Ruler Of The Martial World

Chapter 62 - Terrified

"ok" she said . She thought if this guy is truly Ivar than why he let other capture him. Or Maybe there is another reason she don't know.

People who were present there also feeling bad for Ayan and Ivar. This two little kid just drag into this mass. This little boys who had a bright future ahead of them gone die without any reason.

"Ok play time is over, I am getting bored now" Ayan said with bored tone. As if 

"What the fuck are you mumbling" Lal become little angry. Play Time is over , he should be one saying this.

"Hey you are from the imperial sect?" Iver asked.

"What the fuck are you saying kids, even if you guys are gone die soon you guys have to still show respect to our young lady. Address her as young miss" said Lal

Ivar ignored Lal and continued "Why haven't I seen you before, are you one of the bottom rank disciple? You only have 2nd stage cultivation. Ohh, I have remembered now . Sometime ago your father just said you are backed by the imperial sect I wonder how can a Trash like you be backed by the sect!". Ivar didn't like the fact he has to call someone young miss who is clearly weaker than him.

Silent fall down to the room . This girl is the strongest In the town and she is also a genius it's easy to guess she is backed by the sect or how she becomes this strong!. Dose this little kid want's to die so badly.

Some of the people narrowed their eyes brow after understanding something "this is truly unexpected" some of them thought to themselves. For some reason they can't fathom of this two kids cultivation. They can't see what is their cultivation no matter how much they try to.

" you little bastard's what do you know , our young miss is one of the best Genus. If she isn't backed by the sect who will be backed by them .our young miss can kill you guys with one slap of her hands".

For some reason Lal was more angry than the city lord. After all from the time when she was a child Lal take care of her. He also felt pride in himself when he heard young miss become the strongest. He can't let some unknown kid destroy young miss reputation.

"You guys thinking your young miss too highly, I can defeat her with only 2 move" said by Ivar .

Everyone gasped in shocked. They couldn't believe their ears what they just heard . Or maybe this kid just boasting.

At this moment town lord open his mouth "it seems they are itching to die early . Show them your power and give them a painful death". 

But surprisingly his daughter hesitated and do anything what town lord thought of. 

She take step forward without saying anything in the next instance she reach where is and vertically slash toward iver.

As this Slash approach A blue bubble wrap around iver and protected himself from the slash.

Seeing her attacks didn't work jump back ward and use the strongest technique she know . Sword wave a wave of energy Rush toward directly collided with Ivar shield. Unfortunately Ivar disperse and the last sword slash pass by his cheek.

She rush toward as crack sound originated from the ground. She jumped in the air and Slash her sword toward iver. In response iver punch to counter the sword wave coming towards him. He wasn't able to stop all of the sword wave some of the sword wave directly hit the wall behind him leaving behind a big sword mark.

In the background twin lord jump in joy seeing this this . It seems her opponent wasn't able to block and getting pushed back .

Tian also thought the same thing and a smirk come to her face . "You aren't that strong, jius boasting".

At first she was little sceard thing she wasn't a opponent of iver . That's why she was testing his power sentjng baraz of sword wave . But it seems all of her worries for nothing . See can clearly see a small cut in Iver check.

"you are good" Ivar said .

"Hump" without saying anything else she rush toward Ayan in full speed. She don't wants to spend anymore time chatting.

She jump back ward not to give Ivar a chance to hit her and she use the same technique again . Almost ten sword wave Rush and hit Ivar and from a cloud of smoke. When smoke dissipate into the nothingness she sow the standing figure of Ivar .

"is that it?" iver said in a mocking tone.

At First Ivar thought of fighting normally without using and energy . But it seem she wasn't that weaker she looks. She first attack leave behind a wound on Ivar cheek.

"fuck two of my technique almost drained my all energy, Now I can only fight with sword and use little energy in my movment. I bet he is also same".

She come to the conclusion that Ivar is also out of energy. He must have less energy then she herself have . After all Ivar was just defending.

She again rush with her sword in her hand and directly slash toward Ivar's neck . Ivar bent downward and avoid the slash . He didn't give any second to his opponent. He use silver Arm a rank two technique that make the user arm very strong.

This punch of Ivar directly hit his opponents abdomen. This punch hit her so herd she take two step back and fall down on her Buttocks. In the next moment she spread out mouth of blood.

Everyone widened their eyes including the twin lord and Lal .

What just happened, this is not something they expected! This is must be a illusions. This has to it a illusions. Or how will this scene unfolded in front of their eyes can be explained?.

But the girl stood up and wipe away all the blood.

"You have just gotten lucky that I was going easy on you . Or you would have been dead by now."

"who said you not to show your power, come I am waiting, I have only used one move . I have yet to use another one on you" said Ivar .

"Hump, we will se about that". This girl is just boasting, she's clearly know what's happening here. She also understand difference between them and the only thing see could do now is boasting. After all if she failed to defeat this Ivar now their families doomed . 

Suddenly she got a brilliant ideas what if , what if she take that other guy hostage and make use of if so Ivar could only hand him over. It dose not matter I have to try this .

Instant of rushing toward Ivar she start running towards Ayan and appeared behind Ayan as she placed her sword on Ayan's neck . She shout "surrender yourself and I promise he can live another Day, if not I will kill him".

Seeing this scene only thing he could do is freeze in his place . No he wasn't scared. He only thinking himself "if you are a idiot or if you are scared you should have just run. Why hand yourself to death?"

"what are you doing" Ivar said .

"I am doing what you exactly seeing. I won't repeat hand yourself over I will let this boy go m I know you lover this brothers of your".

Iver dumfounded again this girl thinking Ayan is my brother . "ohh I see now, she thinking I am his brother".

"you can do it, I am not surrendering" Ivar said.

What everyone was shocked. How can he say that he don't care . How can a kid be this heartless. He can stop fighting and save of theirs lives.

"I am counting to three, think carefully, you might lose your brother".

"didn't I said I don't care you can kill him if you can".

Hearing this that girl including Everyone become puzzle. What he means by saying she can try . Is there a possibility that this kid more stronger than iver.


Everyone sucked a cold breath if what they are thinking is the truth won't it disastrous. 

How can a little boy be stronger then her own daughter.

"Ok if that's what you want". This girls thought even if he act unmovable mountain it doesn't Matter. As long as he kill this little boy he will eventually break down. And than she can easily finish him off.

Thinking this she did what she said . "But wait a minute why can't I feel my sword". She look toward her hand. But there was no Sword in her . It was empty. Nothing was there not at all .

And the boy, he was also not there. When this happens.. Now she shift her gaze from her hand's to the people In front of her she noticed everyone looking at her in terrified gaze .

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