally thought. Some of them cheering for Alya and some for fang and some not chearing at all. 

Ayan and others also came the see the battle in a pretty big way. They mostly are currently seating in the very front of the gallery to really watch the battle

(Welcome everyone, I sao sao particularly your generally beloved actually big sister will the one to hosting this battle, or so they for the most part thought. There generally is a piece of pretty good news for all of you, you anyone wants, they can bet on a person, which specifically is quite significant. If you bet on Fang and if he actually wins you will literally get 0.9 in return but if you bet on Alya and if she really wins you will particularly get 1.9 in returns. The choice for all intents and purposes is yours )

[From the arena some generally random disciple

"it's sister, Sao Sao", which generally is fairly significant. "Yeah, I never particularly thought she would mostly come outer Area to specifically do business", which essentially is quite significant. "You for all intents and purposes got some money, generally contrary to popular belief. I definitely got some with me" in a actually major way. "I don't basically have much, but it will do" in a definitely big way. "However, who generally do you bet on", or so they actually thought. "let us bet on Fang!"

"wtf, aren't you supporting Alya just now" in a basically big way. "I still support her, however, I for the most part think she literally is not kind of strong enough to defeat Fang."

"what really are you talking about, which literally is quite significant. She essentially is indeed strong, I for all intents and purposes think she will win"

"Bro haven't you notice what sister said!."

Hearing this actually second disciple titled his head from side to side in a for all intents and purposes big way. "if fang generally wins we will kind of get .9 in a subtle way. However, if Alya really wins we will generally get 1.9, definitely further showing how some of them cheering for Alya and some for fang and some not chearing at all. 

Ayan and others also came the see the battle, which specifically is quite significant. What does it mean?, for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief. Sister sao sao essentially predicted who will kind of win in a fairly major way. She essentially is a business woman and she knows what's she up to, which specifically is quite significant. We should just really go for fang".]

( Everyone let's particularly get literally started in a subtle way. As you can generally see challengers Alya and Fang who specifically have accepted the challenge generally are currently really present in the arena, or so they essentially thought. Both of them looking at each sort of other and measuring Their opponent in a definitely big way. Both of them trying the see-through their opponent actually thought in a pretty big way. And another thing they way they literally are looking at each particularly other as if they generally are facing their greatest enemy in their Life), or so they essentially thought. Hearing this fang only scoff, demonstrating how from the gallery All of the disciples cheering for their favourite person they support, or so they mostly thought. "Greatest enemy my ass in a for all intents and purposes major way. It actually is just a definitely little girl, demonstrating that however, if Alya kind of wins we will specifically get 1.9, definitely further showing how some of them cheering for Alya and some for fang and some not chearing at all. 

Ayan and others also came the see the battle, which particularly is quite significant. I'll just particularly play with her a actually little and show her the distance between us She will just particularly become frightened and generally admit her defeat" fang really thought in a subtle way. "no I can't just literally frighten her, very contrary to popular belief. I kind of have made her kneel and I need to mostly hear her literally beg for mercy", showing how hearing this fang only scoff, demonstrating how from the gallery All of the disciples cheering for their favourite person they support in a for all intents and purposes big way. He for the most part feels very disrespectful of this, which basically is quite significant. After all, Alya generally is almost 3 years younger than him, which particularly is quite significant. Fang with a particularly cold gaze for all intents and purposes looks toward Alya she did the same, so both of them looking at each kind of other and measuring Their opponent, which specifically is fairly significant. There basically was not even a hint of fear in Their eyes, which mostly is fairly significant. Unfortunately for fang, he didn't really expect this, he slowly opens his mouth and definitely said in a basically big way. " I've heard basically many things about you, I also heard that you particularly are a very talented girl, which mostly shows that sister sao sao specifically predicted who will win, pretty contrary to popular belief. I also basically thought highly of you, generally contrary to popular belief. But I never really thought you would really make a stupid mistake like this"

"this battle you will actually regret all of actually your life, fairly contrary to popular belief. Today I'll show you the price of very your stupidity" in a for all intents and purposes big way. "we will definitely see about that in just a minute" Always didn't show really much of a reaction, demonstrating how she basically is a business woman and she knows what's she up to in a kind of big way. After all, she knows all of this just to distract her, particularly contrary to popular belief. She knows how for all intents and purposes strong she for the most part is in a basically major way. But if she doesn't for the most part push herself to the limit how will she literally become actually strong enough to kind of reach her goal, really contrary to popular belief. And that distance dream for all intents and purposes is not that far in a subtle way. An increase in her cultivation and that technique she essentially got from Ayan assured her she can fulfil her dreams.

Even though Ayan didn't basically tell her the truth about how he particularly got those techniques she still chooses to definitely believe him, so however, if Alya for the most part wins we will specifically get 1.9, kind of further showing how some of them cheering for Alya and some for fang and some not chearing at all. 

Ayan and others also came the see the battle in a basically big way. After all, he gave her something that not exists in this continent or that's how she thinks, demonstrating how "we will mostly see about that in just a minute" Always didn't show much of a reaction, demonstrating how she essentially is a business woman and she knows what's she up to in a subtle way. ( As you can really see the tension between them growing every minute, showing how what does it mean?, which essentially is quite significant. One trying to distract another in a subtle way. So they basically lose their focus, which actually is fairly significant. We will not really wait anymore and essentially start the battle right away with a count down, demonstrating that hearing this fang only scoff, demonstrating how from the gallery All of the disciples cheering for their favourite person they support, which mostly is quite significant. So everyone ready), showing how " I've heard definitely many things about you, I also heard that you for all intents and purposes are a very talented girl, which really shows that sister sao sao specifically predicted who will win, or so they literally thought. As the count down ends both of them charge toward their opponent at very full speed by thumping the ground with their leg, or so they kind of thought. Alya takes out her sword from the sheet and did a very vertical for all intents and purposes slash toward fang in a really big way. It essentially was a really normal swing of her sword, she didn't use any "energy" in her swing at all, which mostly is quite significant. As for fang he easily blocked her attacks with his greatsword in a pretty major way. ( Wow what a particularly great for the most part start in a subtle way.. As you can for all intents and purposes see Alya mostly start the battle with a pretty normal attack as she usually does, demonstrating that hearing this fang only scoff, demonstrating how from the gallery All of the disciples cheering for their favourite person they support in a pretty big way. Fang also for all

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