"go treat wounded warriors First," Ivar said.

All of the people who were in good condition start to give helping hands, in just a few minutes Every wounded warrior has been taken inside of the village for treatment.


In front of the village, almost 10 dead body laid down one after another. Every villager comes to show their respects to this warrior who lost their lives because of them.

Among these 10 two women died during the fight. On one side some kids crying not just them many villagers crying, they never thought they would lose someone they share a meal with yesterday. They never thought they would lose some who they grow up with.

Soon villagers buried them on one side of the village respectfully.

The next day, the village head called for all of the warriors to come and discuss about their next curse of action to discuss what will they do next. Ayan and Ivar were also invited to this meeting.

"first of all I wants to give our deepest gratitude to these young masters even without knowing us they helped us." everyone bow to show their gratitude for the second time.

"please tell us what can we do for you, we can't pay you but we will do our best" village elder said.

"No no, we don't need anything" Ivar awkwardly said. There was nothing these villagers could give them there was no point asking anyway.

"can I ask where you young masters have come from," the elder asked.

"We have come from the capital," Ivar said.

The village head didn't ask any question after that and start their plan.

In the end, almost all of the warrior here decide That, they will leave the forest and go to the firefort town or any other town that will let them in. After taking a vote they come to a mutual agreement that they Will start their journey after 2 days later.

After the meeting ends village elder invite Ayan and Ivar for the dinner.

"Young masters can I know why have you guys come this far". Village elder asked slowly. As if not to say something wrong or something, that will offend these people.

"We have found a note. there was written they need help and that's how we are here" ayan said.

"I never thought, after seeing that note someone would come to help, if you young masters weren't here in times we would have perished by now".

"Why didn't you asked help from firefort town? This town is also close or you guys could have just left the forest and go to the city" Ayan ignore the village elders good word and throw the question he has been thinking.

"We tried to ask help from the firefort town but we didn't get any response. Maybe because we didn't have anything to give in exchange that's why no one came to help us".

"and about moving to the firefort town, we also tried to do that as well but we were denied, they said firefort town is full and they won't be able to take any people in, that's why we weren't able to move from here".

"I see, tell me everything from the very Start," Ayan asked. He actually wants to know from the very beginning, because Ivar was also saying that was the same monster that killed Ivar's parents.

"It all started 3 months ago, some of our warriors was hunting then they saw a monster that resembles a lot like a Human".

"They were seared and run away from there because there are some monsters that have a small body but super strong and they have never seen a monster with a human-like body. After they report that to me I sent two more teams with them and in the end, they were able to Hunt down that monster easily Because that monster was weak, "

"But after two days later our warrior found another and it was stronger than before. Somehow our warrior manages to defeat that as well".

"as the day passed those monster also began to appear more often . one after another some time 2 at once".

"It wouldn't be a problem if we could have sell those monster, they had strong skin strong bones, but they were poisonous. When we found out they were poisonous we slow down our hunt. After all, it was a waste of times".

"Because of that soon, after only months latter their number increase a lot. We were in a very tight position and start to seek help from the town, but they decline saying they haven't seen something like that and they won't do anything without some reward".

"But we weren't able to fulfil their demands eventually they ignore our request. After that, we decided to fight those monster ourselves, in the process some of our warriors died. But the big blow comes when almost 20 of those monster come to attack our village".

"We were unprepared and caught off guard. Our warrior starts to fight desperately, some of the warriors including my son and his wife died. When we were almost lost all of our hopes and thought God abandon us a cultivator appeared like a hero and saved us all.

"but he also had to leave and those monster appeared again . In that time Tania sent a note with the help of a merchant ".

"In that meantime, until today we didn't have a single day to prepare so we can leave and as we just decided to leave that attacked happened yesterday".

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