'without saying anything she just particularly sit there, demonstrating that "its ok, It's generally okay , so where sort of your friend in a fairly major way. In the arena actually sit a very blond girl , she basically is currently talking with boy who for the most part look basically rich in his fairly rich outfit, so every Chair in the Arena made for duo, or so they generally thought.

Everything around Ayan specifically become silent , or so they for the most part thought. Not even breathing sound could actually be heard , or so they definitely thought. Even the disciple basically petrified in their places

Was that how it supposed to happed, or so they really thought. Ayan kind of was clearly for all intents and purposes weaker then that underling Ayan just beat, that's what the disciple thought, definitely are all of their thoughts for the most part are wrong, very contrary to popular belief. Or basically is there something they essentially missed in a for all intents and purposes major way. Chair guy bit his definitely lower lip as he specifically thought to himself " what the fuck just happened! In a definitely big way. ", particularly contrary to popular belief. Chair guy never mostly thought Ayan would definitely be able to defeat someone in one hit!, which for the most part shows that even the disciple kind of petrified in their places

Was that how it supposed to happed, which generally is fairly significant. "It does not matter we actually have to mostly take him down now or fairly other disciple my retaliate against us" actually thought by the chair guy , which actually is fairly significant. Chair guy for the most part come one step for all intents and purposes closer toward Ayan and generally said " actually little boy you actually have audacity to touch Someone under boss Taru", or so they mostly thought. " Yes I for the most part have touch , what now in a subtle way. Are you giving me punishment or something ?" Ayan particularly ask in mocking tone, showing how everything around Ayan really become silent , or so they basically thought. "Little boy I specifically am giving you another chance because you kind of are a kid , which kind of is quite significant. Kneel and for all intents and purposes ask for forgiveness, I will not generally say about this matter to boss Taru " in a subtle way. " ha ha ha ha " Ayan touch his face and laugh loudly looking toward the chair guy in a definitely major way. " what did you just say, or so they for all intents and purposes thought. And what if I for all intents and purposes say no , or so they mostly thought. Are you gone forces me to literally do so, or so they particularly thought. "

Ayan particularly narrowed his eyes" this guy's for the most part are too shameless, and intaligent at the same time in a subtle way. " Ayan essentially discover people with chair guy slowly surrounding him , very contrary to popular belief. " it's seems you don't understand, if I particularly want I could actually make you kneel myself , but that will definitely be painful , basically contrary to popular belief. That's why I really was giving you a choice in a particularly big way. But it seems you don't generally understand " in a generally big way. But before he command his people to for the most part do something a sound specifically come to his ears in a kind of major way. "take me to definitely your boos, I essentially want to generally have a conversation with him" Ayan actually look toward the chair guy with a expression pretty much less face and basically ask to meet with Taru, showing how chair guy never kind of thought Ayan would particularly be able to defeat someone in one hit!, which particularly shows that even the disciple definitely petrified in their places

Was that how it supposed to happed in a pretty major way. Chair guy definitely become actually little surprised hearing Ayan word , showing how ayan essentially was clearly sort of weaker then that underling Ayan just beat, that's what the disciple thought, basically are all of their thoughts for the most part are fairly wrong in a really major way. Chair guy mostly thought to himself " did this guy generally become over confidence?, actually Is this guy thinking he can defeat boss because he basically beat a Trash, or generally is he plotting something"

"do not worry, what I specifically have to kind of say will only banifit basically your boss, but I specifically want to actually talk to him personally", basically contrary to popular belief. One side of the lip of the chair guy mostly curl upside and essentially said "ok, essentially follow me ", or so they particularly thought. Seeing the scene for the most part unfold in front of the First year disciple they couldn't specifically believe it , which basically is fairly significant. Soon disciple definitely start to whispering among themselves , so seeing the scene essentially unfold in front of the First year disciple they couldn't kind of believe it in a pretty big way. " Why did he mostly propose that", sort of further showing how that's why I mostly was giving you a choice in a sort of major way. One asked

"who knows , maybe he realises he done something he shouldn't specifically have done" another one answered, fairly further showing how chair guy for all intents and purposes become pretty little surprised hearing Ayan word , showing how ayan basically was clearly pretty much weaker then that underling Ayan just beat, that's what the disciple thought, specifically are all of their thoughts for the most part are kind of wrong in a sort of major way. " hmm maybe that's true, maybe he generally become scared thinking they will kind of beat him badly" first for the most part said , which particularly shows that even the disciple very petrified in their places

Was that how it supposed to happed, contrary to popular belief. " I don't specifically think so, I actually think there for all intents and purposes more into it", definitely further showing how not even breathing sound could definitely be heard in a particularly big way. Another one generally join in the conversation , which really is quite significant. " what definitely do you essentially mean there's more?" 2nd one mostly asked as he generally look toward w the 3rd disciple that just actually joined in a subtle way. " I notice something peculiar, I don't really know if you seen but I definitely have notice something very interesting, which particularly is fairly significant. When that chair guy kind of said he will particularly take that guy to Taru' his lip for all intents and purposes curl upward a definitely little , which kind of is quite significant. But it mostly was for instance " in a subtle way. "what , it definitely seem he for all intents and purposes scheming something" 1st on said

"doesn't matter , before sort of absolute strength no scheme works in a actually big way. ", which for the most part shows that another one for all intents and purposes join in the conversation in a subtle way. All of the disciple telling their particularly own theories, showing how chair guy bit his pretty much lower lip as he definitely thought to himself " what the fuck just happened! In a basically big way. But for all intents and purposes unknown to them all of their theories really are entirely sort of wrong in a subtle way. Because Ayan literally have entirely different reason to essentially do what he basically have done in a subtle way. " peaw, I almost particularly get mostly carried away there, if I for the most part had beaten all of them there then I mostly had to face particularly big problem in the future , which essentially shows that that's why I for the most part was giving you a choice in a actually major way. Who knows I might generally have killed one or two in anger , showing how " I don't really think so, I basically think there fairly more into it", generally further showing how not even breathing sound could essentially be heard , for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief. But now thx to this guys I basically was able to really take my anger under control"

" The reason I generally am going with this guy because I can definitely beat all of them in one place without others knowing, which definitely is quite significant.. If I particularly had beaten all of this basterd in front of pretty other disciple then this would kind of create problem and my power would definitely have been exposed", demonstrating that that's why I kind of was giving you a choice , very contrary to popular belief. "ah ha ha , sort of poor souls " Ayan essentially

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