Ruler Of The Martial World

Chapter 42 - Loot Everything

"What the fuck are you guys standing for! Go get him" shit boss shout.

Those who were standing until now look at each other. They were not one shit boss man. They team up with the shit boss. But how the thing's going they are not willing to join in this game anymore.

"This trash are no help, I have to do something myself" Seeing they hesitating shit boss said.



1 disciple fall from a nearby tree. He didn't fall from the free rather he was bombarded into the tree by moin and as for the other one, moin is currently sitting on its unconscious body and looking toward the place where Ayan's battle taking place.

As for ona and pona, they also finished their opponent and now heading towards moin direction.

Suddenly a light gust of wind pass moin. Moin turn around and said, " this guy is quite fast".

Shit boss use his martial technique to close his and Ayan's distance as fast as possible to stop Ayan. But when he reach his destination he saw all of his people laying down on the ground and groaning in pain.

There is only one thought on shit boss mind 'how did this happen, they should have win without any problems'

'How can a Little boy defeat this many of my people' "yes, I see, you using a hidden treasure aren't you". Shit boss said

( Hidden treasures: this is something created by 'array master '

In a easy it could be said that an array is a branch of formations.

What array Masters do is place a different type of formation in an object to make it powerful Or just created some hidden treasure or artefact that can help the user strengthen his technique ).

"Yes, my Hidden treasures run out of energy," Ayan said.

"ha ha ha, you idiot I was just guessing," shit boss start to laugh out loud " but never thought you would just admit it, now your treasure run out of energy what will you do?".

As soon as the shit boss said this his 'forearm start to change giving it a shiny silvery look'.

"silver arm" shit boss shout.

"With my 'rush' and 'silver' arm I am invincible. let's see what can you do now."

Swish' suddenly shit boy vanished from his spot and appear behind Ayan with a big grin in his face he throws a punch toward Ayan from behind.

But before his punch only hit Ayan it hit empty air. His target that he was about to hit no were to be seen. He looks toward his left and right but he couldn't see him anywhere.

But at this time when he a sound come to his ears" hey you idiot look behind you".

It was Moin who said that with a big smile on his face.

"Do you think you could fool me" shit boss thinking that moin will attack him from behind when he turned around.

At this moment shit boss felt a chill in his back. He turns around to see who it is, but as soon as he turns around he felt the world spinning around him, then he saw dirt approaching his face or maybe his face approaching the ground. This is all he knows before he passes out.


shit boss slams into the ground as a ' bam' sound echoed in this empty area where only four people standing and more the 10 lying down on the ground unconscious.

Ayan turns around and to leave moin and ona & pona follow Ayan.

As, for iver he standing at a safe distance from the time when the battle starts, traces of blood still could be seen in his nose.

But suddenly Ayan stopped and turn around and open his mouth " search them, see if they have any money".

"What the, do you think I am a beggar? Do it yourself" moin said.

"So that's mean you have lots of money". Ayan asked.

"Even if I have so what? Do you think I'll give you my money!" moin said.

"Who said I'll ask you money, you will obediently hand over everything to me if you want something like that to happen start search everyone. Do not leave a single thing that has value" Ayan said.

"Hump " moin didn't said anything and start doing what Ayan said. As for Ayan he also starts searching.

After 5 minutes later everything has been found given to Ayan.

"wtf only 11 normal low-grade energy Stones!" Ayan becomes quite disappointed by seeing only 11 stone.

"it's very normal, do you think getting energy stone is very easy? There are Disciple who don't even able to make 1 energy stone in a month" moin said.

If what moin said is the truth then Ayan and iver are Very rich. Because they got 5 energy stone each .

"Most of the transaction happen with gold and silver" moin said..

"Let's see what else we got, manual of silver hand, manual of Rush, manual of....., Total 5 martial technique manual and total 11 energy stone. How much do you think this manuals can be sell for" Ayan said.

"who knows maybe 10 or 20 normal energy stone " moin said.

Ayan nod hearing this and said this " let's go now".

( Author: at first when I start writing the story I thought I'll write a comedy type hero . Then I remember MC got betrayed I should make a cold type hero.

And I tried write like that. But the more I try to write the more I feel like there is something lacking.

Now I am thinking to turn MC into a funny type MC as he more open about himself.

What is your opinions in that.. And don't be Shy to say something. )

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