Ruler Of The Martial World

Chapter 21 - Two Days Ago

Two days ago

As everyone busy cutting firewood, one group of people approach them. In this newly approaching group of people's most of their age around 14 to 15.

(Author note:  after cutting Woods they left their Woods there. There is a person to watch over this area so There no fear of someone stealing Woods.

You may ask why would someone steal woods? That's because cutting 10k firewood, not that easy task)

This new group made with around  10 to 15 people.

There is one more thing, even though this new group are made with 10/15 people's, they are walking one step behind then the person in the very front.

This group of people come to halt after coming close to the new generation.

" Hello junior brothers, our big boss came to meet with you guys".  a person from this new group introduce themselves, as this person introduce themselves  all the disciple look toward them.

"If you guys don't mind, we  like to borrow some of your time's" hearing this some disciple whisper to themselves and shortly after starting to gather in front of this newly arrived people's.

( Iver just arrived and saw disciple are gathering together. He also joins in the fun).

"Hello juniors, it's been 2 day's since our boss wanting to meet you guys, but because of the busy schedule we weren't able to come and meet you guys".

( Author note: I said before that those who have good background able to escape from this 1-month training. Even though this 1 month is good for training, it's also hell for some.

Just look at this newly arrived group, they are here from the past year. They were not able to pass and they are still cutting firewood for 1 year.

Not being able to study in the sect for 1 year is a major setback. These people may not be able to catch up to the people of the same generation.

This is why those who have enough power skip this 1-month training).

" meet our big brother, taru " this guy point toward the guy who was in the very front of the group when they arrived.

( Author note: no need to memorize this name. These people's are not that important)

At the first glance, people will think this 'Taru' is not from the younger generation. This guy is well over 5.6 feet on the other hand guys around his age won't be able to come close to him in height. 

This man has hair ties like a ponytail. This man also wearing a earring in the right side ear.

" Big brother 'taru' usually don't have much times, he is very busy . But just for you guys he takes out his precious time and comes to meet personally".

" Can you guys come to the point, we don't have much time" one of the kids from the new generation suddenly interrupts.

Hearing this Taru's  look toward the kid with hostile Gaze. This kid who just talk none other than 'iver'.

" ook, from today onwards all of you guys will hand over 20  Firewood" Taru's laky pushed and sweep his gaze to see the reaction. It's as they predicted. He then throws another bomb " every day".

( This laky is the person who was sitting in a chair and collecting woods in the previous chapter ).

" Every day you guys will have to pay our boss 20 Firewood per each person".

Hearing this many kid's starts to retaliate. At first, they thought this 'Taru'  Maybe came to say something important but it seems this guy just came to rob them openly.

" What do you mean we have to pay?".

"You guys are fucking crazy!".

"Do you think we are stupid"?

"You guys misunderstood something, you guys may not know, if you guys do what our boss Taru' wants then he will let you guys join the 'team butterfly' it's one of the teams in top50". Taru's laky start to pursue again. This time he tried  to show some of their power.

( Battle team- this type of team actually created by the disciple. It is a type of a alliance. By joining this team one can go hunt higher-level monster. And it's also a type of protection inside of the sect )

Those who are present here don't have much powerful background. Taru and his laky thought it would be easy. If they don't Listen in a good way then they have to use force. It's been 1 year they have been stuck here. They want to get out of here as soon as possible.

Hearing that this 'Taru' can help them join in a top 50 team some Voice die down.

" We don't care about your top 50 battle team".

" yes, as long as we get out of here we will be able to join a top 50 team anyways".

Seeing that his word is not working he clenched his fist . " it seems it's not gone work, we have to use force".He leans toward 'Taru' and said this word's in Taru's ears.

"Hmm" Taru' nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"it seems you guys don't understand our kind intention, we are trying to help you guys out of love toward you guys as a senior".

" We don't need Your kindness, please go back. We are not giving you guys anything" iver said.

Laky Look toward the others that come with him and gesture.

They know what this means, so they don't wait any longer and take action immediately.

They made a plan before coming here. They will use force if the sweet talk doesn't work.  If needed they will make an example. 

( author note : I am making some changes or you can say I am rewriting previous chapters. there is many many Spelling mistake I made . I am trying to correct them)

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